1130 000024 ORDINANCE NO. 1130 (#2 · 00) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE 99 12.24, 17.24, 18.26, and 18.38; CREATING JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE 912.06; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------~----~ WrlE~~::AS, the Jac\<sonvi 'e:ranning Commission, -laving reviewed provisions of tle current Jac<sonvi e vlunici]a Code regarding cur)s, gutters, sidewa <s, and crainage tlrouglout tle City, recommends to tle Jac<sonvi e City Counci tlat t1e Jacksonville Munici,)al Code regarding curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and drainage be modified and/or created to include the following ;)rovisionse NO-~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: 5 =CT -0 ~ 0 -~ :: Jac <sonvi e V1uniciJa Code ~ 12.24 is 1ereJY modified and amended to inc:ude tle fo owing additions, de etions, anc modi.7ications: A) J v1C 9 12.24 s 1a)e tit ec CU ~ 35, GUTT: ~5, A ~) ) ~A ~AG:. B) J\AC 9 12.24.020 (3rd sentence) Sla )e amended as ':0 ows: The owner 5-,al be required to ,)rovide t.1e necessary Jreliminary engineering and construction of u ;)right curbs in commercial and industrial areas, roll cu() in residential areas, and driveway aprons in accordance with the standards provided by this Ordinance, State, and Federa -awl C) JV1C 912.24.~ , 0 Sla )e de eted in its entirety. D) Jv1C 917.24.070s1a )edeletedinitsentirety. E) JMC 917.24.080 shall be de"eted in its entirety. -=) JVlC s'-7.i.4.020 "8 ):WA_ <8" and t1e references t1ereto Sla )e omi':':ed ,7rom tle design standarc ta )e. G) JV1C ~18.26.070 Sla )e amended to delete Sub-Paragraph E in its entirety. H) JMC 918.38.2~'Osla )edee':ed. S ":CT 0 ~ TWO: J v1C 912.06 v1A8T: ~ 8 ):W A _ \ PLAN is hereby created and s 1a incude t1e fo owing )rovisions, requirements, and standards: A) JMC 912.06.010 -Identification o:~f1e J-an. T1e V1aster Sidewa < :)an of Jacksonville, Arkansas, is composed o'~ various por:ions as outined ')eiow. 0('0025 ORDINANCE NO. 1130 (#2 - 00) January ZO , 2000 ::>age Two B) JMC 912.06.020 Intent and Sco,)e of the Plan. The Master Sidewalk Plan is intended to serve as an official guide for the deve o)ment of an efficient ~)edestrian wa<ing system for tle )eo)e of Jac <sonvie. Tle ;) an is com)i ed witlin tle SCOJe of tle Janning o Jjectives set fort 1 below: 1. To indicate on the )Ian maJ the corridors .'7or JroJosed new sidewalks. \Jew sidewa-<s wi utima':e y )e ocated wi':lin tlese corridors -)ased on needs and 1'le response o'~ private deve opers and t le various governments, =edera, State, County, and City, wlicl lave administrative or owners_li,J contro_ over tle intended rig_lt(S)-of-way for Jro Josed sidewalks; 2. To identify present and future needs of the sidewalk networ<; and, 3. To recommend standards and criteria to guide initia sidewa < construction, im,Jrovement ) anning, and )rogramming. Design standards and criteria contained in textural material will com Jly with the rec~uirements of the Central Ar~<ansas ~egiona. Transportation Study, Arkansas State -Cig~lway and Transporta':ion Jepar:men': ~egu a':ions, and tle Americans Wit1 )isa )iity Act. C) J\"C 9'- 2.06.030 Jefinitions. Co ector ~oadway: Connects oca tra'::ic wit 1 arteria roadway and provides easy access to adjoining 'and. Commercial Street: An interna'ized system of )ub ic streets witlin a commercial subdivision. Minor Arterials: Provide network connections wiflin an( flrough r1e urbanized area. Tlese '~aci Lies ":ypica y provide a greater amoun" o'~ access to adjoining 'and as comparee to principa arteria s. ::>rinci Ja Arteria s: ::>rovide '~or ong distance trave )e'~ween ma~or activity districts and s_lou_d Je designed for slightly higher s,Jeeds as com,Jared to minor arterials. They are to serve through traffic and to connect ma.