1037 ~rr ORDINANCE NO.. .1 03 7 (#1, -, ~9.5) AN (JR,Dl'NllNCE RE'CLASSIFYING PROPERTY' IN TH,E~ CI'l'Y OE- JACKSONV'_rLl~E.f AI-lRANl:;A.l:; (GENl!:R.AI, I~OCA,TION,~ 5 1 .l!(:R.lJ:f..:: i!'l' '1'H.E~' BOUT1lEAST (--:ORN.ER O.I? THE; SOll'J'H HIGHWAY' 16'..I ,A..NIJ {f.l!L.E~N1J.rNE~ l?{)AD JNTERSE(.;TJ'ON);" AMEllL>>~rN,(; ORIil'NAN'CE NL1MBE'RS :ZJ3 AND 2.38 C}F~ TIlE CITY OF JAC!(SONVILLE/ ARKANSAS; AND)' FOR OTHER PURPOSES.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SEcrr I ON ()r\JE: TI1E?! Z OIle property be and hereby is classification of the following ed. as il1(iicatf~d: A tract of land in the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section I, T-2-N, R-II-W, Jacksonville, Pulaski CountYI Arkansas, being more particularly cribed as follows Beginning at the SW corner of t NE 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 1, '11 2--Nf R"-ll'-W; tb.e11ce N aDo 02' 31" W 781..14 feet to th.e s()"utb. R,~-O~-W 1 irle of Arka11sas I-lighway 161; t along said rigllt of way lirle N 530 53' 07" E, 186..37 feet to the center line of Valentine Road; thence S 60 48' 00" E, 209.05 feet; thence S 000 13' 37" W, 720..44 feet; ttterlC€~ S 890 20' 10" ",1 f 272 II 37 fef~t to t:he POilit of beginning, containing 5.12 acres, more or less. The above described property is hereby rezoned from R-O to R-l(A). (General Location: 5.12 acres at the Southeast corner of the SOllth. flig}lway 161 and, Val (~rltirlE:: Road. intersectioIl) . SECTION TWO: The map referred to in Se tion No. t')rdinarlCE:~ 1'10.. 213 of t.:he Ci ty. of JacksoI1Vi 11 e fP:..~r amended by Ordinance No~ 238 and designated official map, should be and hereby is amended to the extent and t'espects necessary to effect and ignate t provided for in Section One thereof. 601 of as C1E: zonl11g t S E C: ~r I Ol'i T II R E E : .r"\ 1 1 () r (1 i 11 a 11 C e S 0 r I) a :r t S 0 fOr d, i Il a 11 C e ~~ i rl conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of s con,flict. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF JANUARY/ 1995. DefE2..Ledunt-i 1 a later date/ Sponsor Ehmct Knight not pre&:1~t at 1/19/1995 City Counci 1 ~I i ng. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS .. TOMMY SWAIM, MAYOR ATTEST: LULA M. LEON,ARD~ CITY CLERK ROBERT E. BAMBURG, CITY ATTORNEY