98 JUN 24YNMINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DATE AND TIME: June 24, 1998 4:00 p.m. 4:25 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Acting Chairman Bob Walker Commissioners: John Hardwick, and Ken Nabors PETITIONERS: Variance requested: Arkansas Multi-Family Housing, LLC Variance from C-2 dimensions to R-3 (Chapter 18.32.040 Jax. Mun. Code) __________________________________________________________________ Deputy City Clerk Susan L. Davitt recorded those listed above in attendance and Acting Chairman Walker declared a quorum. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hardwick moved, seconded by Commissioner Nabors that the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting of April 22, 1998 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE REQUEST: Arkansas Multi-Family Housing, LLC Acting Chairman Walker related that the petitioner desires to build an apartment complex located on South Hospital Drive and that the property is currently zoned C-2 with R-3 permitted as a conditional use. He stated that the petitioner is requesting a variance for the dimensional requirements of C-2 to R-3. Mr. Bart Gray, Jr. related that the entire section consists of 4.5 acres. He then noted that the southern three acres was previously granted a variance for a development scheme based on the R-3 dimensional requirements and a conditional use of R-3 in a C-2 zone. He related that Arkansas Multi-Family Housing, LLC has taken an option on an additional 1.5 acres and will close on the 4.5 acres’ subject to the variance approval for the additional 1.5 acres. He related that the difference between R-3 and C-2 are minimum and in some instances are more restrictive in R-3 than C-2. In response to a questioned posed by Commissioner Hardwick, Mr. Gray related that the apartment complex could possibly be three stories in height. It was noted after a short discussion that the City Engineer would have review of the building permit. He related efforts regarding a fire protection analysis to ensure safety factors. It was explained that using unusual easements were maneuvered around so that the development would not require other variances. City Engineer Reel related that the City did not have a problem with the development scheme. Commissioner Hardwick moved, seconded by Commissioner Nabors to grant Arkansas Multi-Family Housing, LLC a dimensional variance for BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT June 24, 1998 R-3 in a C-2 zone. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned and promptly reconvened at 4:18 p.m. During discussion regarding procedure to change scheduled meetings the following motion was formulated. Commissioner Hardwick moved, seconded by Commissioner Nabor to change the meeting of the Board of Adjustment from the second and fourth Wednesday of each month to the second Monday with additional meetings called by the Chairman if necessary also held on a Monday; and changing the time for said meeting from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Acting Chairman Walker adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:25 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully, __________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Davitt Mark Perry Deputy City Clerk CHAIRMAN