14 AUG 07 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY HALL - #1 MUNICIPAL DRIVE The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in regular session on August 7, 2014 at the regular meeting place of the City Council. Mayor Fletcher delivered the invocation and Zachary Walters and Elijah Conley of Boy Scout Troop 128 led a standing audience in the “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag. ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Bolden, Sansing, Ray, Mashburn, Traylor, Twitty, Robinson, and Howard answered ROLL CALL. Mayor Fletcher also answered ROLL CALL declaring a quorum. Aldermen Elliott and McCleary were absent. PRESENT EIGHT (8), ABSENT (2). Others present for the meeting were: City Attorney Robert Bamburg, City Engineer Jay Whisker, Finance Director Cheryl Erkel, Public Works Director Jim Oakley, Police Chief Kenny Boyd, Fire Chief Alan Laughy, CDBG Director Theresa Watson, IT Director Scott Rothlisberger, Glenda Fletcher, Planning Commissioner Jim Moore, Bob Stroud, Patrick Thomas, Gerald Clark, Johnny Simpson, Keith Webber, interested citizens, and members of the press. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES: Mayor Fletcher presented the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 17, 2014 for approval and/or correction at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Alderman Howard moved, seconded by Alderman Traylor that the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of 3 July 2014 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA: REGULAR MONTH REPORT/ANIMAL CONTROL Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Bolden to approve the regular monthly report for July 2014. ADOPTION FEES/FINES $2,365.00 CONTRIBUTIONS 211.47 TOTALS $2,573.47 ROLL CALL: Aldermen: Bolden, Sansing, Ray, Mashburn, Traylor, Twitty, Robinson, and Howard voted AYE. MOTION CARRIED. WATER DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENTS: FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: STREET DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION: PLANNING COMMISSION: CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. GENERAL: a. PUBLIC HEARING 7:00 P.M. Signalization at Main & Bailey Streets Mayor Fletcher opened the public hearing at approximately 7:02 p.m. City Engineer Whisker related that there had been discussion regarding the light at Main & Bailey Streets, noting that the discussion turned to the question as to whether the light was necessary. He explained that traffic counts were conducted at the intersection, saying that there are eight reasons to have signalization and this intersection did not meet that criterion. He stated that the traffic light is no longer warranted, so the City is proposing to remove the traffic light at Main & Bailey intersection. He explained that in place of the signalization, stop signs would be placed at either side of Main Street on Bailey Street. He stated that Main Street would not have any stop signs; it would not be a four-way stop intersection. He then answered that the eight warrants are 1) 8-hr. count, 2) 4-hr. count, 3) peak hour volume, 4) pedestrian volume, 5) school crossings, 6) coordinated signal system, 7) crash experience, 8) roadway network. He explained that it involves an engineering study using these warrants to determine criterion. Mr. Jason Kennedy on behalf of the Rice & Adams Law Firm and Mr. Preston Robinson voiced their support for having the signalization removed. Director of Administration Jim Durham stated that Mr. Larry Wilson, an adjacent property owner, is in favor of removing the signalization. He pointed out that the light is old and if kept would have to be replaced with a more modern signalization. He noted that the light does not trip correctly coming up from Bailey Street, he then related that the sidewalk on the Rice & Adams side is not completed, saying that it leads to nowhere. He explained that pedestrian traffic has to use the parking lot of the Law Firm to access the other sidewalk in front of the small shopping center. He related that if the City Council agrees to have the signalization removed, they would like to redo the island with landscaping, put in a curb-cut for wheelchair access, and construct a partial sidewalk to connect the other sidewalk. He added that Mr. Wilson had talked about doing some landscaping on his side of the street. Alderman Mashburn stated that she received a report regarding the number of accidents at this intersection from June 2009 to July 2010, citing that there have been 20 reported accidents during this period, not counting the accidents that were not reported. She stated that she would be in favor of having the signalization removed. