1113 ~oC), ORDINANCE NO.1113 (#23. 98) AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE ARKANSAS (GENERAL LoeA TION: PROPERTY LYING BET 4'EEN PARRIS/-k NIXOIf, AND JOHN HARDEN DRIVE OF THE MAIN GA TE DEVELOPMENT. JACKSuNVILLI:. ARKANSASJ: AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBERS 213 AND 238 AND THE LAND USE MAP OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- B= T O~)A ~=) AND ENACT=D 3Y T-= C TY COUNCil OF Tr= C TY OF JAC,<SO~V __=, A~<A ~SAS: SECTION ONE: The zone classification of the following Jro Jerty be and hereby is changed as indicated below: ,Jroperty ;)escription: .Jart of .Jot 5, ;_itt e ~~ock Air Force Base Main Gate Develo Jment area more particularly described as follows: T le Soutl 280 feet of tle West 120 -=eet at said Jot 5Jein~ ocated Jetween Nixon Street and ,Jarris'l Street (litt e ~oc '< Air Force - 3ase \/lain Gate )eve 'opment Area J .at is recordeCJ in Pat 300 < 5, Jage 8 in t le Ju as <i County Court House, Little Rock, Arkansas). The above described pro~erty is hereby rezoned from C - 3 (with restrictions) to C- 3 (without restrictions), as s Jeciffed on the attached Jot ,Jlan. (General location: P'ro)erty ying Jet\tJeen Jarris\ \Jixon, and Jo In - arden )rive 0: tle V1ain Gate )eve opmen:, Jac<sonvl e, Ar<ansasJ. SECTION TWO: The map(s) referred to in Section No. 601 of Ordinance No. 213 of the Ci~ of Jacksonville. Arkansas, as amended by Ordinance No. 238, and designated as the pfficia Zoninr Vlap anc _and Use \IIa), s 1041d be and lere JY are am~nded tq 1.18 ex~ent and In tle res ,)ec':s necessary to effect and deSignate the changes provided for In Section One lereof. SECTION THREE: All Ordinances or Jarts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are lere)y re ,JealeC' to t le extent of sue '1 conflict. 'Q.AND ADOPTED THIS \.: "'_L. DAY OF ~, .. ~it 1199<1 CITY OF JACKSONVillE, ARKANSAS J/! t ~) " , .,-. /'))"'" ,.,~ .. . ' \ /" ./ ' ~ls~~r~(MR~dR)~~~/vvL, sU i~"'J 1 :Q Cv . t{Ul:iI::.~T E BAMBU G, CITY ~Ut{ ~..... --