0349 ;'l5 RESOLUTION N0. 3 4 9 ( #14 -85) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, CERTIFYING LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT OF BUSINESS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ARKANSAS ENTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM -- COLD EXTRUSION COMPANY OF AMERICA, INC. WHEREAS, the City a£ Jaeheonvitte hat an appkoved Zone dee.ignation bon Centue Tnae -t 36.04 within the coAponate LLm o£ the City p£ Jach,onvLt.Ce; and WHEREAS, the tocaL government mutt endorsee a bue.inett on enteApn.iee to patt.ic-i.pate in the A4zanisaz Enterp2.iee Zone Pnognam and bene£-i-t £Aom the exempt.ionz at p&ovided in PaAt IV a£ the AAhantae EntexpiJve Zone Program Regw atian4 o£ 1983; and WHEREAS, ta.i.d endoheement meet be made on apec.i.£.ic £onm avaitab.ee £AOm AIDC; and WHEREAS, Co.Ld Exttcu&Lon Company o6 Amen,ica, Inc., have agreed to £urnieh the management o£ the entvc02ee zone ate necetaany .in£oAmati.on £aA campe-ianee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: 1. That COLD EXTRUSION COMPANY OF AMERICA, INC., be endonted by the City a£ Jaeheonvitee bon bene£.it £nom the exemptions at paov.%ded .in Pat IV 06 the Anfzan- bat Enteapn,ise Zone PAogAam ReguiatLona o£ 1983. 2. That the Mayon be authon.%zed to t.ign the CeA4,i.£.ieate o£ Locae. Govvcnment Endorse ement. 3. That th.ie ReeoZu. -tton tha2e take e££eet .immeoL atee.y. APPROVED AND ADOPTED th,e 16th. day o£ MAY 1985. C MAYOR JAMES G. REID ATTEST: A a APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITYA R Y