95 MAR 22MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DATE AND TIME: March 22, 1995 4:05 p.m. 4:20 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Commissioners: Chairman Leslie Belden, B. J. Boroughs and Rudy Reid Code Enforcement Officer Vern Howell represented the City of Jacksonville PETITIONER: Ray and Essie Cherry Variance requested: Front Yard Setback (a violation of Chapter 18.68.050) __________________________________________________________________ City Clerk Lula M. Leonard recorded those listed above in attendance and Chairman Belden declared a quorum. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Commissioner Reid moved, seconded by Commissioner Boroughs that the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting of October 12, 1994 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Belden voiced the request for a front yard setback at 716 Beverly Drive. She made mention of information, a letter and a drawing of the proposed construction, which was included in a packet mailed to each commissioner. Commissioner Reid mentioned the meeting in October regarding the same request and Mrs. Cherry stated that she was not able to attend due to her husband being a patient in the V.A. Hospital. Commissioner Reid voiced concerns of the Board at that meeting in setting a precedent if granting the request. He said that poor health on the part of Mr. Cherry, as stated in the letter of request for the variance, was definitely a good one. There was discussion regarding other construction of a similar nature in the area of 716 Beverly. Mrs. Cherry noted that a pitched roof would cover the carport which is very much needed to protect her husband as he goes from the house to a vehicle for trips back and forth for frequent doctor's visits. Commissioner Boroughs voiced that he felt the request is a legitimate one due to the illness of her husband. It was the general consensus of the Board that the proposed construction will not distract from the neighborhood and that it will enhance the appearance of the home. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES continued: March 22, 1995 Discussion ensued as to the type of structure and design desired by the petitioner. Mrs. Cherry asked if the carport could be widened to 16 X 20 feet. The consensus of the Board was that it could in the front yard setback without being altered. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Boroughs moved, seconded by Commissioner Reid that the meeting adjourned at approximately 4:20 p.m. Respectfully, __________________________ _________________________ Lula M. Leonard CHAIRMAN Leslie Belden BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Secretary