1210 OOI(~~'1 ?1 . 'L. JI/J 1i'\1,.7i1 ORDINANCE NO. 1210 (# 18 - 03) AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING BY THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING REMOTE MANAGED NETWORK SERVICES", SERVER INSTALLATIO!fl SET-UPJ AND DATA MIGRATION FOR THE CITY OF JACK~ONVILLE'S CRITICAL NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREAS, remote managed network services, server installation, set-up, and data migration are vital to the City's crifical networ< infrastructure so as to provide improved and more efficient service to the citizens of the City of Jacksonville; and, WHEREAS, the vendor who has our current maintenance contract and has provided such services is an authorized source for the recommended services and can continue doing so for our present system at a fair and reasonable rate. As such, it is recommended that we contract with Clear )ointe Technology Grou) of Little Rock, Arkansas, for said services, and C earpointe las agreed to provide suc 1 needed services wit 1 appropriate guarantees and warranties at a fair and reasona )Ie rate. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION ONE: Com )etitive bidding for the )ur)ose of obtaining Remote Manaced Network Services, Server Installation, Set-up, and Data Migration for the City's Critica Network Infrastructure would be costly, non-productive, and time consuming, making said competitive )idding unfeasi) e and impractica . SECT ON TWO: Pursuant to ACA 914-58-383, competitive bidding is hereby waived for the ]urpose of obtaining ~emote Managed Network Services, Server fnstallation, Set-up, and Da':a Migration for the City's Critica Networ< nfrastructure. Authorization is 'lereby given to the Mayor and/or his designated representative to execute necessary documents with Clear)ointe Technology Grou) of [ittle ROCK, Arkansas, for a contractual agreement to )rovide the appropriate services, which includes monitorinJJ of proper function, including backup, security, and messaging services for the offices at City Hall, the Po ice De )artmenl, and the District Court office. .=rfty-five Thousand =our -iundred Sixt~' Do lars ($ 55,460.00). These amounts are to be paid from budgeted Department and CaJLallm)rovement =unds. =urt ler, t le Vlayor and/or lis des!gnated representa':ive is a so authorized to enter into a contractual agreement with Clearpointe Technology Group of Little Roc~ Ar<ansas tOj?rovide said services ((:?rimari y remote managed network services) annua I~ Tor tle next Five (5) calendar years (2005 forward) at a rate not to exceed a Five Percent {50/o) increase per year. SECTION THREE: All Ordinances, parts of Ordinances, or Rrevious actions taken by said Council in conflict herewith are hereby re,)ealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION FOUR: To provide more effectivel~ for the comfort and safety of our citizens, an emergency is here)y dec ared to exist. T lis Ordinance shal take effect imm~diately u )on passage and )ub ication, as )rovided )y and subject to the requirements of app Icable aWl A Jp ~OVE) A ~D ADOPTED T - S ~ Y'L JAY 0: NOVE \13 :R, 2003. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS C,"-) " m~, AYOR I ..if ~)