1136 000050 ORDINANCE NO. 1136 (#8 - 2000) AN ORDINANCE E:JIABLISHING THE METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR BENEFITS AND CREAI.lON OF SURVIVOR BENEFITS FOR THE JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS' RETIREMENT TRU~/; CREATING JMC ~ 2.88.040 AND JMC ~ 2.88.050; REQUIRING ALL NEWL Y ELECTED OFFICIALS TO ENROLL IN THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM; AMENDING JMC ~ 2.88.010; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Jacksonville City Council established a retirement trust for certain municipal officials some time ago but failed to provide for survivor benefits in said plan; and, WHEREAS, it has been determined tlat tle Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System (APERS) provides a greater Jenefit for employees and officials enrolled in the program t lan those Jenefits availa Jet lroug local retirement plans. Further, Jarticipating municipalities are only required to pay a small percentage of the actua cost involved for an employee or official's retirement through APERS rather than the full cost of retirement benefits as required through a local retirement plan. As such, the City Council believes it appropriate to require all newly elected City officials and employees to enroll in APERS for any and all retirement Jenefits. NO~ THEREFORE, BE 1/ ORDAINED BY THE C11 r' COUNCIL OF THE ell r' OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SEe lION ONE: Jacksonville Municipal Code 9 2.88.040 (Benefits) is lere'JY created and s lall read as folows: A benefits distri Juted from t le Municipa Officia s' Retirement Trust (temporary disability benefits, permanent disa Jility benefits, retirement Jenefits, death benefits, or survivor benefits) shall be paid and distributed in accordance with the terms of ACA 9 24-12-101 et. seq. (applicable to Office of the Mayor) and ACA 9 24-8-301 et. seq. (app ica Jle to Municipal Court Judge and Clerk). SEL lION TWO: Jacksonville Municipal Code 9 2.88.050 (Survivor Benefits) is hereby created and s lall read as follows: Under the authority of ACA 9 24-12-123 and tle mandate of ACA 9 24-8- 306, it is hereby established that survivor benefits sha Je created and approved for sUlVivors from the Office of Mayor and Municipal Judge. A surviving spouse shall receive one-lalf (1/2) of the office holder's retirement benefits for as long as he/she remains alive or unmarried and meets a such relevant qualifications as outlined in Arkansas statutes (ACA 9 24-12-123 for tle Office of Mayor and ACA 9 24-8-306 for tle Office of Municipal Judge). A minor child(ren) of said office lolders under t le age of Eig lteen (18) at the time of the office holder's death shall be eligible for benefits up and until his/her Eighteenth (18th) birthday or upon completion of high school, whichever occurs last. These benefits shall be available to survivors and/or minor children retroactively from January 1, 2000, forward. Ordinance No. 1136 (#8 - 2000) Page Two 000051 SEL lION THREE: Jac (sonvi e Municipal Code 9 2.88.010 s la Je amended to include the following: All employees hired and officials elected after January 1, 2000, shall be required to enroll in APERS for any and all retirement benefits. No new employees or elected officials will be enrolled in the Jacksonville Municipal Officials' Retirement Trust from that date forward. However, this provision shall not prohi Jit aut lorization of survivor Jenefits as out ined in this Ordinance. SEL lION FOUR: Any and all ordinances or terms thereof in conflict herewith are here JY repealed to the extent of said conflict. SEe lION FIVE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its date of passage, as provided by and subject to applicable law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS \ lo ~ DAY OF MARCH, 2000. TOMMY SWAIM, MAYOR A I I t~ I : c-~OA-~' ---- SUSAN DAVII I, CII " CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: /!~ .\ r/lJ1 ( \\if~ L' /Ji ROBERT E. BAM URG, C