98 OCT 15.DOC CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY HALL - #1 MUNICIPAL DR. The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in Regular Session on October 15, 1998 at the regular meeting place of the Council. Alderman Smith delivered the invocation after which Mayor Swaim led the standing audience in the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the flag. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Williamson, Keaton, and Howard answered ROLL CALL. Mayor Swaim also answered ROLL CALL declaring a quorum. PRESENT eight (8), ABSENT (2). Others present for the meeting were: City Attorney Robert E. Bamburg, Deputy City Clerk Susan Davitt, Engineer Duane Reel, Finance Director Paul Mushrush, Public Works Director Murice Green, Fire Chief John Vanderhoof, OECD Director Frank Rowland, and the following candidates in the upcoming General Election, James Reid and wife, Frederick Gentry, and Gerri Prince, Jacksonville Patriot Editor Jon Parham, and interested citizens were present also. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES: Mayor Swaim presented the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 1, 1998 for approval and/or correction at the next Regular City Council Meeting. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Ray that the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of 17 September 1998 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA: REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/POLICE DEPARTMENT Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the Regular Monthly Report for September of the Jacksonville Police Department be APPROVED. Said report reflects; Fine Settlements $67,688.64, Miscellaneous Payments $ 305.00, Small Claims $75.00, Civil $875.00, Report Sales $292.00 making TOTAL COLLECTIONS: $69,235.64. ASSESSED: $48,670.00. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Williamson, Keaton, and Howard voted AYE. MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/FIRE DEPARTMENT Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Wilson to APPROVE the monthly Report for September 1998 of the Jacksonville Fire Department. Said Report reflects a fire loss of $13,100.00. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Williamson, Keaton, and Howard voted AYE. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/ANIMAL CONTROL Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Wilson to APPROVE the monthly Animal Control Report for September 1998. Report reflects the following: REVENUES.................................. $ 501.50 CONTRIBUTIONS............................. $ .00 ADOPTION/FINES.............................$ 501.50 TOTAL REVENUES.............................$ 501.50 ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Williamson, Keaton, and Howard voted AYE. MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT/OECD Alderman Elliott moved, seconded by Alderman Wilson, that the Regular Monthly Report for September, of Economic and Community Development Department be approved. Said report reflects: SEPT. YR-TO DATE HOMEBUYER ASSISTANCE GRANTS (HAG): a. Applications Received ...................... 2 8 b. Approval Pending ........................... 1 1 c. Grants Approved ............................ 2 8 SEPT. YR-TO-DATE HOUSING REHABILITATION: a. Informational Meeting (OE/CD) .............. 1/2 21/27 b. Public meeting (OE/CD) ..................... 1/1 1/7 c. Conferences/Seminars/Training (OE/CD) ...... 0/1 0/7 Housing Rehabilitation: OECD had three Rehab project work starts and one completed; along with one total for emergency, and one-warranty project in September. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Elliott, Smith, Sansing, Ray, Wilson, Williamson, Keaton, and Howard, voted AYE, NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. WATER DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: DISCUSSION: Contract Negotiations Fire Station #2 Roof Discussion ensued after it was related that there was no bid response for the re-roofing of Fire Station #2. It was related that City Engineer Reel negotiated to contract the re-roofing which is to be completed by the first of November. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to make a commitment of $14,000.00 in the 1999 budget for the re-roofing of Fire Station #2. MOTION CARRIED. POLICE DEPARTMENT: STREET DEPARTMENT: DRAINAGE REPORT: (made a part of these minutes as exhibit "A") City Engineer Reel reviewed 1998 Drainage improvements relating that total expenditures for the year were $597,102.85. He pointed out a total of four (4) projects for the year under contract, and two bids which are due to be opened 11/03/98. Mayor Swaim related that the Calhoun Branch project is a continuation of an approximate $1,000,000.00 proposal begun several years ago starting on Marshall Rd. City Engineer Reel related that there continues to be fewer calls after heavy rains which indicate that drainage problems are decreasing. b. SIDEWALK REPORT Mr. Murice Green was recognized by Mayor Swaim to address the Council. He related that approximately one thousand feet of pipe has been installed during 1998 replacing old galvanized pipe. He pointed out several ditches which were cleaned out in the Dupree Park area back to Rocky Branch over to Hwy 67/167 as well as clearing out a few beaver dams in the endeavor. He related that work was done in the Fair Oaks area and the lift station, listing also a creek in the Tara Mount area which claimed three weeks of the summer. He noted work done on the east side of the old Graham Road landfill. He presented a sidewalk plan approved by the Council earlier in 1998 which indicated about 9,706 feet of sidewalk to be constructed. He said that within 60 days work will be completed as indicated on a map presented to the Council. He said that efforts now are to connect downtown areas and shopping centers, pointing out that note is taken of worn areas where people walk from place to place in sidewalk planning. Mayor Swaim made note of an ordinance passed in the seventies which calls for sidewalks in developments containing a certain number of residences encouraging review of the same, commending the reports of both City Engineer Reel and Public Works Director Green. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. Linda Lane, South Highway 161, and Stevenson from Graham to Ray Rd. were mentioned to be included in future sidewalk plans as well as bike-way paths in the Dupree Park area in particular. Mr. Green related that there is money available through grant programs to help with projects. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT: PLANNING COMMISSION: GENERAL: a. REPORT/Cable TV Meeting Mayor Swaim related that there had been a meeting attended by Aldermen Smith, Lewis, and Sansing with United Telesystems Inc. and Metroplan concerning Cable Television. Alderman Smith related that there are five municipalities involved in the endeavor to improve cable service for the different communities. He pointed out that $14,000.00 is the amount the City of Jacksonville will need to pay for their portion of the study. He recommended, because of increases in Comcast Cable service, that the City take part in the study regarding other possible avenues available in cable television technology. Mr. Allen Davis, with United Telesystems, addressed the Council. He noted that he has twenty years plus experience in the television industry. He related that Little Rock, North Little Rock, Maumelle and Sherwood have agreed to the study. He said that his company pulls information together, evaluating the incumbents, looking at their infrastructure, looking at their corporate strategies, then doing a detailed financial analysis using the assumptions drawn from that process to come to the City with a total evaluation enabling it to make a qualified decision regarding cable service for the community. He related that each individual city is being looked at as a stand-alone situation and also in conjunction with original network operated with the five cities together. Alderman Sansing voiced that the study is prompted due to the fact of citizen complaint in that Comcast continues to raise rates without any increase in services noting a seven (7) cent reduction in rates after extensive paper work. Mr. Davis related that the study would take ninety days to complete. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. Alderman Reedie Ray suggested that satellite dishes might be the answer mentioning using the $14,000.00 cost for the study for continuing sidewalk improvements. Mayor Swaim voiced that the plan presented could be used to solicit competitors for the existing cable company. He added that revenue bonds could be used to finance the endeavor, if approved by the City Council, versus subsidizing. Mr. Davis noted that the study will show the City dealing with the cable endeavor individually and as a partner with the other cities aforementioned. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Smith that a commitment of $14,000.00 be made for the study regarding cable television service for the City of Jacksonville in the 1999 budget (from Fund Balance). MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Swaim expressed appreciation to Mr. Davis for the presentation and to the Executive Director of Metroplan Jim McKenzie for attending the meeting and for helping to formulate the coalition of cities to help with regional efforts to improve cable television services. DEVIATION IN AGENDA: Property Insurance/Gallagher Mayor Swaim recognized Finance Director Paul Mushrush who pointed out that last year the City requested proposals for insurance covering the building and contents insurance which is done every three years. He said that the contract was awarded to Arthur Gallagher through Lumberman's. He pointed out new rates amounting to approximately $2,000.00 which made negotiations necessary. He said that it is replacement cost insurance with $2,500.00 deductible. He stated that the old water department building was added back into the replacement properties for its replacement value. He pointed out that the current premium is at fourteen one hundredths of a cent amounting to $22,105.00. Mayor Swaim related that a renewal clause was part of the agreement with Gallagher. He said that negotiations were under way when the agenda was prepared and asked for a motion from the Council to address the item. Mr. Mushrush voiced that there is a $10,000.00 deductible for lightening strikes after Mayor Swaim pointed out a $40,000.00 claim at the 911 Communications Center. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Williamson to place the building content insurance as per existing contract be placed on the agenda for action. MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Wilson to extend the present contract, so stipulated therein, with Arthur Gallagher for "building and contents insurance", for the year 1999 at a cost of $22,105.00. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS: ANNOUNCEMENTS: EARLY VOTING Mayor Swaim announced that early voting will begin October 19, 1998 at City Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 31 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and on Monday November 2, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. DEVIATION IN AGENDA: RESOLUTION 509 (#5-98) A RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE JACKSONVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR ITS OUTSTANDING WORK, ASSURING THE CITIZENS OF JACKSONVILLE THAT THE CITY COUNCIL WILL TAKE THE ACTION NECESSARY TO ATTRACT AND RETAIN QUALIFIED POLICE OFFICERS IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN PUBLIC SAFETY, AND ENCOURAGING THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE TO DEMONSTRATE THEIR CONFIDENCE IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE TO DEMONSTRATE THEIR CONFIDENCE IN THE CITY COUNCIL TO MAINTAIN A PROFESSIONAL QUALITY POLICE FORCE BY VOTING AGAINST THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE INITIATIVE WHICH WILL BE ON THE GENERAL BALLOT ON NOVEMBER 3RD, 1998. Alderman Wilson presented the item and requested that the rules be suspended and that the item be placed on the agenda for the action of the City Council. He related that he felt that it is important for the Council to communicate its feelings to the general public with regard the initiatives on the ballot pertaining to the Jacksonville Police Department. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Keaton to place Resolution 509 (#5-98) on the agenda. MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Sansing voted NAY. Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Keaton to read Resolution 509 (#5-98). MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Sansing voted NAY. Whereupon City Attorney Robert Bamburg read the resolution. Alderman Keaton voiced that the resolution demonstrates that the Council is for the Police Department and also demonstrates that CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. with the type of initiative proposed, that a burden would be placed on future Councils. Alderman Sansing related that he felt that the Council should do what the citizens want them to do, that the resolution could state any burden created thereby without giving voting directives. Past Mayor James Reid voiced that he did not feel the initiative was absolutely binding on the Council and that he supported it. Frederick Gentry voiced that he agreed with the amendment and that he felt citizens should be informed of the burden that it might have on the Council but not discourage their voting for the initiative. Alderman Howard moved, seconded by Alderman Williamson to approve RESOLUTION 509 (#5-98). MOTION CARRIED. Alderman Sansing voted NAY. COMMITTEE REPORT: Manufactured, Modular Homes Alderman Keaton reported that there was a meeting on Monday night before the October 14, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting of the "Affordable Housing Committee" studying the issue of modifying how manufactured and modular housing is addressed in the City of Jacksonville. He related that Mr. Jim Vantunglen, a representative of the Municipal League, met with the committee and brought a wealth of information regarding changes in zoning which allow modular and manufactured housing in certain areas. He said that the committee agreed that changes have to be made commenting that an AHOD, Affordable Housing Overlay District, would allow for an assessment with regard to individual requests for said proposed housing. City Attorney Bamburg said that there is a public hearing which will be announced regarding an affordable housing overlay district in relation to the next Regular Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for 9 November 1988 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. He pointed out that the Commission will work to address particular areas which can be determined suitable for said housing. He said that a draft version of the Ordinance will be made available for publication in the newspaper, to committee members, members of the Planning Commission and the City Council for their review with copies available to the general public as requested. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 7:58 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Swaim, without objection, adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:58 p.m. Respectfully, ___________________________ ____________________________ Lula M. Hawkins MAYOR City Clerk-Treasurer