01 JUL 05.docCITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:33 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY HALL - #1 MUNICIPAL DRIVE The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in Regular Session on July 5, 2001 at the regular meeting place of the Council. Alderman Ray delivered the invocation and Mayor Swaim led a standing audience in the “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, Lewis, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Stroud, Twitty and Howard answered roll call. Mayor Swaim also answered ROLL CALL declaring a quorum. Alderman Sansing was absent. PRESENT nine (9), ABSENT (1). Others present for the meeting were: Deputy City Clerk Melanie Green, Director of Administration Murice Green, Director of Public Works Jimmy Oakley, Finance Accountant Cheryl Erkel, Purchasing Agent June Brown, CDBG Director Theresa Watson, Police Chief Hibbs, Fire Chief Vanderhoof, Parks and Recreation Director George Biggs, Parks Assistant Administrator Patty Walker, Athletic/Fitness Manager Paul Rector, Mr. Mac McAllister, Mrs. Pat Bond, Mrs. Judy Swaim, Mrs. Helen Stroud, Mrs. DeDe Hibbs, Mrs. Lendy Lewis, Mrs. Addie Gibson, and interested citizens. One-Cent Sales Tax: Mayor Swaim stated that he is pleased to announce that the one-cent sales tax ended July 1st as promised and should no longer be charged by local merchants. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES: Mayor Swaim presented the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of June 21, 2001 for approval and/or correction at the next Regular City Council Meeting. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Lewis that the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of 7 June 2001 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA: REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/ANIMAL CONTROL Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Lewis to APPROVE the monthly Animal Control Report for June 2001. Report reflects the following: CONTRIBUTIONS…………………………… $ 0.00 ADOPTIONS/FINES……………………… $ 248.50 TOTAL………………………………………………… $ 248.50 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:33 P.M. ROLL CALL: Alderman Elliott, Smith, Lewis, Ray, Wilson, Fletcher, Stroud, Twitty and Howard voted AYE. (0) voted NAY. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Swaim related that a regular monthly report from Code Enforcement will be submitted as part of the Consent Agenda. WATER DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: STREET DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION: PLANNING COMMISSION: FINAL PLAT Fair Oaks Subdivision PH II Mayor Swaim related that the property is a five-lot culdesac adjacent to Phase I off West Main Street. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Elliott to approve the Final Plat of Fair Oaks Subdivision PH II. It was noted that the bill of assurance supports the same square footage requirement of Fair Oaks Phase I. Alderman Stroud expressed “lack of planning” concerns regarding the subdivision. He stated that while it is platted legally, it is in the flood plain but technically fits the subdivision requirements. He related that it is an example of why the City needs better planning by the Planning Commission and more forward minded planning for the City as a whole. In response to a question posed by Alderman Howard, Mr. Tommy Bond related that the street proposed as Anna Cove has been changed to Jessica Court. At this time, MOTION CARRIED. GENERAL: a. 2000 AUDIT PRESENTATION (CAFR) Mayor Swaim complimented the Finance Department for the quality presentation of the Audit regarding layout and graphics. He related that it was prepared on a new printer purchased for City Hall. Mr. Mac McAllister of McAllister and Associates stated that he is pleased to present the year 2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. He stated that this is the 4th year that the City of Jacksonville has published the report. He pointed out that the CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:33 P.M. Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has awarded its certificate of achievement in excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Jacksonville for its comprehensive report for the year ending December 31, 1999. He said that the certificate of achievement is the highest form of recognition for excellence in local government financial reporting and that this was the third consecutive year that the City of Jacksonville has received such a prestigious award. He stated that the City of Jacksonville is to be recognized and commended for that accomplishment. He then stated that the report is divided into four major sections. He pointed out that the introduction describes the City, its organization, its principal officials and the scope of the services provided. He added that the most important part of the introduction section is the transmittal letter from the Mayor and Finance Director, saying that in the transmittal letter you will find a discussion of the local economy and its impact on the City, major initiatives, service efforts and accomplishments during the last physical year. He stated that the financial overview discusses and summarizes the physical affairs of the City in clear and understandable terms. He then stated that secondly is the Financial Section that contains the auditors report, opinion and general purpose combining individual fund balance statements. He stated that the third section of the CAFR is the statistical section, which provides the reader with supplementary data and trends over an extended period of time usually ten-years and finally the report contains a single audit section that includes a schedule of federal and state financial assistance and the auditors opinion on internal control and compliance. He pointed out that operating revenue in the year 2000 was 17.3 million, which is an increase of approximately 4.6% over the 1999 revenues. He said that revenues from the City share of the Pulaski County One-Cent Sales Tax was 5.1 million and from the City’s 2% Sales Tax slightly over 5.4 million dollars, adding that together these Sales Taxes constitute approximately 61% of total revenues. He related the State Tax Turnback and utility franchise fees contributed 12% and 6% respectively. Pointing out that total operating capital expenditures in 2000 were 13.5 million an increase from 12.3 million in 1999. He stated that personnel costs are the City’s largest expense at approximately 8 million or 60% of the total expenditures, adding that the Police and Fire Departments expenditures were 25% and 21% respectively of total general fund expenditures. He stated that revenues exceeded expenditures in the City’s operating capital project fund by approximately 3.8 million dollars, thereby increasing the fund balances to 13.3 million dollars at the end of 2000. He stated that it should be noted CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:33 P.M. of that amount approximately 10 million dollars was reserved/or designated for future projects or the year 2001 budget. He stated that the fund balance of the General Fund at December 31, 2000 was approximately 1.7 million, which represents approximately 61 days of current operating expenditures. He then related that the auditors report expresses an unqualified opinion on the General Purpose Financial Statements of the City, adding that there were no reportable conditions on internal control or material instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations relating to the audit of the financial statements. He pointed out that there is one audit finding and questioned cost relative to a federal grant award program for the year 2000, adding that a management letter was issued. He stated that overall the year 2000 was another exceptionally good and successful year for the City. He pointed out that good budgetary controls contributed to effective costs containment and that the City continues to fulfill its financial responsibility in a conservative “pay as you go” manner, making the most of resources available. He stated that the City’s administration has long been recognized for its leadership in financial management and continues to do so. He stated that the City’s Annual Report has been submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and will be in consideration for a 4th certificate of excellence award. He related that currently only seven cities in Arkansas are recipients of the award and it is believed that Jacksonville’s 2000 CAFR meets all requirements for the award. He stated that special recognition should go to the Finance Department and Director for publishing a quality annual financial report. He expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to conduct the audit. He then reviewed the letter of recommendations stating that all recommendations have been completed with the exception of opening a new checking account for separation, which will need approval from the Council. b. FUNDING REQUEST FOR SCHOOL STUDY Mayor Swaim related that after many attempts the Bill Mrs. Pat Bond proposed in the legislature was passed, which would allow for the opportunity to start a separate school district if it met regulations. He related that one regulation was a feasibility study, adding that there have been efforts to obtain donations and the item was placed on the agenda to approve funding if needed. He then related that he is pleased to announce that because of the interest in the feasibility study, there are pledges for enough money to cover the study, so at this time there will not be a request for additional funding. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:33 P.M. He added there will be other expenses through the process, and encouraged those that wish to get involved to make a contribution that would help toward the completion of the project. He stressed that there is no guarantee regarding a separate school district but this is an opportunity to explore the possibilities for the Jacksonville area not just the Jacksonville City limits. He stated that the donations have been encouraging and that most donors have asked to remain anonymous. APPOINTMENTS: JACKSONVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Swaim related that Susan Dollar is a Jacksonville resident who also works for Metroplan, saying that she has a definite knowledge of planning and feels she will be a good addition to the Commission. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Stroud to appoint Susan Dollar to fill the unexpired term of Dean Wilborn to expire 01/01/2003. MOTION CARRIED. DEVIATION IN AGENDA: Request to accept Electronic Sign Bid Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to suspend the rules and place the Electronic Sign Bid on the Agenda. MOTION CARRIED. Director of Administration Murice Green stated that the low bid for the Wedge Base sign met with specifications, adding that the specifications for LED Base did not meet with specification. He stated that location has been a factor regarding the decision to purchase a one or two-sided sign. He stated that the improvement was budgeted for $30,000. Mayor Swaim stated that location is the deciding factor regarding the need for a two-side sign. He related an option regarding maximum visibility from the freeway being the reason the request is for approval of a two-sided sign. Alderman Stroud moved, seconded by Alderman Lewis to accept the bid of 29,775.00 for a two-sided sign funded from Capital Improvements. In response to a question posed by Alderman Smith, Mayor Swaim related that the primary purpose of the sign will be to expose the public to events regarding the Parks and Recreation Department, but that it will also be used to gain exposure for other City activities and announcements. He stated that the bid does not include the wiring aspects of the project. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:33 P.M. Mr. Green related that the bid includes 300-feet of fiber optic cable but not the installation, labor or pedestal. He then pointed out that it would require a computer setup possibly located at City Hall and is included in the bid. At this time, MOTION CARRIED. RESUME AGENDA: ANNOUNCEMENTS: DALE CARNEGIE REPORTING AWARD Mayor Swaim related that the City takes advantage of the Dale Carnegie courses offered, adding that Mr. Biggs recently attended and won a reporting award. He presented the award and pointed out that students in the class nominate and vote the award recipient. REALIGNMENT OF HOUSING AND SENATE DISTRICTS Alderman Wilson stated that preliminary district realignment information has caused a great deal of concern regarding the proposal to have Jacksonville in a senate district with Searcy. He stated that the criterion used to realign the districts was to avoid having two incumbent senators in the same district. He related that it was not a consideration present when the founding fathers created the democracy and that he felt it would be appropriate to have a Resolution for the next City Council meeting to forward to the Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General who are charged with creating the new districts. He then reported that there are proposed changes in the House of Representatives that are not in the best interest of the Jacksonville Community. He asked that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution conveying the feelings of the Council regarding the realignment. Mayor Swaim related that he, Mrs. Bond, and the Mayor of Sherwood would be meeting with the Attorney General tomorrow to discuss the realignment. He pointed out that the present proposal would split Jacksonville into two separate areas, one would be attached to North Little Rock and the other would go around Lonoke County and attach to White County. He stated that this would put Jacksonville in not only White County but also other adjoining Counties as the senatorial district. He stated that it is a matter of cities of like need, like interest and location; adding that it is not a comfortable proposition to have Jacksonville put in a position of almost always having a senator from White County and North Little Rock but not one from Jacksonville. He stated that it is unfair to the citizens of Jacksonville regarding local representation. He stated that there will also be a meeting at 10:00 a.m. on July 24th at ASU Beebe and encouraged the Council members and citizens available to attend. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 2001 7:00 P.M. – 7:33 P.M. In response to a question from Mayor Swaim, Mrs. Pat Bond related that the House District for the City of Jacksonville does include the Air Base and Vertac but stops short of Pennpointe. She stated that it continues across Marshall Road when before it did not, but does not go as far north in the County as it did. In response to a question posed by Alderman Ray, Mrs. Bond related that the House District stops at the County line and that it may not go to Valentine Road. She stated that the District is more compact than before. Mayor Swaim related that he has contacted the offices charged with the realignment of the districts and registered concerns along with many others. He encouraged others to contact the Governors Office, Secretary of State, and Attorney General to register strong feelings regarding the realignment. Concerns were raised regarding implementation of the clean-up ordinance and the awareness of possible violators that the legislation has passed. Mr. Green related that the new Code Enforcement Officer has already begun issuing letters for compliance. Mayor Swaim pointed out that many citizens who have received letters have begun to complain to his office. Explaining that it will take time for the citizens to become accustom to the new process. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Swaim without objection adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:33 p.m. Respectfully, ________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Davitt MAYOR TOMMY SWAIM City Clerk-Treasurer