1038 &/6 ORDINANCE NO. 1038 (#2-95) AN ORD.TNANCE TO 14PPROVE AND ACCEPT; C()N'l'INGENT UPON THE ANT.TCIPA'I'.ED COUNTY COURT APPl~OVALr THE ANNEXA'I'.rON O.Er' A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NE 1/4 OF THE HE' 1#14 OF SECTION 1; T'~~2'-~N<~ R-l.l-'Wp PfJLASKI CO(TNTY; ARKANSAS (GENERAl~ LOCATION: 30.. 8 ACRES ADJACENT TO ~lACKSON'VILLE CITY LIM~rTS ON THE SOU'TllERLY SIDE OF SOUTH HIGHWAY 161); AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES I} ____~__~~____~_~~________________~_~___~____~_________~__u ---~---~-*_._~---~------~---------~-~--~---~-~~-~._-~-~-_._--~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE! ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: Pursuant to receipt of an Order Approving A1111exation issued by the COUIlty (~ourt of Pulasl{i COUIlty I Arkansas I on Jan.1JarjT 31 f 1995 f the foIl o~..,ing described. real property will hereby be accepted and annexed into the City of Jacksonville, Pulaski County, Arkansas, to-wit: A tract of land irl t11e ~rE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sectiol1 I, T-2-N, R-II-W, Jacksonville, Pulaski County, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of the NE 1/4, NE 1/4, Section 1, T-2-N, R.-1I--W; thence N 000 02' 31" W 781~14 feet to the south R-Q-W line of Arkansas Highway 161; thence alor1g said right of way 1 ine S 530 03' 36" v~ I 574.00 feet; thence S 370 02' 38" E, 300.00 feet; th.en.ce S 530 03' 36" W, 180000 feet; thel1ce N 370 02" 38"Wt 300.00 feet to the southerly right of way line of Arkansas Highway 161; thence continue along said right of way line S 530 03' 36" W, 370..07 feet; therlce S 370 02" 31' Ef 792~7 feet; thence S 520 50' 16" V~f 130.07 feet; tllence N 37002' 38" W, 793..29 feet to tIle S011therly rig:h,t of way lirle of Ar:kal1sas High\\lay 161; thence continue along said right of way line S 520 58' 37" TAI, 284..89 feet; t11ellce S 360 52' 42" E, 1471..63 feet; t11ence S 890 54' 08" E, 352..71 feet; tr1ence N 000 13' 58" v~ I 1321.. 85 feet to the point of beginning, containing 30.8 acres, more or less* SECTION TWO: The above described real property is hererJY accf~pted and classifif'~d as Zorle R-l(A) f meeting all applicable requirements in said zone classification.. SECTION THREE: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall take effect from and after February 1, 1995, only on the condition precedent that the County Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas, grant approval of said annexation.. If said all11exatioll is not a:pproved by' the County Court on January 31, 1995, this Ordinance shall be null and void without necessity of any other action~ APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF JANUARY, 1995. 01<u~ WITlDJRAWN / Jellt. 19, 1995 / Sponsor unable to u..ut;Jlete p.Luject ] p;v1i Tl.'J to ULJinance actiUlt.' , CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS TOMMY SWAIM, MAYOR ~~ TTEST : LULA M. LEONARD, CITY CLERK ROBERT EQ BAMBURG, CITY ATTORNEY