1149 000069 ORDINANCE NO. 1149 (# 3 · 01) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE ~~ 18.08, 18.16, 18.30, 18.32, 18.34, 18.36, 18.37, 18.38, 18.39, 18.68, THE ZONING MAP, AND THE LAND USE MAP; RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE (GENERAL LOCA TIONS TO INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, CITY HALL, CRITTER HOLLOW SUBDIVISION, LINDA LANE, OAKLEY ESTATES, PINE CONE TRAILER PARK, AND PORTIONS OF STAGECOACH SUBDIVISION); AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBERS 213 AND 238; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- w - :~':AS, t le Jac<sonvi e :> anning Commission las extensive y reviewed tle current Jac<sonvi eVlunici,)a Code zoning ,)rovisions for tle use and ,)acement of manufactured, mobile, and modular homes within the City. In doing so, the Planning Commission recommends to the Jacksonville City Council that '5 )ecific )rovisions of the Jac-<sonvr-e V1unici~)a- Code as oufined -)e-ow -)e revised to sa':isfy fle needs 0': ':'le community, ')e'~:er .)rovide '~or a':~orda)'e 'lousing flroug:lout our Ci':y, and provide more accurate zoning c'assi'lcations for speci'lc properties, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTIO-~ O-~E: Jac'<sonvr'e Vlunicipa Code S '8.08 is lere)y modi'led and amended to inc ude tle .70 owing additions, de'e':ions, and modi,7ications: i) JV1C 9 18.08.249 {Je,7initions - Jwe ing (or Jwe ing unit)) Sla :lereinafter inc'ude rle fo owing: - Any room or grou ,) of rooms, incuding t lose contained in manufacturec lousing units, located witlin a structure forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used or intended to be used for living, slee,)ing, cooking, eating, and sanitation by one (1) family. ii) JV1C S 18.08.i.l.5 ()e'~ini':ions - V1anufactured '-'omes) s lal 'lereinafter . inClude t'le ':o'~owing: - A S'Jucture transpor~a)e in two (2) or more sections, wlic'l, in traveing mode, are twe 've '~eet (12') or more in wid!l anc/or forty ~eet (40') or more in 'engt'l or, W'len erected on site, :las a minimum 0': \Jine- undred Sixty interior square ~eet (960 S=). Said structure S,la.. Je JuLt on a ,)ermanent c~lassis and designed to Je used as a dwelling with or without a )ermanent foundation after being connected to the required utilities so as to operate the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and/or e 'ectrica; systems contained tlerein, Tlis S'la inc'ude those structure(s) wlicl meet a:1 requirements of t,is -paragra;)', and of whic', t'le manufacturer voluntarily fi'es a certification as required )y rle Secretary of tle Je)artment of - ousing and 000070 ORDINANCE NO. 1149 (#3 - 01) =e )ruary , 2001 Jage Two Urban Develo )ment, meets the requirements of the National Manufactured ~.'-ome Association Construction Code, and com,)-ies wifl a~: app'icaJe "~ederai cons'ruc'jon standards. iii) J VlC 9 ' 8.08.450 (Je'initions -\I1OJi e - omes) s la lereinafter inc ude: - A structure trans ,)orta) e in one (") section bui t as a (we ing unit in a factory or )_ant )rior to June 15, 1976, tle effective date for tle _=edera. .Vlanufactured .