0914 3~ ORDINANCE NO. 9 1 4 (#15-89) AN ORDINANCE FOR iHE PURPOSE OF LEVYING FIVE MILLS, ONE-!HIRD MILL AND ONE-!HIRD MILL AGAINS! ALL PERSONAL PROPER!Y WI~HIN !HE CORPORA!E LIMI!S OF !HE CIiY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; FOR !HE PURPOSE OF LEVYING FIVE MILLS, ONE-!HIRD MILLS, AND ONE-!HIRD MILLS AGAINSi ALL REAL PROPER!Y WI!HIN iHE CORPORA!E LIMI!S OF iHE CliY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; FOR ~HE PURPOSE OF EFFECiING CER!IFICAiION !O iHE COUN!Y CLERK OF PULASKI COUN!Y OF iHE ~AX LEVIED AND OiHER PRESCRIBED MAi~ERS PER~AINING ~HEREiO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, it is necessary to meet current general obligations and expenses of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas (called "City"), to levy upon all real property within the City, a tax of five (5) mills to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1990" and v WHEREAS, it is necessary to meet current general obligations and expenses of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas (called "City") f to levy upon all personal property within the City, a tax of five (5) mills to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1990 and i' WHEREAS; Ordinance No. 172, dated May 19, 1966, was passed by the City Council of the City and called for a special election to determine the question of levying a tax of one-half (1/2) mill on all real property within the City for the purpose of establish- ing and funding the Firemen's Relief and pension Fund; and an election was subsequently held at which time the qualified elec- tors of the City voted in favor of the tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1990; and, WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 172, dated May 19, 1966, was passed by the City Council of the City and called for a special election to determine the question of levying a tax of one-half (1/2) mill on all personal property within the City for the purpose of establishing and funding the Firemen's Relief and pension fund; and an election was subsequently held at which time the qualified electors of the City voted in favor of that tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1990; and, WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 173, dated May 19, 1966, was passed by the City Council of the City, and called for a special election to determine the question of levying a, tax of one-half (1/2) mill on all real property within the City for the purpose of establish- ing and funding the Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund; and an election was subsequently held at which time the qualified elec- tors of the City voted in favor of the tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1990; and, WHEREAS, Ordinance NOe 173, dated May 19, 1966, was passed by the City Council of the City, and called for a special elec- tion to determine the question of levying a tax of one-half (1/2) mill on all personal property within the City for the purpose of establishing and funding the policemen's pension and Relief Fund; and an e lec t ion was s ubsequen tly he Id, a t wh ich time the qual if ied electors of the City voted in favor of that tax to be collected with taxes collected in 1990; and, NOWf !HEREFORE, BE Ii ORDAINED BY ~HE CI!Y COUNCIL OF ~HE CIiY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: 8~ SEC~ION ONE: ihat a tax of 5.6 mills on each dollar of --....- .-- ",- ._.~~- .- ..---- assessed valuation of all real property within the City, be and hereby is levied by the City Council of the City to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1990 for the purpose of general revenuesf funding of Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, and funding of policemen's Pension and Relief Fund. SEC~ION iWO: ihat a tax of 5.6 mills on each dollar of ..--.- --.--...- -..-...--- --- assessed valuation of all personal property within the City, be and hereby is levied by the City Council of the City to be col- lected with the taxes collected in the year 1990 for the purpose of general revenues, funding of Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, and funding of Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund. SE;~~,!'Q~__~_!!I3,~~: ihat a certified copy of this Ordinance be delivered by the City Clerk of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, to the County Clerk of Pulaski County, Arkansas, whose duty it shall be to levy and collect the taxes according to the terms of this Ordinance. S~~~.!Q.~._.~QQ.g: ihat it is hereby ascertained and declared to be essential to the operation of the City, and to the health, safety and welfare of its inhabitants, that the rate of taxation set out above in this Ordinance be levied and certified to the County Clerk of pulaski County immediately, in order that it may be extended on the tax books of pulaski County for collection in the year 1990. It is, therefore, declared that an emergency exists and this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage. S~~'!lQ~__,E:,!:{~: All ordinances or parts thereof that are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. APPROVED AND ADOP'IED 'IHIS 19M DAY OF OC'IOBER, 1989. CIiY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS ') .~,~ s.". A ~ - 'io~~~~'O'f~--- Ai'IESi~ ~~-L~ARD~ AS iO FORM: -2-