96 APR 10MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DATE AND TIME: April 10, 1996 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Commissioners: Chairman Art Brannen, Commissioners Larry Baldwin, B.J. Boroughs and Rudy Reid / City Engineer Duane Reel represented the City of Jacksonville. PETITIONERS: Taco Bell Variance requested: Sign Variance regarding height 67/167 / Northgate Drive (Chapter 18.76.030 Jax. Mun. Code) __________________________________________________________________ Deputy City Clerk Susan L. Davitt recorded those listed above in attendance and Chairman Brannen declared a quorum. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Commissioner Patton moved, seconded by Commissioner Reid that the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting of March 27, 1996 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE REQUEST: Taco Bell 67/167 / Northgate Sign Variance. Chairman Brannen reviewed the variance request from Taco Bell. City Engineer Reel related that Taco Bell is requesting a maximum sign height of 50 feet to be located behind the curb next to the entrance. He related that most signs in the area are between thirty-five and forty-five feet in height, noting that one sign in the area is eighty feet. During general discussion it was related that the maximum sign height for the area is thirty-five feet. Mr. Mike Berg representing Taco Bell related that after balloon testing they determined that a fifty-foot height variance would be needed so that traffic coming North on the freeway would be able to see the sign clearly. He then related similar testing information required by the City of Cabot for a sign variance of one hundred and fifty feet. General discussion ensued as to wind factors, base requirements and width requirements for signs of different heights. Commissioner Reid moved, seconded by Commissioner Patton that Taco Bell be granted a sign height variance allowing them to construct a sign with a maximum height of fifty foot. MOTION CARRIED. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT continued April 10, 1996 ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Brannen adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:15 p.m. Respectfully, __________________________ _________________________ Lula M. Leonard CHAIRMAN Art Brannen BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Secretary