07 OCT 18.docCITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY HALL - #1 MUNICIPAL DRIVE The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in Regular Session on October 18, 2007 at the regular meeting place of the Council. Alderman Fletcher delivered the invocation and Mayor Swaim led a standing audience in the “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard answered roll call. Mayor Swaim also answered ROLL CALL declaring a quorum. PRESENT nine (9), ABSENT (1). Others present for the meeting were: City Attorney Robert Bamburg, Deputy Clerk Kathryn Jezwinski, Director of Administration Jay Whisker, Nick Whisker, Jack Whisker, Public Works Director Jim Oakley, Human Resource Director Jill Fourqurean, Finance Manager Cheryl Erkel, Parks and Recreation Director George Biggs, CDBG Director Theresa Watson, Fire Battalion Chief Kendell Snyder, Police Chief Robert Baker, Mrs. Judy Swaim, Mrs. Edith Smith, Mr. Tommy Dupree, Mr. Jack Danielson, interested citizens and members of the press. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES: Mayor Swaim presented the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of October 4, 2007 for approval and/or correction at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Stroud that the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of 20 September 2007 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA: REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/FIRE DEPARTMENT Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to approve the Regular Monthly Report for September 2007 from the Jacksonville Fire Department, which reflects a fire loss of $15,000.00 and a savings total of $35,000.00. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/ANIMAL CONTROL Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to approve the Regular Monthly Animal Control Report for September 2007. Said report reflects: ADOPTION/FINES: $2,135.00 CONTRIBUTIONS: $ 200.00 TOTAL: $2,235.00 REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/POLICE DEPARTMENT Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to approve the Regular Monthly Report for September 2007. Report reflects the Total Value of Reported Stolen Property $140,853. Total Value of Recovered Stolen Property $103,382 and Total Report Sales $1,155. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard voted AYE. MOTION CARRIED. WATER DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: STREET DEPARTMENT: SANITATION DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION: PLANNING COMMISSION: GENERAL: a. ORDINANCE 1322 (#21-07) AN ORDINANCE MODIFYING JMC §16.20.020; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Alderman Stroud stated that a recent commercial renovation of 1 million dollars was proposed but did not fall under the requirements for landscaping, adding that this ordinance is an amendment to capture more commercial remodels in the City. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that Ordinance 1322 be placed on FIRST READING. Alderman Ray stated that he supports the current percentage of 50% and does not support it being lowered to 25%. Acting City Engineer Whisker explained that currently a building permit for new commercial construction would require a 6’ landscaping strip around the perimeter with internal landscaping islands if there is more than 20 parking spaces and a 4’ buffer between the building and the parking lot. He noted that a tree is required every 40’ and a shrub every 10’ with grass or ivy inside the islands. He noted that Dollar General on James Street is a good example of new commercial construction complying with the landscaping ordinance. He then explained that if an existing commercial building were worth 1 million dollars and the owner proposed to do $400,000 in improvements, they would not be obligated under the present ordinance to comply with the landscaping requirements. He stated that under the present ordinance proposed improvements have to be at least 50% of the total value of the building before the landscaping ordinance comes into effect. He then explained that recently there was a situation where the building was valued at 1.3 million dollars and the owners were proposing improvements valued at $800,000, which would require the owner to comply with the landscaping ordinance. He went on to explain that even though the owner was only proposing improvements to ¼ of the total space of the building, it would have required the owner to put in $240,000.00 in landscape improvements. He related that in this particular instance the owner was granted a waiver by the Planning Commission, which was CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. equivalent to approximately 10% of the value of proposed construction. He then explained that Ordinance 1322 specifically lowers the percentage for which the landscaping ordinance is required. He noted that instead of $500,000 worth of improvements on a million dollar building to bring the landscaping ordinance into play, it would factor in at only $250,000 even if they were only proposing one area of a building that was divided among two or more businesses. Mayor Swaim commended the Planning Commission for their forward thinking and action in granting a variance from full compliance with the landscaping ordinance, which allowed a new national chain business an opportunity to move to Jacksonville. He noted that the amendment would trigger the landscaping ordinance at a lower percentage, which makes compliance more stringent. Acting City Engineer Whisker noted at the 25% amendment, most shopping centers would be affected regarding renovation for a new tenant. He stated that if a shopping center has one or two new tenants it would trigger the landscaping ordinance for the entire parking lot, which would not be cost effective for the owner. Alderman Sansing stated that if the percentage is dropped to 25% instead of the current 50% it would discourage business owners from renovating their business because it would not be cost effect for them. He stated that the City in turn