17 OCT 09 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2017 7:15 P.M. – 7:25 P.M. OPENING REMARKS: The Planning Commission of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in regular session on October 9, 2017. Chairman Moore opened the meeting at approximately 7:00 p.m. expressing appreciation to those in attendance. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Patrick Thomas, Jim Peacock, Jr., Scott Scholl, Rick White, Robert Price, and Virgil Healey answered ROLL CALL. Chairman Jim Moore also answered roll call and declared a quorum. PRESENT (7), ABSENT (2). Others present for the meeting were City Engineer Jay Whisker, Geneva Healey, Tommy Bond, interested citizens, petitioners, and press. CORRECTION AND/OR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Healey moved, seconded by Commissioner White to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2017 regularly scheduled meeting as presented. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING(S): REQUEST TO APPROVE PLAT(S): REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT Crooked Creek Subdivision PH III Mr. Tommy Bond of Bond Engineering stated that the plat was originally submitted eight to ten years ago, explaining that due to the recession and other factors, Mr. Underwood, the developer chose not to proceed. He went on to say that because of the School construction, Mr. Underwood has now decided to proceed with the project. He related that this a part of the overall plan for Crooked Creek, saying that Burnside Drive was to loop around and come back in, noting that there are approximately 40 lots in this phase. He stated that the other lots would hinge on a connection for the sewer system that is south of General Samuels road, explaining that there has been an issue regarding obtaining an easement for some time. He stated that hopefully that will come to pass and Mr. Underwood will be able to develop those other lots. He stated that there would be homes that are similar to what is in the area now, surmising that it would be $125,000 to $150,000 dollar homes. City Engineer Whisker stated that assuming that the Bills of Assurance are the same, the homes should be somewhere around 1,600 square foot. He stated that he believes the Bill of Assurance is 1,500 and all have agreed to do 1,600 and 1,700 square foot homes. He stated that these 12 lots would connect to the School at the bottom of Burnside Drive. He related that the only item that he and Mr. Robinson have batted back and forth is a sidewalk around lot 155 that leads from Burnside Drive to the back of Bobby G. Lester School regarding either an easement or right-of-way. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2017 7:15 P.M. – 7:25 P.M. Mr. Bond stated that he intended to contact the School, noting that there is some distance between the new School and this property line to see if the School would want that access there because there will be a new walk down the front of the School and road access that comes into the School, which would be the same walk that will be part of this. Chairman Moore offered that it would probably be best to have the sidewalk by lot 155, saying that the correct policy now for picking children up is that within ¼ mile they have to walk to school. Mr. Bond then answered Chairman Moore that the sidewalk behind lot 155 would lead to an open space on that side of the School consisting of approximately 200 or 300’ from the back of these lots to the School building. City Engineer Whisker offered that it is the cleared out area, kind of where the playground and the old parking lot are and then there is a kind of cleared area to the woods, this is that area. Mr. Bond asked if it would be okay to readdress this issue at the time of the final plat. Chairman Moore agreed. City Engineer Whisker then answered that the other utility companies did not have a problem and the Sewer Commission has already passed it. It was then noted that approval was contingent on Health Department approval. Mr. Bond noted that all the plans were approved eight or ten years ago when it was submitted. He added that Mr. Underwood had sold the ground between General Samuels and the School for the School to be built and that facilitated bringing the sewer across the Street and is supposed to bring the waterline down to General Samuels Road, which was kind of an obstacle financially. Which, all facilitated the development of these twelve lots. Chairman Moore mentioned that in talking with the Fire Marshal he wanted to make sure there was a fire hydrant placed in that area. Mr. Bond agreed. Commissioner Price questioned if these lots back up to the Little Rock Air Force Base, Mr. Bond stated that there is another section, saying that the reason they are only proposing to develop twelve lots is that this is all that will sewer. He stated that if the rest of the property is developed they would have to go through Mr. Smith’s property to the south of General Samuels and tie in, which approximately ¼ of a mile. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2017 7:15 P.M. – 7:25 P.M. Commissioner Healey moved, seconded by Commissioner Peacock to approve the revised preliminary plat of Crooked Creek Subdivision PH III as presented. MOTION CARRIED. BUILDING PERMIT(S): SITE PLAN Metropolitan Commercial Estates, Lot 16 Mr. Bond explained that this property is located on Highland Drive and South Redmond Road, saying that Mr. Smith owns the corner property that has a fence and a lot of heavy equipment. He stated that he assumes Mr. Smith is going to develop more executive offices. He stated that it would be approximately 2,000 square foot office building with some parking. He then noted that while the parking does not completely comply, Mr. Smith owns the other three corners and there is plenty of parking with those so any parking overflow would not overflow into anything but his own property. City Engineer Whisker stated that none of the utilities had any comments, adding that hopefully this development will dress up the southeast corner of Redmond Road and Highland Drive. Commissioner Scholl moved, seconded by Commissioner Healey to approve the site plan for Metropolitan Commercial Estates, Lot 16. MOTION CARRIED. GENERAL: ANNOUNCEMENT: ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Moore without objection; adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _________________________ Susan L. Davitt