-.ousing Construction Safety Standards Act of 1974, that mayor may not comply with the construction provisions 0': said Act. A mo)i e 10me common y consist 0': a sing e section eitler Tweve feet (12') or =ourteen feet (14') in widtl and exceeds ..1reelundred twenty square feet (320 S =) interior minimum s.)ace. t is .designed to )e used as a residential dwelling. iv) JMC 9 18.08.455 (Definitions - Modular Homes) shall hereinafter include tle forowing: - A mu ti-sec'jon dwe ing unL cons'Juc':ed par:ia y in a ':ac':ory se'ting and Jartia yon-site. Construction of suc 1 a dwe ing is in comp iance wit 1 - ousing anc UrJan Jeve_o )ment guideines, =edera -ousing Administration guide ines, t le Sout lern Building Code, and local housing codes. The structure is ,Jlaced U,Jon a ,Jermanent site- built foundation and, once construction is complete, will have little to no difference in apJearance to site-'Juit 'lomes. v) J :V1C 9 18.08.515 (Jefinitions - "Jermanent =oundation) s lalereinafter include the following: - A foundation consisting of a solid Jerimeter wall constructed of masonry ma':erials (concre':e, concre':e -J-oc-<s, etc.) wifl concre"e ,700tings CJre-cast or _Joured-in- pace) tlat extend )e ow tle frost ine. S-=CT_O_~ TWO: J-'I1C 9 ' 8.16. iSlereJY modifiec and amenced to incluce the following additions, deletions, and modifications: i) J VlC 9 18.16.010 (Zoning Jistricts- :sta) is led) ~-4 Zero _ot ine One- =ami y Site )ui t Jistrict R-5 Modular Home District ~-6 Vlanu,7actured --"ome Su -)division ~-7 Vlanu':actured - orne Jar< ii) J VlC 918.16.020 (Zoning Vlap) is lereJY modi'led to inc ude a acditions, de.etions, and modifications outined ~lerein and as re'lected u;Jon t1e attac'lec ma,), which is hereby incorporated herein. S :CT 0 ~ T i ~ :E: J VlC 9 ' 8.26.030 (~-1 A - Conditiona Uses) is lere)y modified to inc ude t le ':0 owing ac ditions, c e etions, and moc ifications: j. Modular Home(s) SECT 0 ~ :OU~: J VlC 9 ' 8.28.030 (~-2 - Condi':iona Uses) iSlere)y modi':iec and amended to inc ude tle foowing additions, de etions, and modifications: j. Vloduar - ome(s) 000071 ORDINANCE NO. 1149 (# 3 - 01) ::ecJruary , 2001 Page Tlree SECT 0 ~ : VE: J vlC 9 18.32.030 (~-3 - Cone itiona Uses) iS1ere JY moe i':ied and amended to incude t1e foLowing additions, de_etions, and modifications: j. Modular Home(s) S :CTIO ~ S X: J vlC 9 18.36. (~-4 - Zero _ot ine Sing e =ami y Jistrict) is .1ere'JY modified and amended to inc ue e t 1e .~o owing additions, de etions, and modifications: i) JMC 9 18.36.010 (Pur;Jose for Establishment). The R-4 Zero "_orine Sing-e -=amry Jistrict is es':a-J-is"led ':0 }ermi': rle deve-opment 0,7 sing-e-.7amry attac1ed dwe ings providing ligl density deveopment ':lrou91 ':le aJoition of side ot ine requirements except w lere zero oline lousing construction is Jro <en as out ined in t le ceve o,Jment requirements contained in tlis c la .Jter. JOOand deveo ,Jment costs wL Je reduced witl said conce,Jt of attac.led housing, allowing single-family dwellings to be more affordable to the individual homeowner(s). ii) J VlC 9 ~. 8.36.020 (Jermitted Use). Tle permitted use in tle~-4 district is: Attac'led sing e-fami y {we ing(s). iii) JVlC 918.36.030 (Coneitiona Uses). T1e coneitiona uses allowed in the R-4 district are: a) Churches and other religious institutions and their accessory -Jurc"ings and uses; -J) :ducationa- institutions, inc-uc"ing -Jut not -imited ':0 pu J ic and private eementary, midd e, junior and/or seniorlig 1 sc 100 S, co eges, and universities, as we as tleir accessory Jui dings and uses; c) :>u J ic uti ity Jui dings and ,7aciities W'len necessary ';or serving rle surrounding area, Jrovided flat no 'JU j'ic . business office, re;Jair, or storage facLity is maintained tlerein; d) ~~u:J.ic or private recreational use facilities, including but not limited to, public parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, gol courses, driving ranges, community centers, .7ire stations, museums, i Jraries, and otler simi ar uses; e) Country c u J, go f course, swimming JOO or otler Jrivate recreationa uses usua y associatec wit 1 or incidenta to a socia country club or Jro,Jerty owners' association o,Jerated for the mutual recreation of its members; ~ ~esidentia" Care ,7acrities; g) 3ec" anc" 3rea-<fas" '~acri':ies; -1) S.Jecia- :vent(s) .7aci Lies; ))ay Care '~aci ities; and, j) modu ar lome(s). IV) Jv1C 918.36.040 (Jimensiona ~equirements). See Clart \jOt 1, C la;J:er ~- 8.68. v) JMC 9 18.36.050 (.Jar.