95 APR 26MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DATE AND TIME: April 26, 1995 4:00 p.m. 4:10 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Commissioners: Acting Chairman Jack Patton, B. J. Boroughs, and Larry Baldwin Code Enforcement Officer Vern Howell represented the City of Jacksonville PETITIONER: Mr. John Mason Variance requested: Conditional Use in a R-4 zone for C-1 use A violation of Chapter 18.68.050 of the Jacksonville Municipal Code Book __________________________________________________________________ Deputy City Clerk Susan L. Davitt recorded those listed above in attendance and Acting Chairman Patton declared a quorum. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Action regarding the March 1995 minutes was deferred until the next Board of Adjustment meeting. Acting Chairman Patton introduced the item of business, reviewing the location and the requested use of the property by Mr. Mason for a quiet commercial business. Mr. Mason related that he is the owner of Mason Realty and is requesting permission to operate a real estate office and insurance company, which may later include an attorney's office. He related that the upstairs will be leased. He stated that he felt if granted a conditional use of the property it would be an asset to the area. Commissioner Boroughs stated that he was familiar with the property and had the impression that Mr. Mason would reside in one of the apartments above the office. Mr. Mason replied that currently he has a home in Little Rock but will not always be driving back into the city in the evening, adding that he does plan to keep one of the apartments for his personal use as a residence. Commissioner Boroughs clarified that as a conditional use it would not permanently change the zoning while it would allow Mr. Mason to use the property under his ownership as a quiet commercially zoned area. He stated that should Mr. Mason sell the property the conditional use granted would cease to exist. The action taken by the Planning Commission was then discussed with regard to a recommendation to the Board of Adjustment. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 26, 1995 4:00 p.m. 4:10 p.m. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Boroughs he was informed by the offices of the City Clerk and Code Enforcement that there were no complaints from the public with regard to the conditional use request or at the public hearing previously held by the Planning Commission. It was noted that the property was posted and advertised properly allowing for public input. Commissioner Baldwin stated that he felt the intended use would be an improvement to the area. Code Enforcement Officer Howell agreed, stating that he has no problem with the requested use of the property. Commissioner Boroughs moved, seconded Commissioner Baldwin that Mr. Mason be granted a conditional use to operate a quiet business at the address of 215 South Second Street. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Acting Chairman Patton adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:10 p.m. Respectfully, __________________________ ______________________________ Susan L. Davitt ACTING CHAIRMAN Jack Patton DEPUTY CITY CLERK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT