1035 ',;5 OR.DINANCE NO JO~35 (#18-"94) liN O.RDJNllNCE RECLJASE;JFYIN(] PROPER'I'Y IN 'l1HE C:I'I'Y OF JACKSONVILLEf A RKiiNSA,,5 (GE1VE~~11L LOCATION'" PROPE'R1':l LOCATED IN THE NrJRTHWEElT PORTION OF PENNPOINTE SUBDIVISION)/AMENDI.NG ORDI.NANCE l'j[TMBERS 213 AND 238 OF THEl C7ITY' OF (JACKSONVILLE, .ARKANS.AS; ,AND / FOR OTHER PURPCJSES. ---------------~~----~-~~~--~--~--~---~~~~--~~-------~----~-----~ ------~---~-----~-----------------~--------~------~--~--------~_._- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTI()N ONE: TIle zone classification of tlle f()llo,~ing property be and hereby is changed as indicated: A, tract 1/4) of T---.3--N J County, follows: of lan.d located. irl tl1e Northwest Qllarter (NW the SOlltllwest Qtlarter: (SW 1/4) of Sectiorl 23 I R II-W, in the City of Jacksonville, Pulaski Arkarlscls I being more :particlllarly (leSCl~ibed as Beginrling at the Northwest corn.er of t11e Nortllwest Quarter: (NW 1/4) of tl-le Sout11west Q'ua,rter (SW 1/4) of said Section. 23, T--3'-Nt R-~ll-'W; thence S 880 24' 13" EI 293.37 feet; thence S 100 36' 28" E, 319..67 feet; t.he11ce S 320 47' 08" WI 66 II 32 feet; thence S 890 39' 16" W, 313 .. 9 tot heW est 1 i. rl e 0 f See t i 0 D. 2 3 I T 3 ..~. 1\1 f R - 11 -. W ; t:hence N 000 10' 44" W alol1.g said sectioIl lil1.e, 380..04 feet to tile I;Joint of :begirl11ing I C011tain.ing 2" 77 acrf;S f more or less. The above described property is hereby rezoned from R-O to R--5. (Ge11eral Locatio11: Pro:per:ty' located irl tb.e northwest portion of Pennpointe Subdivision)~ SECTION TWO: The map referred to in Section Noo 601 of Ordirlarlce No.. 213 of tlle Ci 1:.y of Jacksonvi 11 e ,Arl{a11SaS f as amended by Ordinance No~ 238, and designated official zoning map, should be and hereby is amended to the extent and in the respects necessary to effect and designate the changes provided for in Section One thereof. SF~CTION THREE: A,ll Ol:dina11ces or :parts of OrdillarlC(~~S irl conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of s conflict.. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS5rl DAY OF' DECEMBER, 1994. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS ~' - . \ --.. \ .~.. ... )~~. TOMMY-SWAIM;-MAYOR ATTEST: ~~, """"-"". .,. . . . ~ L/).( L~ONA:D, CITY CL:RK { \\~(y .R6BER~ E -.BAMB(G' :?