<ing Requirements). See Chart No. 1, Chapter 18.68. vi) J VlC ~ ~ 8.36.060 (Signs). Sign provisions are t1e same as a owed in districts ~-O and~-1. vii) JVlC 918.36.070 (Jeveo,Jment~equirements). Jevelo,Jment requirements are set forth below. viii) JV1C 9 18.36.080 (-nterior ~_ots). :ac~l interior -ot ,7or zero -ofine lousing district Sla Je no': ess ':lan -wen':y fee': (20') JY Tlir:y-seven ,7eet, six incles (37.6'), exceJt Wlere tle end ot is aejacent anc engtlwise to a street, in wlicl no )uiding or structure wi )e Jermitted witlin tle Twenty-five ':eet (25') setJac< area. ix) JMC ~ 18.36.090 (Lot Area). Each interior lot of zero lotline housing shall be not less than One thousand six hundred square feet (1600 SF) 000072 O~) ~A \JC :\JO. 1149 (#3 - 01) ~e )ruary , 200~: ~Jage _=our and shall Jrovide not less than Fifty percent (50%) of the lot area as unobstructed o)en space. Each end lot of a zero lotline housing unity shall be not less than Three thousand square feet (3,000 S =) and s la )rovide not ess t lan =ifty Jercent (500/0) 0': t le ot area as unoJstructed OJen space. x) JVlC 918.36.100 (Vlinimum =ront Set)ac<). Wlere a zero lotline housing unit fronts a street, court, or O,Jen S,Jace, tle minimum setJac< distance shall be no less than Twenty-five feet (25') from the front ,Jro,Jerty line. In the case of a lot having frontage on two (2) streets which do not intersect on the lot boundaries, then rle ::ront yard requirements s-1a-- -)e me" on -)Orl streets. xi) JVlC S ~ 8.36. ~- ~ 0 (V1inimum Side Se':-Jac<). =or tle end 0': of a zero otine lousing unit, tlere S1a )e one (~) side setJac< 0': a minimum 0': =i'teen feet (15') W'1ere needed to maintain a minimum 0': T lirty ':eet (30') spacing Jetween ouildingso xii) JVlC9~-8.36.~-20(Vlinimum ~earSe"Jac<). Tleresla Je a rear yard setJac~< of no ~ess than Twenty-five feet (25'). xiii) JMC S 18.36.130 (Maximum Height). Maximum height requirements are in Chart No.1, Chapter 18.68. xiv) Jv1CS ~8.36.~40(_ocationo':Accessory 3uidings). ~o accessory Jui ding s la Je ocated on any required front or side yard or wit lin =ive feet (5') of any ot ine t lat is not a street ine. =ences up to ~inety-six inc les (96") in leig lt may )e erected a'ong any Joundary of tle end siee yards or rear yard from tle rear of the lot forward to the rear of the main structure. A fence Sixty inches (60") in height may be erected along the end side yards from the rear of the main structure forward to the front building line. Any '~ence or screen constructed in the required '~ront yard must -lave J'anning Commission a))rovac as to ~ocation, '1eig'1t, ma':eria:, and construction. xv) J v1C S 18.36.150 (Vlinimum Unit Size). :ac 1 sing e unit s la contain a gross f oor area of no ess tlan :ig lt lundred square 'eet (800 S =), exc uding steps, ,JOrC1les, car,Jorts, or garages. xvi) J VlC 9 18.36.160 (Vlaximum Acreage). Tle maximum acreage to Je deve_o,Jed S.1a__ not exceed a tota. of .=ive (5) acres per zoning request. xvii) JMC S 18.36.170 (Maximum Length). There shall be a maximum of Two Hundred feet (200') allowed of zero lotline housing construction before a )rea < is required, and spacing Jetween bui dings must meet requirements out ined in tlis c :lapter. xviii) Jv1CS18.36.180 (Off-Street Jar<ing). :aCl zero _otine dwe' ing s'1a lave two (2) off-street )ar<ing s ,Jaces ,Jrovic ec . xix) JMC 9 18.36.190 (Corner Visibility). On a corner lot of a zero lotline housing district, within the areas formed by the right-of-way lines of intersecting streets and a "ine ~oining Joints on SUC"l rig"1t-of-way -ines at a c"istance 0': Twen':y-':ive ':ee': (25') ':rom ':1eir intersec'Jon, tlere s la Je no o-Js'ruction ':0 vision Jetween a leig lt 0': Two ':eet (2') and a leig lt of Ten ':eet (10') a Jove t le average grade 0": eac:, street at tle centerine t'lereof, except flat street name signs, fire 'lye rants street !ig'lting po'es, and associatec a,J,)urtenances tlereto S'la 'JeJermitted witlin tlis area. 000073 O~) ~A~C: ~O.1149 (#3-01) =e Jruary , 2001 Page F,ive xx) J VlC 9 ' 8.36.200 (S':reets). S':reets are ':0 )e Twenty-seven feet (27') wide and specifications and/or designs are to mee'~ a existing code requirements. xxi) JMC 9 18.36.210 (Sidewa..<s). Sidewa__<s S.lan Je required for every zero lotline dwelling, and shall meet all minimum standards required ~)y fle sidewa' '< ordinance. See J VlC 9 ' 2.24.' , 0 for more detail. xxii) J VlC 9 18.36.220 (=irewa s). Zeroot inelousing units Sla Je se,Jarated witl a firewa to Je ins)ected anc a),Jroved JY Coce Enforcement/Fire Marshall officials in accordance with s ,Jecifications as ,Jrovided by the \Jationa- Fire Sa'~ety Code anc"/or fle Souflern 3uilding Code. S:CT O~ SEVE~: JVlC 9 # 8.37. (~-5 - Vlodu ar -ome Jistrict) is lereJY moc'i'7ied and amended to incude t le foowing ac ditions, c eetions, and moci':ications: i) J\/IC 9 18.37.010 (Pur;Jose of cstaJ:is_lment). Tle~-5 district is designed to :Jrovide for the develo,Jment and pro,Jerly Jlanned use of modular homes and/or su Jdivisions as affordable residential dwelling( s). Ii) J VlC 9 18.37.020 (Jermitted Uses). Jermitted uses in tle ~-5 district include: Sing e-fami y moc u ar lome(s), )rovidec tlat not more tlan one (1) home shall be ,Jlaced on one (1) lot. iii) JMC 918.37.030 (Conditional Uses). The following uses may )e permi':':ec in ":lis zone sU-J:ect to tle a.Jprova- 0': a conditiona use )ermit and aH required s Jlowings and conditions tlereo':: a) C lurc les and ot ler re igious institutions anc t leir accessory JuLdings and uses; b) Educational institutions, including but not limited to :Jublic and private e ementary, midd e, junior and/or senior high schools, co'eges, and universities, as we as fleir accessory Jui dings and uses; c) Public utility buildings and facilities when necessary for serving the surrounding area, provided that no public business office, repair, or storage ,7aci ity is main':ained ':lerein; c) Ju J ic or Jrivate recreationa use .7aci ities, inc uding Jut not imited to, pu J ic Jar<s, ) aygrounds, tennis courts, go'~ courses, c riving ranges, community centers, fire stations, museums, jJraries, and other similar uses; e) Country C u J, go f course, swimming poo or oller private recreationa: uses usua 'y associatec' wifl or incidenta to a socia country club or ,Jro)erty owners~ association o)erated for t 1e mutual recreation of the members; 1 qesidentia~ Care ':aci"ities; g) 3ed and 3rea (~ast '~aci ities; 1) S Jecia :vent( s) faci ities; i) Jay Care ,7aci ities; and, 000074 O~) \JA\JC: \J0.1149 (#3-01) ~;ebruary , 2001 Page Six j) V1anufactured - ouse{s). IV) JVlC 918.37.040 (Jimensiona ~equirements). Jimensiona requirements for tle _~-5 Jistrict, see C_lart _\Jo. '~, C~la )ter ' 8.68. v) JMC 9 18.37.050 (Parking Requirements). Parking requirements for~-5:)istrict can )e ':ound at C'lart ~o. <, Clapter 18.68. vi) J v1C 9 18.37.060 (Signs). Signage )rovisions for tle ~-5)istrict can )e founc in C la )ter 18.76. SECTION EIGHT: JMC 9 18.38. (R-6 - Manufactured Housing Subdivisions) s la ~Je amended to inc.ude fle '70..owing ad(itions, de"etions, and mo(i'-:ications: i) J V1C 9 18.38.010 (::>urpose 0': :s':a J is lmen':). Tle ~-6 dis'Jic': is designee to provide for the deve:opment and pro,)er y :)annec use 0': manu':actured homes and/or su !Jdivisions as a': :orda J -e resic'entia ewe ing( s). Ii) JMC 9 '.8.38.020 (.'ermitted Uses). .'ermitted uses in tle R-6 district include: Single-family manufactured home(s), provided that not more tlan one (1) lome s la Je p aced on one (1) ot; and/or, Vlanu':actured - ome su )divisions wit 1 no ess t lan t lree (3) acres. iii) JV1C918.38.030(Concitiona Uses). Tlefoowingusesmay be ;)ermitted in this zone sub,'ect to the a,)j)roval of a conditional use ,)ermit and all recuired showings and conditions thereof: a) Clurc'les and ot'ler re igious ins':i':u'jons and ':;leir accessory )uicings and uses; J) :c ucationa institu':ions, inc uding Jut not imited to PU) ic and )rivate e.ementary, midd.e, "unior and/or senior .1ig.l SC_l00.S, co__eges, and universities, as well as their accessory buildings and uses; c) 'u Jic utiity Jui dings and faciities w~len necessary for serving the surrounding area, Jrovited tlat no PU) ic Jusiness office, re;Jair, or storage faci ity is maintained tlerein; d) Public or Jrivate recreational use facilities, including but not limited to, )u-J-ic _)a(<s, .J"aygrounds, tennis courts, goOf courses, (riving ranges, community cen':ers, 'lre sta':ions, museums, rJraries, and otler simrar uses; e) Country c u J, go ,: course, swimming ;JOO or otler ,Jrivate recreationa uses usually associated with or incidental to a social country C~UJ or property owners' association operated for the mutual recreation of the mem Jers; n qesidentia' Care faciities; g) Bed and 3rea<fast faci ities; h) S Jecial Event(s) facilities; and, i) Jay Care ,7acrities. iv) J vlC 9 ' 8.38.0L.0 (Jimensiona~equiremen':s). Jimensiona requirements ',:or t le ~-6)istrict, see Clart ,\Jo. 1, Clapter 18.68. 000075 O"~JL~A_~C-= "~O. 11L..9 (#3 - 01) February , 2001 Page Seven v) J V1C 9 18.38.050 (Jar<ing ~equirements). for ~-6 )istrict can Je found at C lart ~o. 1, C la,Jter 18.68. vi) JMC S 18.38.060 (Signs). the R-6 District can be found in Cha .Jter 18.760 Jar <ing requirements Signage )rovisions for S:CT-O-~ _~u~:: J\1C 9 ~. 8.39. C~-7 - \1anu'~actured "-"ousing "Jarks) s'1a-- )e amended to inc ude tle ,70 owing addLions, de e'Jons, and modifications: i) J V1C 9 ~ 8.39.0~ 0 (Jurpose 0': :sta J is lment). T le ~-7 district is designed to )rovide for tle deveo.Jment and proJery panned use 0'; manufactured 10mes anc/or ,Jar<s as a'::ordaJe residentia ewe ing(s) tlrougl indivicua ownersli) and/or renta~ ~ro)erties. ii) JMC 9 18.39.020 (Permitted Uses). .Jermitted uses in tle R-7 district include: Single-family manufactured home(s), provided that not more than one (1) home s1all be placed on one (1) lot; and, Manufactured home(s) park(s) witl a minimum of T lree (3) acres under singe ownersli). iii) JMCS18.39.030(Conditiona Uses). Tlefoowingusesmay .)e ;Jermitted in tlis zone su Jject to tle a,J Jrova of a conditiona use ,Jermit ane a required showings and conditions thereof: a) Churches and other religious institutions and their accessory buildings and uses; ~J) :ducationa- institutions, inc' uding "Jut not -imited to )U -J-ic and private eemen':ary, midd e, ~unior and/or senior lig 1 sc 100 S, co eges, and universities, as we ' as tleir accessory 'Juidings and uses; c) :)U) 'ic uti ity )ui dings and faci ities w len necessary for serving t le surrounc'ing area, .Jrovic ed flat no .JU) ic )usiness o':~ice, re,)air, or storage faciity is maintained tlerein; d) .JUJ.ic or Jrivate recreational use facilities, including but not limited to, public parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, golf courses, driving ranges, community centers, 'lre stations, museums, i Jraries, and otler simi ar uses; e) Country c u J, go f course, swimming ,JOO or otler ,Jrivate recreationa uses usua y associatee wit 1 or incie enta to a socia country c u J or .)ro,)erty owners' association o;Jerated for the mutual recreation of the members; ') ~esidentia' Care facrities; g) 3ed and 3rea~(:ast '~acii':ies; 1) Specia :ven':(s) '~aci ities; and, i) Jay Care ';aci ities. iv) JV1C 9 18.39.040 ()imensiona~equirements). )imensiona requirements for tle R-7 Jistrict, see C"1art No. ~~, Cha,)ter ~_8.68. v) JMC 9 18.39.050 (Parking Requirements). Parking requirements for R-7 District can be found at Chart No.1, Chapter 18.68. <--~) 000076 o ~)\JA \JC :\JO. 1149 (#3 - 01) ::e')ruary ,2001 Page =ight vi) JMC S 18.39.060 (Signs). fle ~-7 Jistrict can "Je ,70und in COla Jter ,- 8.76. Signage .Jrovisions for s :CTO ~ TE~: Tle zone c assi,7ications, Zoning map, and _and Use \Aap 0': tle to owing properties s la Je and lere JY arec langed as indicated Je ow: City - a C - 2 Critter - 0 ow Su Jdivision ~ - I' __inda __ane* .~ - 6 Oa.<-ey -=states _~ - 7 Pine Cone Trlr. Prk. R - 7 Stagecoach Subdivision* R - 1 * Only portions along or in said properties are affected. SECT 0 ~ E-.EVE-~: J V1C S 18.68. s la Je amended to inc ude tle additions, deetions, and modifications contained tlroug 'lout tlis Ordinance. S :CT 0 ~ TWE .VE: A Orcinances, Jarts of Ordinances, or .)revious actions taken by said Council in conflict herewith are hereby re.Jealed to the extent of such con'~lict. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS \::).- DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. CTY 0: JAC <SO \JV _ _:, A ~KA \JSAS / " ~O~~SWAI kR'lluw1_J ATT:ST: --~- ~~ ~\. ~ " ~~'" . \j Nl~ C_:~< " , \ " ~,.,.,.. '. " I " . 3 , ~ ~03:~T :. 3AV1~G.,,' TY TTO~\j:Y\i .... -~ I ! f '- ii ~ MADDEN ~ o'1r--lA .q" III R CHJJ " LES ~ . i5 WILD3 Ei . - ~.. :l! H~ ~ cl_c <I '___ CJ,. suSANj i! ~ ~ 1;11 __p' D_. : ':;'___ 1~~"'IA otFERRFI TIP ---'''r ,Ej~1 RICHARD \ r Fr"';:<! I. BARBARA / '. ',- _ . "'2 ::1"= \"__' '1A';,..(,r...,rJR-:l~.~~6~',--_" ..' (~, ~.".~..,--' .,__'._..".""~.,~",,~.IGRAY.LAN.D,..',, Dd_,~ ""., .-.".'..-<= 1-l2;;-'(j~''''-' .....l:;j"" . ~~ ' .'t-'..... __~~---~ .~~~~_.,~--'-"'.,'- -",,,,-,.,,,, J" ,...,'-', <( ~ Q () ",'--'. . ...... ... ; .J;! ~n ;; (,~ or ~ . WI<ll"HI L oi ..~,~,,,..,.,__!!:f::.......'..,,..~,, .' 'tN'.u "1<$1 d3 4@~~ ~ '.' ,.' E..~~~_ ,'1' rf~'" ~ !E . -!? eJ I ~ ,A/\ :f:~ 0 <:'j ". :OEJ I. ~~.. .. () AMHER lei t~~ c c . ,._~. ~". r Q ),ESS.E.X C ~. \-1.!.\~~ S}~'~'"_.~-~'~_..~..- : ~ ,y Vl. 'll $1 ". w .,~ 1:3 F~ ...1 ' I '. .>W...,"'~ ." ~~....~MA,." ,T.....,....... .....".R .1 ..CH.M.pfi ND CT \,'\ '" ~t.- "V 1l1;'-....J ~ <, \r .'; ~l.. /~..4\\NOTTkNGH : p,)- .o~~~ .. ..' ., AM CV . .", ~~.oN ~o".,e:Dn'lltk~~N_ . .~.- .U.R .GHL ,N, (' ~~?1' t:'. LV. ~ "V J- <:I..' _...__._~_/ ~ "t.- <'t- ,/ ,/ ~ JJ ._. _:-_..__.L'i1\NDENBERG 'BOU\_EVARD _m" ... '''t~, ~.. R'nAn r..+i J -.(-.\';. i ,J ~ ~"'~"-<-'~T.,.~.-_i:.,i J:M,~~L-1 . C.." 3IQ(? i,'," . .