1125 ("." ".'''~.,' 8J" -1'"''\',''Z,'",4' >\J~~ . \J~ ' ' ORDINANCE NO. 1125 (#11 · 99) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE ~ 18.76; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Planning Commission has reviewed the provisions 0': tle current Jac<sonvi e V1unicipa Code regarding tle use 0': yard signs by educationa and re igious grouJs tlroug lout tle City. n doing so, tle Janning Commission recommends to t le Jac <sonvi e City Counci t lat sJecific provisions of Jac'<sonvi e v1uniciJa Coce 918.76 )e revisec to satisfy tle needs oftle community for broader regu ation of t le use of signs t lroug lout t le community for educationa anc religious JurJoses. NO ~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION ONE: Jacksonville Munici,Jal Code 918.76 is hereby modified and amende( to inc.ude fle '~oUowing a((itions, de.etions, and modifications: i) JMC 9 18.76.010 (Definitions) shall hereinafter include the following: Religious Institution/Organization - A group or organization sanctioned and part 0': a 'ocal re igious institution/organization s)onsoring a sJecia event in need of advertisement. SC'lOO; Grou :J/Organization - A grou) or organization sanctionec and Jart of a local schoo ()U) ic or Jrivate) t lat s )onsors a s Jecial event in need of advertisement. SJecial Event(s) - An event which does not occur more than two (2) times a year. Yar( Sign - A sign common-y dis.)-ayed in a residentia or commercia zone wlicl does no': exceed :ig lteen incles JY Twenty-':our inCles (18 " )y 2L. "). ii) J V1C 9 18.76.020 (Genera) s la lereina'ter incude tle fo..owing: 3. ~ermits.\jo sign(s) S.la._ Je affixed, erected, or instal.ed until a Jermit has Jeen o)tained from tle City Engineer or Code Enforcement Office of the City of Jacksonville. For s,Jecial event permits, no more than one (1) organization s la be issued a permit at or ':or tle same time period. iii) J V1C 918.76.030 (Conformance) s la lereinafter inc ude tle fo owing: :3. S,Jecific. (11) SC100 S,Jecia :vent(s) - Jermit(s) may be obtained by sClool grou,J(s) or organization(s) to )Iace yard signs in residential zones, commercial zones, manufacturing zones, and )ublic rights of way under thefoUowing conditions: ~ An organization is advertising no more rlan two (2) specia: even':(s) per calendar year; b) On -y one( 1) sign is ~);aced per:ot; c) Sign(s) are placed no ea(ier tlan three (3) wee<s l)e'~ore tle event and are removed ::rom disp ay no ater t lan one (1) wee'< a'ler tle event; and, d) Jisp ay 0': said sign(s) is in comp iance witl a otler provisions 0'; JVlC 918.76 et. seq. (~' :~ ,r,i 4'~~ ,... ~! 1. ~'i" ~i'i;i ~ ~~'"",,',' . ~ .. " ........,.1'1..... ~ o ~) \jA \jC: \jOt 1 ~ 25 ::>age Two August ,- 9, 1999 3. Speci'lc. (12) Religious S)ecial Event(s) - .::>ermits may )e o)tainec )y oca religious institutions or organizations sponsoring a s )ecial event to p.ace yard signs in resicentia and commercia zones under tle '~o lowing conditions: a) An institution is advertising no more t,an two (2) sJecia event(s) per ca endar year; b) Only one (1) sign is )Iaced )er ot; c) Sign(s) are) aced no ear ier t,an t,ree (3) weeks before the event and are removed from c is ,J ay no ater t lanone (1) wee < after t le event; d) ]is)" ay o'~ said sign( s) is in com )Iiance wit, a ot ,er a)) ica) e )rovisions of J V1C ~ · 8.76 e'. seq.; and, e) \Jo such signs shall be )Iaced in )u) ic easement(s)/area(s) or manu'~acturing zones. S :CT 0 ~ TWO: All Ordinances, Jarts of Ordinances, or Jrevious ac':ions ta <en )y said Counci in con'; ict ,erewit, are hereby repealed to the extent of suc., conf ict. S :CT 0 ~ T. ~::: 3ecause t le passage of t lis Ordinance is necessary '~or JU Jic Jeace anc sa'~ety 0': t le citizens of Jac <sonvi e, an emergency is lere JY dec ared. T_lis Ordinance S_lau ta<e e':ect immediate y u Jon )assage anc )u) ication, as Jrovided by and subject to t.le requirements of a) )jcaJ_e ,aWl APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS NINETEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1999. COTY 0-= JAC-<SO\JV--_-_:, ARKANSAS /1 ~' ",.... ,.1" ( ~/\A.A.A, . ~ ~ 'TO \A V1Y SWA V1,~A 0 - ATTEST: ~.J'.,...,.,"""".'~~~'''''lQ<'''"'l><,,/I'<Io.-'W.(...M..\<'~..'''<<,rIIo.''....:~~~Wa.11iIro.~.,. ................., ("~.."'_..".."'=s-~..'":'''..'''.''''.'''''.'' ' , ''''--"~"._~ . ) - .- ......._.d l_~\.. . ~ SUSA \j )AJf:rT,~e:(~ < ,- ",,'-"".""'''''' ,/ RO 3::~T E. 3A\J13UtC:/t\EY tJ