1031 5to ORDINANCE NO. 1031 (#14--94) AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYI'NG THREE-TENTHS MILL AND THRE.F:-TENTHS MILL AGAINST ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE~ CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLEf ARKANSAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING THREE-,.TENTHS MILL AND THREE-TENTHS MILL AGAINST ALL REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THEY CITY OF JACKSONV'ILLE.f' ARKANSAS; FOR THE PURPOSE OF' EFFECTING CERTIFICATION TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF PULASKI COUNTY OF THE TAX LEV.IED AND OTHER PRESCRIBED MATTEl?S PERTAIN1'NG THERETO; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ----~--~---~~~~------~-----~~~--~-~~~~-~~-~~----~--~-~~~--~~-- ----~--~~----~-~~---~----~----------~-----~---~~~~~--~~-~~~~- WHEREAS, Ordinance No~ 172, dated May 19, 1966, passed by the City Council of the City, called for a special election to determine the question of levying a tax of one- half mill on all real and personal property within the City for tb.e purpose of establisl1ing and funding tl:1e Firemen f s Relief and Pension Funde An electioll was subsequently held at whi ch time the qua 1 i 'f i ed electors of tl1e Ci ty voted i11 favor of the tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1995. Pursuant to arl amerldment to the ].\...rkansa,s Constitution, the taxes were rolled back to the levy of three-tenths mill; and, WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 173, dated May 19, 19661 passed by the City Council of the City, called for a special election to determine the question of levying a tax of one half mill on all real and personal property within the City for the purpose of establishing and funding the Policemen's Pension arld Relief Fund" An electiorl was sllbseqt'terltly llelcl at whicll time the qualified electors of the Citi' voted in favor of the tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1995 to Pu,rSllarlt to an amel1.dment to the A.:rkansas Constitution, the taxes were rolled back to the levy of three-tenths mill. NOW I THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: .~_~_Q_Tl.Q.N ONE;. = A tax of six-tent11s mill on each dollar of assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the City be and hereby is levied by the City Council to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1994 for the purpose of funding the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund and Pol icemen's Pension anti ReI i.ef Furld.. An amount equal to three-tenths mill shall be collected for the respective funds and credited accordingly.. ,S~_(;~_lgll Tj{Q: A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be delivered by the City Clerk of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas / to tb,e County Cl erk of P'ul ask~i COllnty I Ark.al'lsa:::; f whose duty it shall be to levy and collect taxes according to the terms of this Ordinance.. 5' Ordinance No. 1031 (#14-94 October tp1-k, 1994 Page Two pj;_~~~19j~L_THR,~.~,: All Ordinances or parts thereof ill conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS t-M. DAY OF OCTOBER, 1994. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE? ARKANSAS BY: ,..>-, '~ TOMM~AYOR ATTEST: ~g~."........ LUL~ M. LEONAR I CITY ( jJ t~~ ROBER1 E. BA Y ~ AS TO FORM: