0994 I ORDINANCE ~Ot 994 (#7-93) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING I\ND ADOPTING THE JAC:KSONVILLE SAFETY MANUAL FOR GUIDANCE AND USE BY ALL CITY EMPLOYEES; AND" FOR OTH~~)URPOSES. --~-------------------~-----~----~~--~--~-~~~--~~~---~-~~~---~-----~- ______I____~_----------~--------~~~-~---~-~--~-~---~~~___~__~~~_ W1~REAS.l officials of tle City of Jo(><sortville/ Ar~<{Jr\scJsJ t"'tOve researched the topic of employee and public safety while at the work place in (Jtl effort to preVetlt irljury arid loss of work hours for employees and citizens alike; and~ WHE~~ASJ adoption of the attached Safety Manual for tle City of Jac<sonville will serve as a guideline and direction for both City employees one tle plJJlic alike! ~ow/ T~EREFO~~/ BE IT O~DAINED BY T~~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0: JAC(SO~VI__~J A~<A~SAS~ T~AT: SECTION ONE~ The City of Jacksonville Safety Manual/ as attached hereto and as made a part hereof; is hereby approved ar\c adopted ir\ its entirety for p ronlot ior\ of effect i ve an(j efficient use of safety procedures and equipment for employees 0.: tle City of Jacksonville. The City Council.! t~\roug-;l its adoption of said ManualJ urges its use as a guide to all City employees in their efforts to preverlt jo)-related iiljury and loss of work time. SECTION TWO: All Ordinances or Jorts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of suetl conflict. SECTION THREE ~ Tr\is Ordinance shall take effect and be itl force from and after its passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS ~~ DAY OF JUN~J 1993. ATT=ST: ~~. LUL~"M.- LEO'NARD~ CITY CLE'RK AJ )~OV:D AS --0 FOR~: