0466 3 7 • RESOLUTION No. 466 (1i8 -93) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, APPROVING THE STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR THE ELEVENTH YEAR ENTITLEMENT INCRE- MENT OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT • PROGRAM MAKING CERTAIN REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT THE PROGRAM MATERIALS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS. the City of Jacksonville is desirous of undertaking a variety of Community Development_ activities with funds avail- able under the provisions of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Amendment of 1981; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the 1981 Amendment and the Housing and Urban - Rural Recovery Act of 1983, and in order to design the content of the proposed Eleventh Year Program, the City has prepared a statement of Community Develop- ment Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the Eleventh Year Entitlement increment of the Community Development Block Grant Program, which document is dated November 4, 1993; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed in full and discussed at length the contents of the December 2, 1993 Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the Eleventh Year, recognizing that it may make changes during the present meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council determines that a suitable level of public accountability has been achieved through the planning process for the Eleventh Year Program which involved a public hearing and various publications of the Eleventh Year Statement and making available to interested citizens of information in various office in City Hall; and WHEREAS, the City is required to submit to the Department of Housing and Urban Development certain certifications of com- pliance with applicable statutes and executive orders associated with the Community Development Block Grant Program. 1 � • • • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: and Projected Use of Funds for the Elevnth Year Commun- ity Development Block Grant Program is hereby approved in all respects to serve as the guiding instrument for the implementation of the Eleventh Year Program insofar as its two major components read as follows: A: Statement of Commmunit,y, Development Objectives. Through the implementation of the Eleventh Year Pro- gram as described below, the City ,intends to achieve the follow- ing Community Development Objectives: 1. To design and carry out a Community Development Block Grant Program annual increment with maximum feasible • • benefit to persons of low- and moderate- income. 2. To eliminate slums and blight and to prevent the recur- rence of blighting conditions wherever they persist within the City. 3. To provide water supply improvements to alleviate problem's stemming from inadequate water facilities. 4. To provide for street paving and installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks to meet the City's standards for width, design and construction. 5. To provide technical and financial assistance to home- owners for the repair, rehabilitation and conservation of their homes with special emphasis upon the needs of the lower - income homeowners and the handicapped. • 6. To minimize displacement of site occupants through the carrying out of the projects and activities, recogniz- ing that should displacement occur, the City will provide technical and financial assistance to relocate the displaced in replacement housing. 7. To provide assistance to first time home buyers by providing assistance with down payments. Among the many available community development objectives, these are the ones that the City will strive to satisfy by carry- ing out the Eleventh Year program as described herein: The City intends to design and conduct its activities in a • manner designed to minimize displacement of site occupants. However, should displacement become necessary, the City will provide technical and financial assistance to the displaced in the provision of rental assistance payments and /or replacement housing. All activities in this regard Will be carried out under the auspices of the City's adopted Relocation Plan which has been prepared in light of the stipulations of the Uniform Real Proper- ty Acquisition and Relocation Policies Act of March 2, 1989. 2 � �/�/ ,��. B. prOj ted Use of Funds The City anticipates that it will receive approximately $339,000.00 of entitlement Grant Funds for the Eleventh Year CDBG Program. If the City receives less than this amount, it proposes to pare down the costs and scope of the projects described below. Moreov*r, if the City received mere than $339,000.00, it proposes to distribute the additional funds between the Graham Road Drain- age project and the Johnson Park Project. Any unspent funds will be carried over for the Twelth Year Program- Consequently, the City proposes to undertake and com- plete the following projects and activities during the Eleventh Year of the CoB6 Program: • $86.000.00 - Owner-occupied rehabilitation on a Citywide basia. 40,000.00 - Sunnyside Water Project(Phase VI) 35,000.00 - Street Improvement-Ray Road (Phase I) 15,000.00 - Homehuyera Assistance Grants 20,000.00 - Johnson Park Project-Parking Lot Reconstruction and Bike Trail 64,000.00 - Graham Road Drainage Project 20,000.00 - King Street Sidewalk Project 59,000.00 - Program Administration $339,000.00 Total Eleventh Year Program This is the proposed use of Eleventh Year funds aS of the date written above. In submitting this statement to the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development, the City will be certify- ing that it has designed a program of activities with maximum feasible benefit to persons of low- and modernte-inoom*. Partic- ipation in the rehabilitation program will be from low- and moderate-income persons owing to the income limits that will be • established for eligibility. The other project activities are located in geographic areas that are comprised of residents predominately low- and moderate-income. Thus, all of the Elev- enth Year Entitlement expenditures Will be directed toward bene- fiting persons of low- and moderate-income. 3 4L� 2. That the Mayor be, and hereby is authorized to submit to the Little Rock Department of Housing and Urban Development, the final statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds as approved by the City Council at its regularly scheduled meeting December 2, 1993 and make this same • final statement available to the public for review in the Office of Community Development in City Hall,. 3. That the Maymr he, and hereby is, authorized to act as the City's official correspondent with the Department of Housing and Urban Development and to provide additional information as may be requested; and to certify to DHUD the City's compliance • with current requirements for citizen participation and public accountability in developing the annual entitlement increment, with the requirements of the applicable civil rights laws and Executive orders pertaining thereto, with the requirement that the projected use of funds has been developed so as to provide maximum feasible Priority to activities which will benefit low- ' and moderate-income persons or aid in the prevention of slums or blight and with other applicable . laws. 4. That the City Council acknowledges that the City has submitted its Comprehensive Housing Assistance Strategy for the � Eleventh Year Program including five year and annual goals and that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the plan. 5. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect • from and after its passage and approval. DATE PASSED: geigt-e-tatt ATTEST: c ~ `-'«~`'-'`^ - v~� � APPROVED; 1 ^^ naYor City of J~okaunvi]}o Hrmr• •} f ^ • i y City `t\nrney • 4