suffers from a lack of renovations regarding commercial businesses. Alderman Elliott stated that he feels it would be reasonable to consider a maximum percentage if a commercial business is proposing a renovation. He stated that if a shopping center is proposing a renovation to one space they should not have to landscape the entire parking lot. He suggested 7% as a reasonable cap. He stated that he could support the 25% trigger point if there is a percentage cap on landscaping requirements. Mayor Swaim clarified that even if a projected were triggered with the lower 25%, a percentage cap would limit the amount of funds required to complete the landscaping portion of the proposed project. He noted that it would not keep businesses from having to perform landscaping regarding their renovation projects. Mr. Ron Newport, Director of Keep Jacksonville Beautiful noted that other businesses who did not do any renovations have moved into shopping center space and did not perform any landscaping. He related that he feels the City Council should address businesses that move into a new space, saying that landscaping should be required without renovation. He proposed that the City Council abolish the grandfather clause and require any business that purchases a building permit or a business license to comply with all sections of Jacksonville Municipal Code Chapter 16.20, the landscaping requirements. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. Mayor Swaim voiced concern regarding attempts to make all existing businesses comply with full landscaping requirements, adding that he feels such a stringent move would force businesses to move from Jacksonville. He noted that in many cases when a business moves across town, the requirement of full landscaping would simply be more than the business could actually afford to perform. He stated that while he supports landscaping; full compliance would hinder his and the City’s Industrial Recruiter’s efforts to have businesses come to Jacksonville. He noted that as with an automobile dealership they try to have as many vehicles on display as possible, if space were used for interior island landscaping it would take out 25 to 30 spots for vehicles. He urged that common sense be used in determining landscaping requirements, noting that while new commercial construction is aware of landscaping requirements, not all existing businesses are aware of those issues if they choose to renovate. In response to a question posed by Mr. Jack Danielson, Mayor Swaim related that maintenance of commercial landscaping is the responsibility of the owners. He noted the enormous expense for existing businesses that have to incorporate a sprinkler system into the parking lot to maintain landscaping islands. Alderman Stroud then offered that it is the responsibility of Code Enforcement to cite businesses that do not maintain their landscaping. Alderman Fletcher stated that he feels the commercial property owners who rent space should want to renovate and landscape in order to make the property attractive for potential businesses. Alderman Stroud stated that he would be in agreement to an amendment that triggered landscaping requirements at 25% or 250,000, noting that cities all over Arkansas are getting heavily involved in beautifying their cities. Mayor Swaim reiterated that he would not be opposed to amending the percentage to 25% but he could not support requiring a business moving to another location to comply with landscaping requirements. He noted that the Jacksonville Shopping Center has a new owner and the City has been trying to help existing businesses relocate, adding that some businesses have already decided to move from Jacksonville because of higher rent situations. He stated that if this were complicated with landscaping requirements it would keep these businesses from being able to remain in Jacksonville. He voiced support for a percentage cap. Alderman Sansing questioned if the Planning Commission is having to address variance issues at the current rate of 50% of the building’s value, what would be the repercussions at 25%, and what kind of hardship would that create for local businesses. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. Alderman Elliott stated that a percentage cap would elevate that hardship. Alderman Howard stated that the Planning Commission supports lowering the percentage rate to 25% and has collectively agreed to hear those cases where a variance may be in order. Acting City Engineer Whisker noted that a 5 to 10% cap was discussed in the Planning Commission meeting, allowing the City Council to formulate a reasonable percentage if deemed necessary. City Attorney Bamburg stated that the Commission had also felt that unless it became a frequent issue, they would be willing to address this on a case-by-case basis. Alderman Elliott stated that an amendment to 25% with a cap would be more business friendly than leaving the ordinance as is. Alderman Stroud stated that if a renovation is more than $200,000 then a plan should be submitted to the Engineering Department and a percentage cap can be implemented. Acting City Engineer Whisker recommended a 7% cap as a minimum. Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Stroud to amend the previous motion to include that a 7% monetary cap regarding improvement costs be incorporated into Ordinance 1322 and made a part of the original amendment to lower the percentage trigger from 50% to 25%. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1322 as amended. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that Ordinance 1322 be APPROVED on FIRST READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1322 on SECOND READING AS AMENDED. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1322 as amended. Alderman McCleary moved, seconded by Alderman Stroud to further suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1322 on THIRD and FINAL READING AS AMENDED. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1322 as amended. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman McCleary that Ordinance 1322 be APPROVED AND ADOPTED AS AMENDED. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE APPROVED, ADOPTED AND NUMBER 1322 THIS 18th DAY OF OCTOBER 2007. b. ORDINANCE 1323 (#22-07) AN ORDINANCE CREATING JMC §2.04.050 TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF THE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION, AND KEY CITY PERSONNEL; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Alderman Stroud related the importance of long-range planning for the City, noting the accomplishments of Mayor Swaim regarding those efforts and the Planning Commission’s role and authority in that pursuit. He then explained the purpose of Ordinance 1323 to have a mandatory meeting of the Planning Commission, City Council, Mayor, City Engineer and other outside entities such as the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce and Keep Jacksonville Beautiful regarding input into developing a long-range plan that sets intermediate goals to reach an objective. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that Ordinance 1323 be placed on FIRST READING. Alderman Rinker supported the concept of long-range planning that would offer a clear direction. She then questioned if by mandatory it is meant that attendance is mandatory or that the holding of such a meeting is mandatory. Alderman Stroud stated that the meeting would be mandatory. Discussion ensued regarding the necessity of making an annual meeting of certain entities mandatory, it was the consensus of the City Council that an annual meeting would be of great benefit to the City and good practice for those involved. Alderman Fletcher stated that to achieve any real goals or solutions it would take more than just the time derived from one meeting. Mayor Swaim added that to aid in production he would propose that an outside facilitator be hired to conduct the meeting or seminar and encourage input. He noted that a facilitator could help set realistic goals to reach objectives and funding. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. Alderman Stroud noted that part of the proposal of Ordinance 1323 is to direct the City to hire an outside facilitator. Discussion returned to the issue of adopting an ordinance to make the meeting mandatory, Alderman Stroud offered that it would standardize the time for the meeting each February. Alderman Ray called for a question to the motion to vote on Ordinance 1323 on first reading. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. Aldermen Sansing and Ray voted NAY (2). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1323. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that Ordinance 1323 be APPROVED on FIRST READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. Aldermen Sansing and Ray voted NAY (2). MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Fletcher moved, seconded by Alderman Stroud to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1323 on SECOND READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. Aldermen Sansing and Ray voted NAY (2). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1323. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Howard to further suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1323 on THIRD and FINAL READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. Aldermen Sansing and Ray voted NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1323. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that Ordinance 1323 be APPROVED AND ADOPTED. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. Aldermen Sansing and Ray voted NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE APPROVED, ADOPTED AND NUMBER 1322 THIS 18th DAY OF OCTOBER 2007. ORDINANCE 1324 (#24-07) AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING ONE (1) MILL, ONE (1) MILL, AND ONE (1) MILL AGAINST ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING ONE (1) MILL, ONE (1) MILL, AND ONE (1) MILL AGAINST ALL REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; FOR THE PURPOSE OF EFFECTING CERTIFICATION TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF PULASKI COUNTY OF TOWNHOUSE THE TAX LEVIED; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. MODIFYING JMC §16.20.020; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Ray that Ordinance 1324 be placed on FIRST READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1324. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Sansing that Ordinance 1324 be APPROVED on FIRST READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud, Twitty, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Stroud to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1324 on SECOND READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1324. Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Ray to further suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1324 on THIRD and FINAL READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1324. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that Ordinance 1324 be APPROVED AND ADOPTED. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Ray that the EMERGENCY CLAUSE be APPROVED AND ADOPTED. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Rinker, Fletcher, Stroud and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE APPROVED, ADOPTED AND NUMBER 1321 THIS 4th DAY OF OCTOBER 2007. d. DISCUSSION regarding proposed projects for State turnback funds DEVIATION IN AGENDA: It was the consensus of the City Council to deviate and address items before discussion regarding proposed projects for State turnback funds. e. Authorization to complete transactions to purchase of lots for Reed’s Bridge Mayor Swaim related that in some years past the City entered into a practice of assisting the Reed’s Bridge Foundation in acquiring property for the Reed’s Bridge Battlefield, saying that there have been lands purchased by Reed’s Bridge on its own when it was feasible. He stated that of the lots purchased, two were kept from being put into the City’s CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. name because they were being used as rental property to generate funds for the Reed’s Bridge Foundation. He noted that a deed was prepared to transfer the property to the City but there was never any funds involved in that transaction, adding that this is a request of Reed’s Bridge to help pay for the two lots. He noted that the rental situation has ceased to exist and the City can now be made owner of the property. Mr. Dupree stated that this request is essentially the same as in the past, with the property being sold to the City and added to Reed’s Bridge Battlefield. He noted that the property is adjacent to the Wastewater Utility on the east side, adding that the property at the end of Lakeshore Avenue has already been transferred to the City. He explained that there are two pieces of property between that property and the proposed property that would still need to be acquired at some time in the future. He related that originally they purchased the property for approximately $30,000.00 and sold the doublewide trailer located on the property for $5,000.00. He then added that the land alone had appraised for $30,000.00. Mayor Swaim clarified that the request is that funds from the State turnback be used to purchase the lots. He then answered that the purchase price is $20,000.00 less taxes due. Mr. Dupree then answered that there is a map in the preservation study, regarding the property to be acquired. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to appropriate $20,000.00 less taxes, to be funded from State turnback funds to pay for the purchase of property for the Historical Foundation for Reed’s Bridge Battlefield. MOTION CARRIED. RESUME AGENDA: d. DISCUSSION regarding proposed projects for State turnback funds Mayor Swaim noted that there have been several requests regarding expenditure of the turnback funds, mentioning a request from Mr. Ron Newport that $5,000.00 be approved to construct a pavilion for the new recycling education park. He then noted proposals from Alderman Stroud to fund a farmer’s market and to approve matching landscaping funds for the downtown area to encourage businesses to landscape. In response to a question posed by Alderman Ray, Mayor Swaim related that location and costs of property for the farmer’s market has not been determined yet, so if chosen for funding other projects would have to be held until costs were projected. He noted that would include provisions for a covered area for vendors. Mayor Swaim reviewed Alderman Fletcher’s proposal to invest in developing neighborhood parks mainly in the western part of Jacksonville. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. Alderman Fletcher read from his request, “Parks appear to be a priority in the scheme of developing residential subdivisions so much that developers are being asked to set aside land for such projects by the Planning Commission. It is difficult to count on General Operating Funds in the Department’s yearly budget to do this when there is little to no excess money to venture out with new projects and if there is, it’s very limited. This being one time money, I feel this would be a great area to spend it so that future generations would receive the benefit from now on as well as build on the image of Jacksonville as it continues to attract young families.” He added that his second proposal would be to purchase one storm siren, as well as relocating existing sirens as deemed necessary by a Study to maximize effectiveness. He related that in speaking with Fire Chief Vanderhoof he learned that the Study is almost complete. He concurred with Mayor Swaim that it cost approximately $6,000.00 to relocate and $15,000.00 to purchase a siren. Mayor Swaim noted that the existing civil defense sirens from the 40’s are as good as can be purchased based on the Study. He explained that they are of good quality and have only required minor electrical work. He stated that he felt this is a worthwhile expenditure, adding that he feels it can be included in the 2008 budget and can be funded from Capital Improvements. Discussion ensued regarding estimates for the farmer’s market and developing a priorities list for remaining projects. Alderman Howard noted that one of the items for the list was additional parking for the Courts, Mayor Swaim concurred, saying that there is inadequate parking and clientele are using parking spaces that belong to other establishments. Mayor Swaim asked the City Council to focus on a priorities list that could be brought back with funding amounts for discussion. In response to a question posed by Alderman Sansing, Mayor Swaim related that regarding the circumstance of earning interest, all monies are kept in a sweep account. He asked the City Council to develop a priorities list to formulate a direction. Alderman Fletcher suggested that an existing location such as the senior citizen tower be used rather than purchasing land. Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Howard to appropriate $5,000.00 to fund construction of a pavilion in the recycling education park as requested by Mr. Ron Newport. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2007 7:00 P.M. – 8:13 P.M. In response to a question posed by Alderman Ray, Alderman Stroud stated that he estimates approximately $40,000.00 for matching funds for downtown improvements to business facades. Mayor Swaim then answered that there have been discussions regarding purchasing the building between the Mexican restaurant and Alexander’s office for extra parking. He stated that the owners have indicated that they are planning to do repairs and make the building usable. Mr. Jack Danielson suggested that the pavilion be used to house the farmers market. He then noted that 50% of the new A&P monies are to be used for the Parks Department. APPOINTMENT(S): ANNOUNCEMENT(S): ADJOURNMENT: Without objection, Mayor Swaim adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:13 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully, ________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Davitt MAYOR TOMMY SWAIM City Clerk-Treasurer