01 SEPT 20.docCITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:40 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY HALL - #1 MUNICIPAL DRIVE The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in Regular Session on September 20, 2001 at the regular meeting place of the Council. Alderman Ray delivered the invocation and Mayor Swaim led a standing audience in the “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Twitty and Howard answered roll call. Mayor Swaim also answered ROLL CALL declaring a quorum. Aldermen Lewis, and Stroud were absent. PRESENT eight (8), ABSENT (2). Others present for the meeting were: City Attorney Robert E. Bamburg, Deputy City Clerk Teresa Carter, Director of Administration Murice Green, City Engineer Jay Whisker, Public Works Director Jimmy Oakley, Finance Director Paul Mushrush, Purchasing Agent C.J. Brown, Parks and Recreation Director George Biggs, Parks and Recreation Assistant Patty Walker, Police Chief Hibbs, Fire Chief Vanderhoof, Comcast Representatives, Mrs. Judy Swaim, Mrs. Edith Smith, Mrs. DeDe Hibbs, Mrs. Addie Gibson, interested citizens and members of the press. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES: Mayor Swaim presented the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 6, 2001 for approval and/or correction at the next Regular City Council Meeting. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of 16 August 2001 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA: REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/POLICE DEPARTMENT Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Ray that the Regular Monthly Report for August be APPROVED. August Report reflects; Total Value of Reported Stolen Property $87,968.00, Total value of Recovered Stolen Property $43,320.00, Total Report Sales $342.00. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/FIRE DEPARTMENT Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Ray to approve the Regular Monthly Report for August, which reflects a fire loss of $25,400.00, and a Savings Total of $347,600.00. REGULARLY MONTHLY REPORT/CODE ENFORCEMENT Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Ray to approve the Regular Monthly Report for August 2001. PERMITS/LICENSE ISSUED UNSIGHTLY & UNSANITARY Building Permits 14 Grass Letters 284 Business License 11 Property Mowed 39 Trash Letters 125 INSPECTIONS PERFORMED Trash Removal 14 Bldg. Inspections 65 Prop. Maint. Letters 0 HVACR 42 Property Repairs Made 0 Electrical 97 Plumbing 77 Cost for August $5,969.98 CONDAMNATION Maint. Letters 20 Repairs Made 3 Demolitions 5 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:40 P.M. PROPERTY ADDRESS ACTION TAKEN %COMPLETE 312 E. Main Street DEMOLISHED 100 6016 S. Hwy 161 Demolition 90 8000 S. Hwy 161 Remodel 100 10,000 S. Hwy 161 Property in Bankruptcy Court 118 W. Valentine Rd. Lot 11 Remodel 100 317 W. Valentine DEMOLISHED 100 4016 S. Hwy 161 DEMOLISHED 100 107 Central Ave. DEMOLISHED 100 108 Pulaski Dr. Remodel 100 105 West Ave. Remodel 20 117 Joiner Ave. Remodel 0 103 Faulkner Remodel 70 137 North Ave. Under contract for demolition 510 Ray Rd. Under contract for demolition 1224 Church St. DEMOLISHED 100 ROLL CALL: Aldermen Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Twitty and Howard voted AYE. (0) voted NAY. MOTION CARRIED. WATER DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: STREET DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION: GENERAL: a. ORDINANCE 1163 (#17-01) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 234, 402, AND 546; PROVIDING RENEWAL OF A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION THROUGH A FRANCHISE FEE TO THE CITY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mayor Swaim related that Ordinance 1163 is being considered for the second reading. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Stroud to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1163 on SECOND READING. ROLL CALL: Aldermen Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Twitty and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). Motion received eight (8) affirmative votes, (0) negative votes. MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Howard that Ordinance 1163 be Approved on Second Reading. Mayor Swaim recognized Comcast Representative Mr. Mike Wilson. Mr. Wilson Vice President of Corporate Affairs introduced the management team for Comcast. He introduced Ronnie Galvin as Vice President and General Manager, Pam Glover Customer Service Manager, Betty Farris Human Resource Manager, and Mark Gardner Director of Technical Operations. He stated that together they culminate in over 100-years experience in cable television. He then stated that they are pleased to announce that the 50-million dollar cable telecommunication system upgrade in Central Arkansas has been completed. He related that Comcast has invested approximately $600.00 per subscriber, totaling 3.4 million project dollars in the City of Jacksonville. He related that the four-year project was has been concluded one-year ahead of schedule due to the hard work of 190 employees and over 200 outside contractors hired for the project. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:40 P.M. Mr. Ronnie Galvin addressed the Council stating that essentially the upgrade means better picture quality for the citizens of Jacksonville, pointing out that 1900 customer cable service lines were replaced. He stated that the upgrade will provide more a dependable cable system featuring 2-3 hour battery backup on all power supplies in the case of a power outage. He stated that it also means more channels; saying that last year three new channels have been added including Fox News and that Comcast is looking forward to adding the Outdoor channel in November. He related that the upgrade also means the availability of new products, pointing out that Jacksonville has the same channel lineup that Little Rock and North Little Rock have, along with the recently launched high-speed data service. He stated that the upgrade offers Jacksonville citizens the same channels, Internet service, and technical capacity that is found in any of the larger cities such as New York. He stated that they have also made a lot of service improvements and employs a customer service trainer that trains every new customer service employee. He stated that the service representatives department has over 50 employees to answer phones to provide a standard to answer phones on time and take care of the customer. He related that Comcast also has a technical trainer that is responsible for training all new technical employees, pointing out that it takes a whole new skill set needed to work on customers computers installing software. He said that it is a much more complicated installation than it was five years ago. Mr. Wilson readdressed the Council saying that Comcast is working with all employees to improve the level of service provided, adding that given the scale of the upgrade project there may have been some areas missed. He then stated that as the project concludes, Comcast is very interested in customer feedback so the last step is to send a questionnaire to all Comcast customers in Jacksonville as an opportunity to identify any unresolved issues. He reviewed questions proposed for the questionnaire. In response to a question from Alderman Smith, Mr. Wilson related that Comcast is working with Mrs. Perkins regarding unresolved issues and should be concluded by Monday. Alderman Sansing related that substandard customer issues were discussed at the previous City Council meeting and asked what Comcast has planned to keep the citizens of Jacksonville from feeling like a stepchild to Comcast when it comes to customer service. Mr. Wilson responded that one of the first things Comcast is doing is to continually ask for feedback because the last thing Comcast wants is for any customer to feel that way. He stated that they are committed to providing the highest level of service. He stated that Comcast has trainers that are working with all customer service representatives to make sure standards are met regarding answered calls. He stated that he welcomes any phone call from anyone, asking for the opportunity to allow Comcast to resolve any issues. Alderman Twitty stated that she is happy with her cable and does not receive calls from citizens anymore regarding the cable service. She stated that when she experienced a problem she was able to call Mr. Wilson and have it handled promptly within one week. Alderman Fletcher reminded the Council that he had discussed an issue at the previous meeting and reported that the problem was given immediate attention and resolved by the end of the next business day. He related that a lot of progress has been made, remembering that before when it rained and the entire cable system was lost, adding that publicly he would like to express his appreciation to Mr. Wilson for being available to address service issues. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:40 P.M. Alderman Howard concurred regarding a recent issue he experienced. Mayor Swaim suggested the possibility of a local customer contact number to boost customer confidence. Mr. Wilson related that with a local phone number the calls would be forwarded to the Call Center where there is upwards of 25 employees to accept incoming calls. He related that the concern becomes a bottleneck situation that would not result in improved service for the citizens of Jacksonville, adding that a citizen might actually get a busy signal calling the local number. He related that he understands the perception, but would like the opportunity to address calls as they come into the Call Center. Alderman Sansing stated that some of the citizens perceive that we are not getting equal service. Mr. Galvin stated that many of the customer service representatives live in Jacksonville, so residents are actually talking to their neighbors, adding that he feels creating a separate phone number would end up being a disservice. He hypothesized that if a car were to hit a pole and the lines were down in an area of Jacksonville, Comcast would not want them to have one number that would bottle neck but be able to at least talk to a representative. He stated that he felt like the customer service department can do a better job. He pointed out that there is a local office in Jacksonville, and that Comcast could have a supervisor at the local office if someone needs to speak to a supervisor. He stated that there are employees on site that can make decisions or they could have a supervisor there in 30 minutes. He stated that Comcast has a presence in the Community and feels strongly that they are addressing customer needs. He stated that the Comcast number is on the bill, the trucks and on every mail piece generated. He related that service calls are not going out of state but are being answered by Jacksonville’s neighbors at the Little Rock office. Mayor Swaim suggested that the survey include the questions of “how do you rate our response time” and “how do you rate our promptness in answering calls”. Mr. Wilson agreed, saying that the phone traffic has been a problem, and that they have been working non-stop from one problem to another regarding the upgrade or the ice storm. He stated that it has been a painful process, equating it to the work being performed on the Interstate. He said that it has been an inconvenience, but unfortunately is the price of progress. He stated that Comcast has hired more employees to staff the phones, adding that you simply cannot touch as many customers as we have touched and make that many changes without having some inconvenience; but added that the good news is that it is over, and the upgrade is complete. In response to a question from Alderman Fletcher, Mr. Mark Gardner stated that there are technicians working in Jacksonville seven-days a week and that the central dispatch located in Little has radio contact on two frequencies. He stated that they have gone to a seven-day workweek, splitting shifts so that there are technicians working till 9:00 p.m. every night to make themselves available for customers who work and cannot be home till after five. He concluded saying that they are looking all operations regarding improvements. Alderman Ray stated that he does not have a problem with Comcast Cable; adding that he probably pays the highest cable bill in Jacksonville for his wife and a grandchild who loves the cartoon channels. He invited a member from the audience to address Comcast. Mayor Swaim recognized Mr. Russ Peterson. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:40 P.M. Mr. Peterson stated that he had problems when he called Comcast, saying that they did not do as promised. He explained that one employee told him to do it himself. He went on to say that the representatives who inspected were extremely nice, and said they would report it but nothing came about. He explained that while Comcast was working in the back yard they broke the electric line, so the electric came out and they ended up breaking the Comcast line and when Comcast put in a new line it laid on the ground in the back yard for approximately five-months. Mayor Swaim and Mr. Peterson concurred that he had response but negative results. Mr. Peterson stated that out of the utilities he has dealt with, Comcast is at the bottom of his list. He gave his address to Mr. Wilson. Alderman Elliott question if the customer service number is understood to be for all Comcast customers, adding that communication is a key factor if Comcast is going to use one service number. He stated another problem was following up regarding the contractors that did not follow up on assignments. Mr. Mark Gardner stated that given the magnitude of the upgrade, Comcast hired outside contractors. He explained that it was one of two choices, 1) hire two-hundred in house employees and then lay them off at the end of the project or; 2) bring in contractors who move around the Country doing that type of work. He said that sometimes it is a choice of lesser evils. He related that frequently in working with contractors you do not always have all the scope of control that you would like, although Comcast tried occasionally contractors would not act as responsibly as Comcast would have wanted and that is when they made a change. He stated that as Director of Technical Operations, service problems are his and encouraged anyone having a problem to call. He stated that all processes are being looked at regarding improvement and that they are open for suggestions. He then said that a cable line should not lie on the ground for five-months and those are the type of issues they are addressing, to ensure that does not happen in the future. In response to a question from Alderman Fletcher, Mr. Gavin related that Comcast is providing the Internet address on the survey and are looking to the Internet to help with communication improvements. ROLL CALL: Aldermen Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Twitty and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). Motion received eight (8) affirmative votes, (0) negative votes. MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to further suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1163 on THIRD AND FINAL READING. ROLL CALL: Aldermen Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Twitty and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). Motion received eight (8) affirmative votes, (0) negative votes. MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Ray to APPROVE AND ADOPT Ordinance 1163. ROLL CALL: Aldermen Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Twitty and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). Motion received eight (8) affirmative votes, (0) negative votes. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE APPROVED, ADOPTED AND NUMBERED 1163 THIS THE 16th DAY OF AUGUST 2001. b. ORDINANCE 1156 (#10-01) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE § 5.16; MODIFYING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ITINERANT MERCHANTS AND VENDORS IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:40 P.M. Mayor Swaim presented the Ordinance as informational and proposed action be postponed pending additional information from Municipal League. City Attorney Bamburg related that Alderman Stroud had requested a possible outright ban regarding out of town solicitors on a door-to-door basis and had further requested information and assistance from the Municipal League. He stated that in talking with Municipal League attorneys they offered to gather material and sample ordinances but were unable to have that available in time for inclusion in tonight’s material. He stated that he has provided a draft ordinance regarding information previously discussed by the Council and made the requested changes provided by Alderman Stroud. He pointed out that the changes involve not allowing any type of solicitor’s permit within the City of Jacksonville unless the solicitor has a current business location, adding that it also provides an exclusion for non-profit, educational, religious circumstances with the exception that those solicitations would not occur from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. on a daily basis. He asked the City Council to review the information, adding that material from the Municipal League should be available for the next meeting. It was the general consensus of the City Council to postpone action pending receipt of the additional information from Municipal League. c. 101 PICTURES OF WAR PRESENTED BY DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION MURICE GREEN Mayor Swaim related that with the recent drastic events regarding the World Trade Center Towers, Mr. Green has assembled a presentation for Council viewing. Mr. Green shared personal thoughts with the City Council, saying that he hoped the presentation would not offend anyone; but feels the presentation is worthy of sharing. He stated that patriotism is running high and everyone is waving our flag, but that this is nothing new for the many who have given their lives in the history of our nation. He said that the presentation is a reminder of those who have served and died for our freedom and maybe a glimpse of what lies ahead in the future. The City Council viewed 101 wartime pictures beginning with the Civil War and ending with the commercial planes crashing into the World Trade Center Towers. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Swaim related that President Bush would be speaking at 8:00 p.m. on national TV and encouraged everyone to view the president. In relationship to that, he related that City Hall hosted a noon prayer service on Wednesday, expressing appreciation for those participating. He then related that on Monday evening a service was held at the Veteran’s Memorial that was able to raise $1,600.00 in donations. He stated that both events were successful. He then related that $20,000.00 was raised by local radio stations to support the relief efforts. He stated that Jacksonville is very proud to have the military in the community and are sadden at recent events. The City Council expressed appreciation for the City efforts regarding public services honoring America. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Swaim without objection adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:40 p.m. Respectfully, ________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Davitt MAYOR TOMMY SWAIM City Clerk-Treasurer