0915 Rf" ORDINANCE NO. 975__1!L~=liL AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING PROPER1Y IN 1HE CI1Y OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS (GENERAL LOCA1ION: FOXWOOD SUBDIVISION); AMENDING ORDINANCES NUMBER 213 AND NUMBER 238 OF 1HE CIiY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS AND FOR 01HER PURPOSES. -.~- -..- _w_ ._. - - -- ---- ._._.__.~_____.___ ~-"---'--~-'_._'-"'_T__'__'_'__'____,______"_,____,,v._._.._.____.___~__'_.__._____.__....__ BE Ii ORDAINED BY iHE CIiY COUNCIL OF 1HE CI1Y OF JACKSONVILLEj ARKANSAS, iHAi: SEC1ION ONE: 1he zone classification of the following property be--and---hereby is changed as indicated: LEGAL DESCRIPiION: 1 RAC1 A Part of the Southwest Quarter (SWV4) of Section 16, iownship 3 North, Range 10 West, Jacksonville, Pulaski County, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of said Section 16; thence NOlo 18' 00" E, 1051.58 feet to the North right-of-way line of Foxwood Drive; thence along said right-of-way line, S 880 42' 00" E, 502.70 feet to the Westerly boundary of Foxwood phase VII A & B/i thence along said boundary, NOlo 18' 00" E, 120.00 feet; thence continuing along said Westerly boundary N 580 42' 00" W, 9.90 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing N 580 42' 00" W, 110.10 feet; thence N 880 42' 00" W, 231.95 feet; thence N 160 58' 30" E, 1365.22 feet to the Southerly boundary of Foxwood phase VI C; thence along said southerly boundary, S 730 01' 30" E, 130.00 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, S 600 40' 38" E, 51.18 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, S 730 01' 30" E, 150.00 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, S 160 58' 30" E 50.84 feet; thence continuing along said boundaryw' S 550 37' 00" E, 536.86 feet to the Northerly boundary of Foxwood phase VII A; thence along said Northerly boundary, S 340 23' 00" W, 160.00 feet; thence continuing along said boundary, S 760 38'13" W, 270.99 feet; thence along said boundary, N 730 01' 30" W, 230.00 feet; thence along said boundary, S 160 58' 30" W, 818.01 feet to the point of beginning: Containing 13.69 acres, more or less. 1RAC'T B: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SWV4) of Section 16, 'Township 3 North, Range 10 West, Jacksonville, Pulaski County, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of said Section 16, proceed along the West line of said Section 16, N 010 18' 00" E, 1001.58 feet; thence S 880 42' 00" E 25.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence S 88 880 42' 00" E, 787.94 feet; thence NOlo 18' 00" E, 50.00 feet to the North right-of-way of Foxwood Drive; thence continuing NOlo 18' 00" E, along the boundary of Foxwood Subdivision, phase VII A & B, 113.69 feet; thence N 160 58' 30" E, 418.76 feet; thence N 760 38' 13" E, 447.01 feet; thence S 550 37' 00" E, 460.91 feet to the point on the South right-of-way of Foxwood Drive; thence leaving said subdivision boundary, S 350 52' 24" W, 160.00 feet; thence along a curve to the left ( = 340 34' 24", R = 232.06 feet; i = 72.22 feet) a-~hord bearing and distance of S 180 35' 12" W, 137.92 feet; thence S 540 07' 36" E, 423.06 feet to the westerly right-of-way of the Union pacific Railroad; thence along said right-of-way along a curve to the right ( = 030 29' 42", R = 5579.58 feet; i = 170.23 feet) j a chord bearing and distance of S 470 39' 09" Wv 340.30 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way, S 490 24' DO" W, 448.13 feet; thence South 131.71 feet; thence S 490 24' DO" W, 480.73 feet; thence leaving said railroad right-of-way, N 550 13' 39" W 1200.83 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way of Northeastern Avenue; thence along said right-of-way, NOlo 18' 00" E, 399.64 feet to the point of beginning: Containing 29.60 acres, more or less. ihe above described property is hereby rezoned from various zonings to R-O. (General Location: Foxwood Subdivision, Jacksonville Arkansas.) SEC1ION iWO: ihat the map referred to in Section 601 of Ordinance'-No-:-'-2'I3-of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, as amended by Ordinance No. 238, and designated official zoning map, should be and hereby is amended to the extent and in the respects necessary to effect and designate the changes provided for in Section One hereof. SEC1ION iHREE: ihat all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict-herewf-th are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. APPROVED AND ADOPiED iHIS 2nd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. CI1Y OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS ~ ~ \ ,,, ~ 0 ..."... .._ If OMMY- SWArt ,-~---------- A1'IES1" ~~;-c~~- APPROVED AS iO FORM .,,; --- -2- () () ~ \tJ -J ~ ':t tJ t- ~ ~ \:) ~ y v ~ f 'f ~ ' o tIJ o' rv \.J h Iv ~ ~ '\ ~ I ~ ,\v Q , '- 0 ~1 \ f'\; J f~ \') .J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ J \ I \ if ~,o p~p.t.o 00 O,J ~vl 0 ~6.1" ~~~ ; () \. r.eACT A ~. " I .~ 8 ~ . ~ t r' ,...-5 (po~d.O'3Q~E. - 5I /8' . -. 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