0993 ORDINANCE NO. 993 (#6-93) 93 83820 A ~ 0 R DIN AN C ~ V A CAT I \ G A~ D C _OS I '~ G .. - 1 A -- U ~ D E V ~ _ 0 J :: D J O~ T I 0 \ 0: IVY DRIVE IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLEJ AR(ANSAS~ (GENERAL _OCATION~ B~TW~:~_ JI~E D~IV: A~D )LUvtvlE~ STRE~T O=F OF NORTHEASTERN AVENUE); ANDJ FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 98 -~--~--~--~----------~-----~----~---~-----~--~-----~~----------- ---------~~--.._~-----~---~----_._-~----~~--~-~---~--~------------ W~~qEASJ tle ~lanning Commission of tle City of JacksonvilleJ ArkansasJ has recommended closing and abandoning that undeveloped Jortion of Ivy Drive located Jetween ~ine Drive and Jlummer Street off of Northeastern Avenue in the City of Jac<sonvilleJ Julaski County.! Ar<ansas; and.! W-:~:AS.l the Jlanning Commission of tle City of Jac<sor\ville.l Arkansas.l held a pu)lic meeting on May 10.1 1993.1 with notice duly pUJlishec as required by law; and.! WHEREAS.I all adjoining property owners and Utility Cornpanies consent to the closing of said street.l subject to reservation of easement rights to said street property by the Utilities. ~OWJ THE~-~=ORE.I BE IT ORDAINED BY T~E CITY COUNCIL 0= T~~ CITY OF J~\CKSO~VI__:J A~KA~SASJ ~:-iA--: S~CTIO~ O~~: T1e real property.! rnore fully cescribec as follows.l includes: The undeveloped Jortion of Ivy Drive located between Pine Drive and Plummer Street off of Northeastern Avenue in the City of JacksonvilleJ also described as that Jortion of property in the Bomber Base Addi tion.! Block 3.1 known as the Soutl )oundary lines of Lots lOJ 11.1 12.1 and 13, City of JacksonvilleJ Pulaski County.! Arkansas. Saic property iSlereJY closed and vacated urlder t'le powers granted to cities of t,e first class in tole state of Ar<ansas.! subject to reservation of easement rights ar\d privileges for utility Compar\ies. The Mayor one City Clerk are lereJY cUly authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with those adjoining property owners of that undeveloped portion of the street to close and abandon said streetJ with said real Jroperty reverting to those Jroperty owners. SECTION TWO: A copy of ttlis OrdinanceJ duly certified JY tle City Clerk, 51011 Je filed in the office of tle ~ecorder of the County and recorded in tle ceed records of the CountYI hereJY amending t 16 Jlat recorced on \~ovem)er IJ 1920, as recordec in the Pulaski County Circuit Clerk records. SECTION THREE: All Ordinances or Jorts of Ordinances in confl ict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. S~CTIO~ =OU~: T1i5 Ordinance sl011 ta<e effect and )e in force from and after its passage. -f-h AJP~OV:D AND ADOPTED THIS d20-' DAY OF MAYJ 1993. ATT:ST: '" / ~(JJt(. / ~~- ROB:Q;TE. BA-MBUt-G_"I"-lTY"NT_TO_'_R..~. ,=-y i ) "--~ ,,~ r~: <...... .""~; "...() \ " '~"1 ",~~~~ilctRfU;#:~#;, ~~/v ~ 5 ~... ~ \. ...,-r " \'.. '1. ,,/ /I ~v' '"~'J O-..,q , 40.. '-J.F ~ '\ ., ~ /'''/ "l.. ~;<>~ : : ~I "'-~ .0'..;::-...... ~l" ~ ..... 0 t#- (I"! S?' V\ <llt. ~ I - .. rr. · -- . c:::-.,. "" +'::0- ::t~ :: 0/' - -:..*" ),.." ~::-?-~~ '\ -<'; ~ S~; c.)'r-f ~ "'" : tf1.it r " . ~ --,x</ /~ ,,J-' _ r--~ c:: rr; · : co f /}.. ,~ /'://'* 1t. .;.r~~'~ ilr! J ::..-{ "'" f~1=i x ....&. - : ~J . , <..-;-~,:/ ,..--.F~.~) "t : :::.o::t'> . : \ ~~: ,)!Y.? (~( \' If:: P ~i \ .. -Q ~ \" t11 ~~~ ). ! Cf) "-: f'tlri1 I -:. ~ "'~~;r--{~~' .: ~: ::.u~ ~:/' \~..~\~-1~15 ./.0 ~ ~ ~ \ - "'...' '-~ . ~'4c><, ............. '~7&:~~)~/.-'~~ ,..~ 1 -';,)1 Cr'v ''''~ ~Y'~%~"'~ 1'1 \...IU I'\J I , \ \ \ \ I, " I. III , \, \ \. :~ 1M'~_ ~-- ~~::::J :::c r-,., {~ c::> · · :::.0 <:::1 ....'1..1 :':':f ~~~/~. ~A*-) ~'U~. lEONARDJ"b-1TY CL:RK