~or traffic generators of activity centerse ;J-ans: The Jac{sonvi e \J1aster Sidewa '(::>;an set fort 1 in this (ocument, with the accompanying ma,). Local Street: Neighborhood streets serving no through traffic and connecting to the collector street system. ~iglt-o'~-Way: ::>roperty required, )y easemen':, dedica':ion, patting, or purc1ase to )e set asic'e for uti ization )y t1e ,JU) ic for streets, sic ewa <s, uti ities, and drainage faci ities. 000026 ORDINANCE NO. 1130 (#2 - 00) January -W, 2000 "Jage T"lree )) J\AC 912.06.040 ~esponsi)i ity and Autlority. n accorcance Witl Act 186 of 1957, as amended, tle City Counci o.~tle City o'~ Jac<sonvi e, Ar<ansas, las tle ,)ower to ado,)" and en':orce a )an(s) ':or tle coordinated, adjusted, and :'larmonious deve_o,Jment of tle City. The City of Jac.<sonville has a duly created Planning Commission, with a J)ointment and terms of members provided by and completed in accordance witl city ordinances. T le genera purpose of t le Janning Commission is to JreJare or lave Jre Jarec a ") an(s) of tle municiJa ity, to receive and ma <e recommendations on JU J ic and Jrivate )ro Josa s for deve 0 )ment, to Jre Jare and administer Jlanning regulations, to pre,Jare anc transmit to the City Council recommended ordinances im)lementing )Ians, and to advise and counsel the city government and ofler pu')"ic -)odies. The ob.'ective of the Master Sidewa--< ~-an is to )rovide a Jedes'Jian Wa <way System '~or fle ci':izens 0,7 Jacc<sonvine, connecting SC100 s, pu Jic )ui dings, commercia, anc residen':ia areas. A comprelensive pedestrian tlorougl.7are system wi assist in s':reng':lening tle economic ceveo.Jment o'~ tle City wlie Jrovicing an e'::icient transportation system tlat promotes environmentay conscientious develo Jment with reason a :.)Ie mo 'Ji ity '~or a C '. Falowing tle adoption and filing of any plan(s), the Jacksonville Planning Commission may transmit to the City Council, for enactment, recommended ordinances ancJ regulations that carry out or protect the various e'ements of t'le p!an(s). It shall be the responsibility of fle City ':ngineer to inter)ret and coordinate t 1e Master Sidewalk Plan wit, Federa', State and County agencies anc governments, the Planning Commission, City Councr, and witl owners and (eve O,Jers of land. W,ere deveopment pans, sUJdivisions ,Jans and building Jermits involve im)ementation of any .Jart of t,e v1aster Sidewalk Plan, the City Engineer s-,a- review and either recommenc' aternatives or ,xovide a.J,xoval 0'-: he sic'ewa'k pan. T,e City Engineer shall review the )-anne{ use 0'-: u':i i'y space in conjunction wit, sidewalks and, where necessary, may assign space ':0 utiities. On an annua Jasis, ,e shall Jre Jare a _Jriori"y is':ing 0'; improvements for sidewa <s and re ated ':aciities Jased on:,e V1aster Sidewa ( ::> an. T,e xiority isting s,a Je sUJmitted to the Planning Commission for t,eir review anc recommenc ation. r,e ?