0332 02✓ RESOLUTION NO. 332 ( #19 -84) RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES GRANTED TO ARKANSAS CABLE TELEVISION, INCORPORATED, UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 234 TO STORER CABLE T.V., INC., OR ANOTHER AFFILIATE OF STORER COMMUNICATIONS, INC., AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, an May 20, 19.7.1, Ordinance No. 234 wa4 adopted &y the Jacksonville City Coune.i;t, whene,in Arkansas Cable TekeviS4on, incon.pan.ated, (hen.e.i,naUten nOnned to as "TIMES MIRROR "j, was granted a 6tanchise, which gave Lt the pniv.i.eege to construct and apenate a television signal system to n.eee,ive, amptL y and d.istnribute television signals to the inhabitants og Jacksonville, Arkansas; and, WHEREAS, Said Ond.inance No. 234, in Section 12, p&oE<Cbtts the sake on tnan46en ob any nights on pnivLteges granted theneunden, without the mitten approval oU the Jacksonville CLty Council; and, WHEREAS, TIMES MIRROR is des.inous a{y tnan4Uenn.ing .it& nights, under Ordinance No. 234, to Staten. Cable T.V., Inc., a CaLC oan.ia eonpotation, on another a6iil i.ate ob Storer Communication; Inc., [heneFina1ten teienned to as (STORER "); and, WHEREAS, STORER owns and openateo cable television systems in nearby communities, and the tnanspt wit& encautage mote eWcient management o6 the Jack,sonvitle system and enable the citizens ob Jacksonville to obtain the bene6its o6 .increased management e{ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Cauncit o6 the City ab Jacksonville, that TIMES MIRROR is hereby aathonczed, Eyy the City Council o{ Jacksonville, to sett or tnans6en any of ate ofi its tights and mivi/ages granted under Ordinance No. 234 to STORER, so tong as: [1[ said tnansgen tequ,ines STORER to comply with at tequiretv eats set out in said Ordinance as those naquinements pertain to TIMES MIRROR, and (21 TIMES MIRROR and STORER obtain all the governmental consents required Got such sale and tnans{5en. THIS RESOLUTION shalt be in 601 otce and Wect 6tom and Wet it's passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAV OF DECMEBER , 1284. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS i / I(.t r ATTES : r CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY C