1150 000078 ORDINANCE NO. 1150 (# 4 · 01) AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING THE CLOSING OF THE STREET A T THE RAILROAD CROSSING INTERSECTING EAST MAIN STREET, JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, AFTER COMPLETION OF THE MAIN STREET OVERPASS; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- W~-~=~~EAS, the City CouncL of tle City of JacksonvLe, A(<ansas, has considered the location of the certain railroad crossing at East Main Street over the Union Jaci4c ~ailroad in Jacksonville, Arkansas, and the impact of crossing conso idation u)on t le safety of Jedestrian and automo Ji e traffic )y its citizens andlas reac lec tle fO'owing concusions: 1. The benefits of consolidating unnecessary grade crossings include: a. fewer intersections at wlic 1 co is ions Jetween motor ve"1ic'es and trains can occur; b. removal of iJotential safety hazards at a cost that is only a fraction of the cost of installing, maintaining, and o.)erating warning signals and ga':es; and, c. redirection 0': imited resources to tle remaining crossings wlicl lave rle greatest pu J ic necessity. 2. The elimination of an existing railroad crossing at East Main Street would accommodate transportation and safety for the citizens of Jacksonville, Ar<ansas, and otler traffic witlin tle City. 3. Tle existing rai roac crossing wi Je c osed after tle etting of a contract to construct the Main Street Over)ass and the earlier of either the com Jletion of construction 0': an access road to \/lain Streett--ig-lway , 6' or com)"etion of rle :V1ain Street Overpass. 4. T.le c osing wou C Je in t le Jest interest o'~ anc wou c im.)rove t le sa':ety and we.fare oftle citizens and tle traffic witlin tle City. 5. T le existing rai road/street crossing on :ast Main Street and t le Union .Jacific ~ai road rig It-o':-way ()e,)artment of Trans)ortation\Jo. 437821 J, Mi e Post 332.22) shoulc)e closec~. NO _~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACK~ONVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION ONE: Street and Crossing C.osure. T.le streetlraLroad crossing on :ast Vlain Street with the Union Pacific Railroad will be closed, and the portion of said roadway, wlic 1 is on tle rai road rig It-of-way is ~)ermanent y vacated and a Jandoned, using no :onger required ':or corporate ,JUfJOSes. r le rai roaclstreet crossing on :ast Main Street shall be ;Jermanently closed. 000079 o .~") ~A .~CE .~O. 1150 (#4-2001) MARCH "~ ~ 2001 PAGE TWO SECT 0 ~ TWO: Conditions Jrecedent. T le rai road/street crossing on :ast V1ain Street s la remain O,)en unti tle '~o owing events lave occurred. (a) tle etting of a contract)y the A(<ansas ~-jghway & Trans,)ortation Je:Jartment for tle construction of a new highway to be known as the Main Street Oyer,Jass; and, (b) the earlier of either the completion of construction of an alternate access road to Main Street or upon com)'etion of the Over/Jass. SECTO~TH~EE: A),)eas, ~eferen(ums,andOtlerCla enges. Anyandal a})eals, suits, or other measures to contest the validity of this Ordinance, or enjoin enforcement thereof, and all referendum )etitions under Amendment and to the Cons'.Y'u'Jon o'~ Ar'<ansas to c'la.'enge flis Or(inance in any way, mus': )e 'l.ed wifl fle City C:er< witlin tlirty (30) days a'ter "lis Ordinance is 'lrst PU') is 'led. SECT 0 ~ :OU~: A_ Ordinances, )arts o'~ Ordinances, or )revious actions . , taken by the Counci. in conf.ict .lerewit.l are hereJY re,Jea.ed to t.le extent of said conflict. A":r:r={ov: J A ~ J AJQ:>T:J T-S 13.\. JAY 0-= \AA={C -,2001. C TV 0: JAC <SO\JV _ _:, A ~<A \JSAS ~l' -~^.gQ 'V.~, ( l /5, , 'yvvvr ~v-.J~ . TO vl vlY SWA vl,JAtO={ ATTEST: ~~' " (~~~~ ;~~::~_~l..\ :1~Z~A~jg\ /. RO 3 3RT :. 3A V8UC C :t~: