19 MAR 11CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 11, 2019 7:10 P.M. – 7:22 P.M. OPENING REMARKS: The Planning Commission of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in a special session on March 11, 2019. Chairman Moore opened the meeting at approximately 7:00 p.m. expressing appreciation to those in attendance. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Patrick Thomas, Barbara Mashburn, Vivian Brittenum, Jeff Twitty, Dan Brown, and Mark Stroud answered ROLL CALL. Chairman Jim Moore also answered roll call and declared a quorum. PRESENT (7), ABSENT (1). One position open. Others present for the meeting were Public Works Director Jim Oakley, Craig Friedman, and interested citizens, petitioners, and press. CORRECTION AND/OR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Stroud to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of November 27, 2018. PUBLIC HEARING(S): REZONING request for 1234 Church Street from R-1 to R-2 Chairman Moore opened the public hearing at approximately 7:12 p.m. Petitioner Vernon Washington related that his father worked for the City for over 50 years. He stated that he is number 10 of 12 children in the family and he retired from the military following 26 years of service in 2010. He related that his father passed when he was “down range”, he stated that the houses in the neighborhood are being condemned and are going to waste. He stated that he wanted to construct a place for friends to come and visit Jacksonville and his family. He stated that he has friends in Germany that have never seen Arkansas. He added that he also wanted a place for the family to gather during the holidays. He stated that he helped his father work on the house before going into the military. He added that he wanted to improve the area. The following are comments made prior to the opening of the meeting. Chairman Moore addressed petitioner Mr. Vernon Washington, relating that the Planning Commission would not be able to grant a rezoning request unless the Board of Adjustment had approved the variances required to construct the proposed plans for a duplex. He suggested that Mr. Washington rework the plans, noting that there is only 50’ regarding the width of the lot. He then added that there might could be an adjustment working with the depth of the lot. He stated that because the Board of Adjustment had denied the request for variances, it would be a year before they would address those exact specifications of request again. Mr. Washington related his military background, explaining that he was proposing to construct a place that the family could come together and hold family reunions. He noted that it is an older neighborhood, CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 11, 2019 7:10 P.M. – 7:22 P.M. pointing out that many of the housing were built before the 50’s. He stated that if things remain the same, then no one will build in the area. Chairman Moore stated that the Commission has to proceed legally, which is why the City has its attorney present. He continued saying that it would set a precedent if the Commission were to rezone the property without variance approval. With no one else to address the request, Chairman Moore closed the public hearing at approximately 7:15 p.m. Commissioner Thomas recapped the lot size, questioning the depth of the proposed duplex. He then stated that the duplex is roughly 40’ X 40’. He stated that if the ordinance states an R-2 lot has to be 60’ wide the only way to construct something would be if a 20’ or 30’ wide structure was turned sideways and then add to the depth. He surmised that it would be feasible if Mr. Washington was able to buy any addition adjacent property. He stated that the property could then be replatted and then build a duplex. He stated that the Commission is bond to the City ordinances which dictates a 60’ wide lot for the rezoning to R-2. He related that the Planning Commission would not be able to rezone the property to R-2 based on the width of the property. Commissioner Stroud stated that he views zoning of R-1 as a sacred trust from the government to the single-family home owner, adding that when you begin to mess with R-1 it creates chaos down the road. He related that the Planning Commission needs to be very careful when you move away from an R-1 zoning and into anything multifamily. He questioned the impact for the surrounding property owners. He reiterated that R-1 should be dealt with very carefully. He noted that this property is in the middle of a huge R-1 area and there is no other type of zoning surrounding the property. He stated rezoning this property would be making an R-2 island in the middle of R-1. He added that he did not feel that would be wise in looking forward. Commissioner Thomas moved, seconded by Councilman Mashburn to deny the request to rezone 1234 Church Street from R-1 to R-2. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST TO APPROVE PLAT(S): BUILDING PERMIT(S): ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Moore without objection; adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _________________________ Susan L. Davitt