1047 ~I ORDINANCE NO. 1047 (#11-95) AN ORDINANCE TO MODIFY JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 3.08 ET. SEQ. AND TIlE JACKSONVILL~" PURCHASING MANUAL FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING AU7WORI'TY FOR CITY PURCHASES WIT.HOUT NECESSITY FOR PUBLICATION OF COMPETITIVE BIDS UP TO A MAXIMUM OF TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($.1 0, 000 .. 00) IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACA 14-58-303, AS AMENDED BY' ACT 812 OF 19.95; DECLARI'NG AN EMERGENCY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. -~-------------~---~--~---~--~-----~----~--~~-~---~-~~-~~----~- ---~------~--~----------~------~-----~~--~-----~-~~---~~---~~ WHEREAS, Act 812 of 1995 amends Arkansas law regarding allowable purchases made by municipal entities without necessity of publication for competitive bids up to a maximum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00); and, WHEREAS I the Ci ty of Jacksonvi 11 e, in order to more efficiently meet the needs of operation of our municipality, should increase the authority provided by Jacksonville Muni cipa 1 Code Secti on 3.08 et. seq. and tIle Jacksonvi 11 e Purchasing Manual to comply with state law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: The City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, is hereby authorized, pursuant to ACA 14-58-303, as amended by Act 812 of 1995, to increase the amount of purchase for those goods, services, and purchases made by City employees without necessity of publication for competitive bid up to a maximum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10/000.00). SECTION TWO: Jacksonville Municipal Code Section 3.08 et. seq. and the City of Jacksonville Purchasing Manual shall hereby be amended and modified as attached to provide for the acquisi tion of goods, services I arid purchases obtain.ed for the City without requirement of publication for competitive bid up to a maximum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10/000.00). SECTION THREE: The Jacksonville Purchasing Manual shall further be amended and modified to include the attached Property Form designating Fixed Assets of the City of Jacksonville in its form section (VI-ll). SEcrr I ON FOUR: conflict herewith are conflict. All Ordinances or parts thereof in hereby repealed to the extent of said SECTION FIVE: In order to more efficiently provide for the operation of Ci ty government and to campI y wi th recent modifications to state law, arl i11crease in the a,mount of authority to make purchases without necessity of competitive bid is immediately needed8 Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication, as provided by and subject to the requirements of applicable law. -:zfuL APPROVED AND ADOP7'ED THI'S v D.AY OF AUGUST1, 1995., ATTEST: I ,'-'. ~" J~r - "''''~'''',:,''''''~ TOMMY SWAIM, MA OR/ /? J; JG,/ l' -.-/ ~o(. )lA." c ~AJ LU~ ~:. LEONARD ;2TY CLERK ( \ (JJr ( . - \ /~ ROBER~ E. BAMBUl,'Y A TORN~