_anning Commission may hold a pu bic :,earing or hearings on the xiority Jsting :xior to submitting it to the City Council for adoption. The City Council may return the priority 'isting to t,e City =ngineer anc'::>lanning Commission for further study or, by majority vote, may ado)t t,e xiority listing submitted by the Planning Commission. =0 owing ado)tion of t ,exiority isting JY the City Council, the listing shar be fied in t,e office of t,e City C ert A COJY of the official listing shall be transmi':':e{ ':o:,e Secretary of tle ::>Ianning Commission and to the City =ngineer. W,ere conditions warrant, the Jacksonville Planning Commission may grant variances to f1e terms anc' conc'itions required in this Ordinance. it s ',al Je t,e responsi.Ji ity 0'( he City=ngineer 000027 O'~'):~ANC: \JO. 1130 (#2 - 00) January "7 () >> 2000 Page Four to consider variances in construction stane ards w 1en requested anc to ma<e a determination to aLow or disaLow W~lere conditions warrant and/or sUJmit tle ree uest to the Planning Commissiono E) J V1C S' 2.06.050 SOJecification and Standards. Sidewa (S s 1a be constructed in a ( esignated area on t 1e street rig 1t-of-way between the Jro Jerty line and the curb and gutter to the grace a J Jroved by the City Engineer. Sidewalks shall be constructed with a slo)e toward the curb not to exceed one-'::our:l inc1 (1/L.") per ':00': (0.02 ':00': per 'oot). T1e minimum widtl Sla )e 'lve ':eet (5') for Street c assi'ications tlroug 1 V and '~our feet (4') '~or street c assification V. T 1e minimum t lic (ness of any si{ewa (Sla )e '~our inc les (4"). SideWa__(s S_la_ Je constructed on a ,Jre,Jared sUJgrade com,Jacted to not ess than ninety Jercent (900/0) of Modified Proctor density. Where utilities are involved, the ocation 0': t1e sidewa < in p an must be approved by the affected utilities. Transverse ex)ansion joints not ess t lan one la fine 1 (1/2") t lie < of a Jremo c ed, nonextruding tYJe s 1a )e) aced every tlirty-six feet (36') aong sidewa <s and at all ,Joints where walks bear against curbs, buildings, or other structures. All corners shall be rounded so as not to leave any square edge(s) or shar;) Jro:'ections. Sidewa':<s constructed in areas o'~ high-water ta-)"e 5:18"1 be required to have Frenc'l drains insta 'ed according to recommendations of fle City =ngineer. Ai siC'ewa"(s witlin t'le City s'la') meet a'l Americans Witl ')isa'Jiities Act ,)rovisions and requirements. Wa (ways s 10U C )e ocated as ':ar as ,)ractica )'e '~rom travel lanes, and factors SUC~l as utility J.acement, ve.lic.e s Jeeds, traffic mix, and rig_lt- of-way should be considered in the placement of sidewalks. =) J v1C S 12.06.060 Sidewal (-~equired _ocations S'Jeet C assi'lca':ion Si(ewaH( -~equirement C ass ,:x Jressway Class III, Arterial .Jrinci Ja. Class IV, Arterial Minor Cass V, Co ector C ,ass V" '_oca Commercia Street Cul-de-sac (wi':~less ':-lan .':wenty (20) -louses) As recommenc ec JY A - T) 30tl Sides of Street Both Sides of Street One Side o'~ Street One Side of Street 30t 1 Sic es of Street :xem Jt Street c assi'lcation determina':ions Sla -)e mac e in accordance witl tleVlaster Street Plan. OOOO~8 O~)-\jA\jC: \j0.1~-30 (#2-00) January Zl)~, 2000 :>age =ive S :CT 0 ~ T. ~::: A Ordinances or )arts 0': Ore inances in con': ict lerewitl are hereby re Jea_ed to tle extent of SUCl con' :ict. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shal ta <e effect immec iate Y U Jon Jassage and )u-)jcation, as;)rovided by and sub,'ect to the requirements of a))licable law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS CD ~ JAY 0_= JA'JUA~Y, 2000. C TY 0= JAC\SONVILLE, ARKANSAS {r} /) ~ T~--J ~~'~I~f(o( ~ A TT~ST: A:J~J~AS -r~M' ( \ I v~J C . \ ~03:~ :. 3AV13Ue'~ --. """ C_~~~ SUSA'J )AVIT;-etfy-e~<