94 OCT 12MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DATE AND TIME: October 12, 1994 4:05 p.m. 4:18 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Commissioners: Chairman Art Brannen, Tad Green and Rudy Reid Code Enforcement Officer Wayne Cox and Vern Howell represented the City of Jacksonville PETITIONER: Ray and Essie Patterson Variance requested: Front Yard Setback (a violation of Chapter 18.68.050) __________________________________________________________________ Deputy City Clerk Susan L. Goings recorded those listed above in attendance and Chairman Brannen declared a quorum. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Commissioner Reid moved, seconded by Commissioner Boroughs that the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting of August 24, 1994 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Brannen voiced the request for a front yard setback at 716 Beverly Drive. He related that the property is zoned for R-0 uses, which allows for a 35ft. setback. He then related that the plat has been designated as a 30ft. setback leaving four feet between the adjoining properties. Commissioner Reid voiced concerns with regard to easements. Chairman Brannen related that there is no other similar construction located on Beverly Drive. Discussion ensued as to the type of structure and design desired by the petitioner. At this time Chairman Brannen read the letter of request from the petitioners. Commissioner Green related that he found it hard to accept a variance of twenty feet leaving only a ten to fourteen-foot setback, adding his concern that if granted other residents might request the same variance for setbacks. He stated that he would be hard pressed to grant such variances. Discussion ensued as to the petitioners needs with regard to the request of variance and the precedence this type of approved variance might create. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT October 12, 1994 Commissioner Green moved, seconded by Reid to deny the request for a front yard setback. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Brannen adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:18 p.m. Respectfully, __________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Goings CHAIRMAN Art Brannen BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT