1118 :- .:- 0 ^~) RlE f'"\ n p n r:~ .1"" :..... ,J ",J, ~ "1#".., 't ~"" ,../ .~"i J. 'I. ),.,,!' I 0001.18 \qqq M~;1 ~q A I : 25 A, t) .' t... . -I, ~ C M t \.. . l' f't "I f.,\ L l.... CIHCUIT COUNT'{ C 99 - 025236 ORDINANCE NO. 1118 (#4 - 99) AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF BAILEY BOULEVARD, JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS (GE~~RAL LOCATION: BAILEY BOULEVARD NORTH OF PARRISH STREET); AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed closures and abandonment of a portion of Bailey Boulevard, North of Parrish Street, Jacksonville, Arkansas. The CommissIon, after thorough review and study, has no opposition to the street closures subject to replacelllent of various munIcipal utility easements needed for said property; and, WHEREAS, the Jacksonville City Council hosted a public hearing regarding said closure on March 4,1999, with notice duly published as required by law. At said hearings, the written approval of all adjacent property owners was presented ana utility companies expressed consent to the closing of said streets, subject to reservation of easement rights for said utilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION ONE: The real property, more particularly described as follows is: That portion of the right-of-way beginning North of the Parrish Street right-of-way in a northerly directIon to the Northeast corner of Lot 65, Heraldry Manor Subdivision, Phase IV, City of Jacksonville, Pulaski County, Arkansas. (GENERAL LOCATION: Bailey Boulevard immediately North of Parrish Street, Jacksonville, Arkansas.) Said property is hereby closed and vacated under the powers granted to cities of the first class in the State of Arkansas, subject to reservation of easement rights and privileges for private and municipal utility companies. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby duly authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with those adjoining and abutting property owners of Bailey Boulevard North of Parrish Street. The agreement shall close and abanoon said street right-of-ways, with the real property described reverting to said property owners in accordance with state law. SECTION TWO: A copy of this Ordinance, duly certified by the City Clerk, shall be filed in the OffIce of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County, hereby amending the plat recorded on November 1, 1920, in the Pulaski County Circuit Clerk Records. SECTION THREE: All Ordinances, parts of Ordinances, or previous actions taken by said Council in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. ORDINANCE NO. 1118 (#4-99 Page Two 000119 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS "\-~ DAY OF MARCH, 1999. ATTEST: ~ ~., ~ ~. \ <''' " _-"-1.B, \L"'- c~ ;../ .. SUSAN DAVITT''''~'~eri'Y CLERK , APPROVED AS TO FORM: CI'rY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS <~ ~.~/ TO~VIMY SWAIM, MAYOR - t ROBERT E. BAMBURG, CITY ATTORNEY