0330 ---t . RESOLUTION NO. 3 3 0 ( #17_g4) 1(; SOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE TO aiX+ - ',y 'ORT THE ARKANSAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT IN THE REVISION OF THE VANDENBURG J.P. WRIGHT LOOP ROAD AND JOHN HARDEN DRIVE INTERSECTION r WHEREAS, THE City :36 JacfaSonvLUe has expended many hours o6 Police l` '=ate Depat,tment peAuonne.e a.nveztigating, tebcu.ing and Jhnnypo &tLng .in- d accident victims, ab a AaaU o4 ace denta at Vandenbutg Blvd., J.P, q 'e j _v Loop Road and John Harden Dt.cve Intasaation; and ` WHEREAS, attjzenh o6 Jaekaonv.itte have suUlieted ptopetty damage and tli . ez og ptopetty as a nesu2U q the Vandenbung Blvd., J.P. Wnuight Loop ' and John Harden Dnjve In.teJbecti.on; and WHEREAS, the City hat .eost time ofi productive citizen/3 tizen,s due to r�. 4 - tLtLzation ab a nehuet ob dangenows accidents at ,thin a.ntetseation; and \ WHEREAS, the City Po tea Depanbnent Engane.eh ng Depvctment and 1 king Commission have tev.iewed this dezagn and have n.ecommended apptovak , � 2e design attached ab exhibit "A" hereto; and i,Zal'} �` tl c WHE REAS, .the Planning Comm.izs i.on has recommended ,the pwc wit 06 an ;,Zonal exit tamp north os Madden Road OA north bound tna6 c . , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF i : >UNVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: � ;: Section 1. The Mayon as hereby authorized and d teete.d to execute :ppnop&xate agneemer t necez any to tevaze the intehbect an located a O nbung Blvd., J.P. Wkight Loop Road and John Harden Dtive as shown on t= ) ''� ;tt "A" and to pwcbue the addition oU an exit tamp Got north bound a66Lc v ofi Madden Road., 'a I C Section 2. The City o{ Jaefwonv.i,e2e pledges ith butt support and hereby i Ni 1 ' uze2 -the Athanba4 State Highway and T.an.spontation Depantmen.t to initiate n -to nev.ise the Vandenbung Blvd., J.P. Weight Loop Road and John Harden Dn.ive !sec ti on. % RESOLUTION ADOPTED THIS 20th DAY OF December. 1984 MAYOR ¢ T: I c V kC 7:,1:\.r v&' VED AS TO FORM: /:'r 4 1/ i t it' eir 1TTORNEY 72i -,/� /2 (� /9PL. e „:„ 7� / - < l� z 1 D tiu /--3—P " A r 4�7 AV - 1 . • ! RESOLUTION NO, 3 3 0 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE TO SUPPORT THE ARKANSAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT IN THE REVISION OF THE VANDENBURG BLVD., J.P. WRIGHT LOOP ROAD AND JOHN HARDEN DRIVE INTERSECTION WHEREAS, THE City 06 Jachhonv.i.Ue ha4 expended many howc4 06 Pottce and Fite Depan-tment pen.sonnee .Lnveatigattng, nezeuing and .tha.napoxti.ng .in= jwLed accident victims, a.a a nesizUU o4 accidents at Vandenbung S2vd. J.P. Wni.gh-t Loop Road and John Harden DV.Lve Intaseetion; and WHEREAS, ci.tLzen4 o4 Jackdonvitte have 4u$iettd pnopeh.ty damage and tos4e4 06 p&opehty a4 a /Lesutt ob the Vandenbwcg Stud., J.P. Wh.tght. Lapp Road and John Harden V'z2ve Inteh.4ec.tLon; and WHEREAS, the City has Lost time a4 pkoductive e- LtLzen4 due to ho4pitie.ization a4 a tesutt ob dangeh.oua accidents at thin £mtehsection; and WHEREAS, i.the City Pottce Depah.tment, Eng.ineen,ing Depah.iment, and Planning CommL 4.Lon have /Lev -.ewed .thL& de4.ign and have /Lecommended appnovaC ab the design attached az exhibit "A" he teto; and WHEREAS, the PlannLng Comm.Lu on has hecommended the pukzu.it 04 an additional exit /Lamp non-th ob Madden Road box nahth bound tha{ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS,. THAT: Section 1. The Mayon iz heh.eby au.thoxLzed and dihected to execute ale app&op&.ic..e agreements neeea4ahy to revue the .iwtehsectLon located at Vandenbwcg Blvd J.P. Whight Loop Road and John Harden Dn,Lve a4 shown on exhibit "A" and to pwcsue the addition o6 an exit vamp fiok no/Lth bound thaf6,ie north o6 Madden Road. Section 2, The City ob Jach4onviele ptedge4 it4 {wit 4uppont and heheby authahize4 the Athan4a4 State Highway and Tnan4pontation Depah.tment to inAtiate action to nev.iLe The Vandenbung Blvd., J.P. Whig ht Loop Road and John Harden Drive Inteh8 ectton, THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED THIS 20.th DAY OF Deeembex , 1984 , AYOR ATTEST: ( Ae PP C APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY k -- -* -- .. • .. .. . . ' , .. - - • . I . . • -__________c__ I ' /.. r.;• . '.. in 4 . E: I ; ri ; t r \--■-• -1. .... / . -, \ , V 4 • ' fii i i , ,.... 0 , ,' ‘ '‘. A...., ' * N. II ; 11- 9 1.f 1 I.I. i ; • '— • f •-• V" • pl. .: i' /7 9 ----.--) / 11 ) - : 1, i ' : d.11 i - \ \ • fr ), . ...r..7-„ -. - 11 - - -- -- . ,,... --, / ' , ..0.? f 4- . 0 * _ \-- \ ( ,,... e .1.i ill), , 1 ,.■ C 1 -I i . • t: 1 11 , i 11 , 1 ; - it IT -- ; V N ... . . , . 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