14 NOV 10 A G E N D A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOVEMBER 10, 2014 6:30 P.M. CITY HALL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. CALL TO ORDER: PAGES 2. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Regular Scheduled Meeting of October 13, 2014 1-3 3. VARIANCE REQUEST(S): a. Fence Variance 405 South James Street Petitioner: Mini Storage Services 4-5 (Held from the October meeting) b. Creation of a subcommittee to address ordinance updates and revisions ADJOURNMENT MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING DATE AND TIME: November 10, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 6:39 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Commissioners: Vergil Healey, Art Brannen, Rick White, Alderman Howard and Chairman Moore were present. City Attorney Bamburg and City Engineer Whisker were present. ______________________________________________________________________ City Clerk Susan Davitt recorded those listed above in attendance and Chairman Moore declared a quorum. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Alderman Howard moved, seconded by Commissioner White to approve the regularly scheduled meeting minutes of October 13, 2014. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE(S): a. Fence Variance 405 South James Street/Mini Storage Services Chairman Moore opened the public hearing at approximately 6:31 p.m. Chairman Moore related that the item of business was held over from the regularly scheduled October Board of Adjustment meeting. He informed the Board that the petitioner for a fence variance is Mini Storage Services at 405 South James Street. Mr. David Grant identified himself as the representative for the time of business, explaining that he manages the self storage locations in Cabot and Jacksonville. He related that they are proposing to replace the existing barbed wire fence with a vinyl coated fence with barbed wire. He stated that for security purposes they are requesting to keep the barbed wire. He then answered that the portion of fence to be replaced is along the front on James Street. Chairman Moore closed the public hearing at approximately 6:32 p.m. City Engineer Whisker stated that because of the wording of the Ordinance all request for barbed wire has to be brought before the Board of Adjustment and meet the criteria. He added that it has to be enclosing something that people might want to get to and be six feet tall. He stated that this request does meet that criterion. Alderman Howard moved to approve the request for a barbed wire fence to be located at 405 South James Street. Commissioner White questioned if the barbed wire would extend in front of the office area. Mr. Grant stated that it will remain as it is with the existing fence. He then concurred that the barbed wire fence would extend to the ditch area. Commissioner White seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING DATE AND TIME: November 10, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 6:39 p.m. b. Creation of a subcommittee to address ordinance updates and revisions Chairman Moore stated that he would like for the Board of Adjustment members to serve on this subcommittee. He related that there are some ordinances that pertain to zoning that need to be considered for updates. He then added that he would like to wait on creating the subcommittee until Metroplan can come and meet with the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment. City Engineer Whisker answered that he has not been able to secure an engagement with Metroplan but will proceed with that during his meeting on Wednesday. Chairman Moore stated that he would like to have someone from Metroplan involved to provide guidance, noting that there are a lot of new Commissioners and Board members. City Attorney Bamburg advised the Board that they can recommend changes that are sent to the Planning Commission and to the City Council for enactment or modification. Chairman Moore then answered that one of the ordinances for review would be the sign ordinance, specifically the number of signs and the sizes. He cited a code that requires the Code Enforcement to post signs on properties that are being considered for a variance request by the Board of Adjustment. He added that Engineering is the proper entity to post those signs. City Engineer Whisker concurred, noting that when that Code was adopted, the Code Enforcement Department was a part of the Engineering Department before being moved to the Police Department. Chairman Moore reiterated that he would like to wait until the person from Metroplan provides instructions. He stated that because the Board of Adjustment is a quasi judicial board, they need to be careful how they conduct business. He then answered that the subcommittee meetings would be open to the public. Discussion ensued as to the type of guidance offered by Metroplan; City Engineer Whisker stated that someone from Metroplan has given instructional information approximately every four years for the benefit of new Commissioners. He stated that they review the roles of Planning Commissioners and Board of Adjustment members. He stated that he would get with Metroplan to schedule a time for their visit. ADJOURNMENT: Without objection, Chairman Moore adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:39 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully, ___________________________ _____________________________ Susan L. Davitt CHAIRMAN Jim Moore CITY CLERK – TREASURER