02 MAY 13 A G E N D A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MAY 13, 2002 - 6:15 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER: PAGES 2. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Regularly Scheduled Meeting April 8, 2002 VARIANCE REQUEST: a. Front Yard Setback Variance 1303 Riverwood Drive Parkview Subdivision Petitioner: Gary D. Southerland b. Vehicle Variance 26 Preston Court Petitioner: Mr. Darryl Landers c. Density Variance 200 South Hospital Blvd. Petitioner: Jacksonville Towers ADJOURNMENT MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING DATE AND TIME: MAY 13, 2002 / 6:15 p.m. – 6:48 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Commissioners: Martha Boyd, Tammy Green, Mark Stroud and William Montgomery City Representative, City Engineer Whisker City Clerk Susan Davitt recorded those listed above in attendance and Acting Chairman Boyd declared a quorum. VARIANCE(S) REQUESTED: DEVIATION IN AGENDA: C. DENSITY VARIANCE: 200 South Hospital/Jacksonville Towers Acting Chairman Boyd opened the Public Hearing at approximately 6:15 p.m. Mr. Ben Rice referred to the regularly scheduled meeting in March, pointing out that Jacksonville Towers was granted a variance to build twenty-five apartment units on a site next to Jacksonville Towers and Jackson Square Apartments. He stated that it was assumed that the funding from HUD would be for approximately twenty-five units, but has since learned that funding authorization is for thirty-eight units. He requested that the variance be increased to thirty-eight units, saying that instead of plans for a one-story building the proposed plans would be for a two-story building. He pointed out that the Jackson Square and Timberwood Apartment buildings directly across the street are two-story. He stated that while they are applying for the funding to build the units there is no guarantee they will be awarded the funding. Commissioner Montgomery stated that Mr. Rice had shared plans with the Board last month regarding setbacks and questioned if the building lines would change. Mr. Rice stated that he believes that the “footprint” of the building will remain about the same but will be expanded up instead of out. Discussion ensued regarding needs for additional parking; Mr. Rice stated that additional parking considerations would be addressed, adding that currently there is no drawing yet available. He related that the architect assured him that there was ample space to provide additional parking requirements. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Green, Mr. Rice stated that he was not aware of the location for additional parking and that the proposed construction would be for a two-story complex. City Engineer Jay Whisker stated that the request addresses the density of the development. He related that plans could change prior to being presented to the Planning Commission for a building permit. City Engineer Jay Whisker pointed out that if the development is increased from twenty-five to thirty-four units as a two-story complex it would be smaller. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING continued: May 13, 2002 Mr. Rice stated that for approximately two or three years they have searched for a site, adding that to utilize the proposed site HUD will require a release on the mortgage. He stated that the recommendation would come from the local office in Little Rock, that the property be released, adding that there is the indication that the next step will concur. Acting Chairman Boyd closed the public hearing at approximately 6:28 p.m. Commissioner Montgomery moved, seconded by Commissioner Green that 200 S. Hospital be granted a density variance to accommodate thirty-eight units MOTION CARRIED. b. VEHICLE VARIANCE: 26 Preston Court It was noted that item b. has been removed from the agenda per the request of the petitioner. RESUME AGENDA: a. FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE: 1303 Riverwood Drive Acting Chairman Boyd opened the public hearing at approximately 6:30 p.m. Mr. Southerland stated that he was requesting a variance of the setback in the culdesac where Riverwood meets Pinnacle. He stated that he does not mind the 35-foot setback on the portion of the lot that fronts Riverwood Drive, but added that the second part of the lot faces into the culdesac. He stated that a 25’ setback had been granted to the adjacent property. He related that 25’ setback would line the construction of his house with the houses on Riverwood Drive. Commissioner Green moved, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery to approve a 10-foot setback variance for 1303 Riverwood Drive. In response to a question from to a question posed by Commissioner Montgomery, Mr. Southerland explained that the front of his lot is partially located in the culdesac. He demonstrated on the plat that the current 35-foot setback is shown to be the straight away of the street, adding that if the building line for the culdesac was cut back 10-foot he would be able to move the house forward 10-feet. City Engineer Whisker stated that the request is the same situation that was brought before the Board previously, adding that the only difference is that a portion of the lot is located on the straight part of the street. Acting Chairman Boyd closed the public hearing at approximately 6:48 p.m. At this time, MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Commissioner Montgomery moved, seconded by Commissioner Green to approve the minutes of the Regularly Scheduled Board of Adjustment meeting of April 8, 2002. MOTION CARRIED. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING continued: May 13, 2002 ADJOURNMENT: Acting Chairman Boyd adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:48 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully, _________________________ _____________________________ Susan L. Davitt Mark Perry CITY CLERK - TREASURER CHAIRMAN