1039 loa ORDINANCE NO. 1039 (13-95) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 1. 01, 2.16, 3.24, 9.20, 10.08, 10.12, AND 10.14 TO RECTIFY OUT OF DATE' INFORMATION AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID CODE SECTIONS; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. -~------~----~-~--~-~-~~--~--~-~--~----~~-~-----~--~--~--~-~--~~~ --~----~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~-----~------~---~~~--~~--~--~-~---~--~~~ WHEREAS, the Jacksonvi 11 e Municipal Code corltains various outdated information and provisions which are in conf 1 ict wi th other Code provisions, do not comply with existing State law, and are in need of repeal and/or modification; and, WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Municipal Code should be amended and modified to express existing State law and current practices. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: Jacksonville Municipal Code Section 1.01.030 shall be amended, modified, and changed to read as follows: 1.01.030 Codification Authority. This Code, together with the City's Personnel Manual and Purchasing Manual, provide the administrative, regul atory, and penal ordinances of the city of Jacksonville, Arkansas, and are hereby codified pursuant to the provisions of ACA 14-55-701 et. seq. SECTION TWO: Jacksonville Municipal Code Section 2.16 shall be repeal ed, pursuant to passage of the Jacksonvi II e Person11el Manual. SECT I ON THREE: shall be repealed, Purchasing Manual. Jacksonvi II e Municipal Code Section 3.24 pursuant to passage of the Jacksonville SECTION FOUR: Jacksonville Municipal Code Section 9.20 shall be repealed, pursuant to State criminal and traffic laws. SECTION FIVE: Jacksonvi II e MUIlicipal Code Section 10.08 shall be repealed, pursuant to state criminal and traffic laws. SECTION SIX: Jacksonville Municipal Code Section 10.12.010 and 10.12.020 shall be repealed, pursuant to state traffic laws. SECTION SEVEN: Jacksonvi II e Municipal Code Section 10 .14 shall be repealed, pursuant to state criminal and traffic laws. SECTION EIGHT: All Ordinances or parts of Ordina11ces in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS I{:,-I!? DAY OF FEBRUARY1 1995. -.l ~u ~~CU:l/11 TOMMY SWAIM I /MAYOR ... ATTEST: -Y!;~ :~. ~.LEONARD ,'-cITY CLERK f0j; (' - ..... .. ~ ROB~. BAMBURG~~ATTORN~