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. Alderman Howard questioned if there were any problems regarding pedestrian traffic crossing from the Law Firm parking lot to the Bank. Mayor Fletcher stated that there is not a cross-walk light such as at Main, James, and Dupree Streets. He then referred the question to City Engineer Whisker. City Engineer Whisker stated that there is not a lot of pedestrian traffic using that as a cross-walk. He related that he has observed foot traffic crossing mid-block coming from the Library to Wendy’s. Alderman Mashburn concurred, explaining that she has observed the foot traffic and there is not a lot of crossing at the Main & Bailey intersection. With no one else presenting to speak, Mayor Fletcher closed the public hearing at approximately 7:10 p.m. Alderman Bolden moved, seconded by Alderman Twitty to authorize removal of the signalization at Main & Bailey Streets. MOTION CARRIED. b. PRESENTATAION OF 2013 CAFR by Gerald Clark of McAllister & Associates It is my privilege tonight to present the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (“CAFR”) for the City of Jacksonville for the year ended December 31, 2013. The report is 145 pages with two inserts. One is the Audit Management Letter which features a review of prior year’s comments and comments for the current year, a letter of required communication to the City Council and a condensed executive summary of the full report. Calendar year 2013 marks the 17th consecutive year that the City has prepared a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The 2013 annual report was prepared by the City’s Finance Department. It contains financial statements audited by the City’s auditing firm, McAlister & Associates, P.A., CPAs, and also pertinent financial, economic, demographic, and statistical information related to the City of Jacksonville over a ten-year period. The purpose of the report is to provide the City’s elected officials, citizens, financial institutions and other interested parties with detailed information concerning the financial condition and performance of the City of Jacksonville. Each year since 1997 and including the 2012 report, the City’s CAFR has received the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting awarded by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. The 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report has also been submitted to GFOA for award consideration. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. Independent audit The goal of the independent audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the City for the year ended December 31, 2013, are free of material misstatement. The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Based upon our audit, we have rendered a “clean”, or unmodified opinion on the City’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013. Our Independent Auditor’s Report is presented on page 11 of the CAFR. Audit of Federal Funds All non-Federal entities that expend $500,000 or more in Federal awards in a year are required to obtain an annual audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended in 1996. A single audit is intended to provide a cost-effective audit in that one audit is conducted in lieu of multiple audits of individual Federal programs. During 2013, the City expended $1,084,971 in federal awards. The City’s Schedule of Expenditure of Federal Funds can be found on Page 140 of the report. Our responsibility as auditors is to express an opinion on compliance for each of the City’s major Federal award programs. Our opinion on compliance for the City’s major Federal award program was unmodified and can be found on page 138 of the CAFR. Management Letter We have issued a formal management letter, included with the annual report, which is a customary by- product of the audit process and is intended to provide management with suggestions and guidance in the ongoing effort to improve internal controls. The management letter addresses the resolution of matters that were reported in the prior year audit, and contains two comments related to the 2013 financial statement preparation. The City’s Statement of Net Position on Pages 26 and 27 in the CAFR is comparable to a balance sheet for a private business enterprise. It shows the City’s total assets, total liabilities, and the net position. The Summary Statement of Net Position shown below indicates total assets of the City were $63,431,000 at the end of 2013, a decrease of $605,000 from 2012. He stated that of the 63 million, 53 million is in Capital assets, 5 million is in cash and investments, and 5 million in other assets, mainly accounts receivable. Total liabilities of the City were $14,277,000, an increase of $970,000 over the prior year. He stated that of the 14 million, over 10 million is considered long-term obligations. Total assets exceeded total liabilities by $49,154,000 at the end of 2013. The amount by which assets exceed liabilities is referred to as the City’s “Net Position”. Net position is essentially composed of three components: the largest of which, for the City, is its investment in capital assets such as land, buildings, infrastructure, and machinery and equipment. This amount at the end of 2013 was $42,946,000 or 87% of total net position. These capital assets are used to provide services to the community and, as a result, they are not available for future spending. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. An additional portion of the City’s net position is subject to external restrictions as to how the funds may be used. At the end of 2013 the City’s restricted net position totaled $1,185,000 or 2.4% of the total net position of the City. The remaining balance, approximately $5,024,000 is considered an unrestricted net position. This amount is available to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to its citizens and creditors. Summary Statement of Net Position December 31, 2013 and 2012 Net Position Governmental Activities Business-type Activities Total 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 Current and other assets  $ 9,052,959   $ 12,505,283   $ 1,613,334   $ 1,267,548   $ 10,666,293   $ 13,772,831  Capital assets 51,105,083  48,404,340  1,659,211  1,858,954  52,764,294  50,263,294   Total assets 60,158,042 60,909,623 3,272,545 3,126,502 63,430,587 64,036,125   Long-term liabilities outstanding  9,641,683   8,419,447   498,487   771,818   10,140,170   9,191,265  Other Liabilities 3,729,405  3,690,265  407,234  424,967  4,136,639  4,115,232   Total liabilities 13,371,088 12,109,712 905,721 1,196,785 14,276,809 13,306,497 Net Position: Invested in capital assets   net of related debt 42,058,114  41,063,502  887,393  821,873  42,945,507  41,885,375  Restricted 1,184,762  1,798,969  -  -  1,184,762  1,798,969  Unrestricted 3,544,078  5,937,440  1,479,431  1,107,844  5,023,509  7,045,284   Total Net Position $ 46,786,954 $ 48,799,911 $ 2,366,824 $ 1,929,717 $ 49,153,778 $ 50,729,628 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. The City’s Statement of Activities on Pages 28 and 29 in the CAFR is comparable to an income statement for a private business enterprise. It shows the City’s total revenues, expenses and changes in net position. The Summary Statement of Change in Net Position shown below indicates total revenues of the City increased in 2013 over 2012. 2013 total revenues were $26.0 million ($26,030,927) compared to $25.5 million ($25,557,753) in 2012, an increase of about $473,000 or 1.9%. Total expenses also increased to $27.6 million ($27,606,778) in 2013 from $26.0 million in 2012 or just over 6.2%. Overall, expenditures exceeded revenues by $1.5 million ($1,575,851) in 2013. Summary Statement of Change in Net Position December 31, 2013 and 2012 Change in Net Position Governmental Activities Business-type Activities Total 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 Revenues Program revenues: Charges for services  $ 2,114,356  $ 1,861,350  $ 3,040,737  $ 2,879,100  $ 5,155,093  $ 4,740,450  Operating grants and contributions 4,428,410 4,236,786 6,500 13,000 4,434,910 4,249,786  Capital grants and contributions 685,232 1,013,992 - 59,196 685,232 1,073,188   7,227,997 7,112,129 3,047,237 2,951,296 10,275,234 10,063,425  General revenues:        Property taxes 826,033 784,180 - - 826,033 784,180  Sales taxes 13,164,041 13,138,610 - - 13,164,041 13,138,610  Franchise taxes 1,292,667 1,031,798 - - 1,292,667 1,031,798  Investment earnings 7,026 21,136 688 504 7,714 21,640  Intergovernmental        Revenues 433,463 459,957 - - 433,463 459,957  Gain/(loss) on sales of capital assets 31,775 10,263 - 47,881 31,775 58,144  Total general revenues 15,755,005 15,445,944 688 48,384 15,755,693 15,494,328   Total revenues 22,983,002 22,558,073 3,047,925 2,999,680 26,030,927 25,557,753   Expenses        General government 3,052,269 3,061,493 - - 3,052,269 3,061,493  Public works 3,605,742 2,872,093 - - 3,605,742 2,872,093  Parks and recreation services 2,953,709 2,748,589 - - 2,953,709 2,748,589  Public safety 14,051,451 13,866,306 - - 14,051,451 13,866,306  Housing and neighborhood programs 588,290 365,162 - - 588,290 365,162  Interest on long-term debt 154,499 79,563 - - 154,499 79,563  Sanitation services - - 1,585,114 1,531,003 1,585,114 1,531,003  Emergency medical services - - 1,615,704 1,460,366 1,615,704 1,460,366   Total expenses 24,405,960 22,993,206 3,200,818 2,991,369 27,606,778 25,984,575   Change in net position before transfers  (1,422,958)  (435,133)  (152,893)  8,311  (1,575,851)  (426,822)  Transfers (590,000) (442,496) 590,000 442,496 - -   Change in net position (2,012,958) (877,629) 437,107 450,807 (1,575,851) (426,822)   Net Position - January 1  48,799,911  49,677,541  1,929,717  1,478,910  50,729,628  51,156,451   Net Position - December 31  $ 46,786,954  $ 48,799,911  $ 2,366,824  $ 1,929,717  $ 49,153,777  $ 50,729,628   The City’s governmental funds (General, Street, Special Projects, CDBG, HOME, Grants, Library Debt Service) which are reported on the modified accrual basis of accounting, reported total 2013 revenues of $22.8 million and total expenditures of $27.9 million. Sales tax revenues which account for slightly less than 60% of all City revenues were $13,164,000 in 2013, compared to CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. $13,138,000 in 2012, an increase 0.2% from 2012 sales tax revenue. State tax turnbacks and other intergovernmental revenues were $4.7 million in 2013 or approximately 21% of revenues; utility franchise taxes were just under $1.3 million or 5.7% of total revenues. City of Jacksonville Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenditures-Governmental Funds Revenues Percent of 2011 2012 2013 Total Property taxes $ 762,221 $ 779,861 $ 782,292 3.4 % Sales taxes 12,612,511 13,138,610 13,164,041 57.6 Licenses and permits 122,289 160,514 123,447 0.5 Intergovernmental 4,053,971 5,310,202 4,674,667 20.5 Charges for services 924,618 1,056,207 1,081,303 4.7 Fines and fees 651,271 791,192 798,456 3.5 Utility franchise taxes 1,057,234 1,031,798 1,292,667 5.7 Investment income 38,014 21,136 7,026 0.0 Miscellaneous 818,963 227,747 917,159 4.0 Total revenues $ 21,041,092 $ 22,517,267 $ 22,841,058 100.00 % Expenditures General government  $ 2,794,399  $ 3,600,208  $ 3,491,811  12.5 % Public works 4,137,281 3,070,904 3,021,075 10.8 Parks and recreation 2,332,786 3,694,975 5,514,730 19.7 Police 7,675,658 11,533,317 8,096,659 29.0 Fire 4,716,182 4,403,817 4,486,226 16.0 Emergency communications 755,149 4,858,959 878,086 3.1 Animal control 295,563 298,166 322,848 1.2 Housing and neighborhood programs 286,307 371,863 559,482 2.0 Debt service 239,694 237,168 1,580,657 5.7 Total expenditures $ 23,233,019 $ 32,069,377 $ 27,951,574 100.00 % Parks and recreation expenditures of $5,515,000 as shown in the table include $2.8 million in construction in progress as of the end of 2013 attributable to the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation shooting range. The City’s General Fund finished 2013 with a fund balance of $3,219,851, which was a decrease of $1,419,000 from the December 31, 2012 fund balance. General Fund revenues of $19,267,000 were $5,040 over amended budgeted revenues for the year, while General Fund expenditures of $20,654,390 were $376,000 over budgeted expenditures for 2013. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. 2013 General Fund Operations Final Variance Budgeted Actual with Final Amounts Amounts Budget Revenues  $19,262,184 $19,267,224 $ 5,040 Expenditures 20,277,837 20,654,390 (376,553) Revenues in excess of expenditures (1,015,653) (1,387,166) (371,513) Other financing sources (uses) Transfers‐in: (From Other Funds) 839,730 567,798 (271,932) Transfers‐out (400,092) (600,092) (200,000) Total other financing sources (uses) 439,638 (32,294) (471,932) Net change in fund balances $ (576,015)  (1,419,46) $ (843,445) Fund balances, January 1 4,639,311 Fund balances, December 31 $ 3,219,851 As a measure of the General Fund’s liquidity, it is useful to compare total General Fund fund balance to total General Fund expenditures. The fund balance of $3,219,851 at December 31, 2013 represents approximately 17% of 2013 actual General Fund expenditures ($19,267,224) and, also approximately 15% of 2014 General Fund budgeted expenditures ($22,011,653). As a general policy, the City’s minimum target at the end of a fiscal year for the fund balance of the General Fund is 60 days (16%) expenditures based on the most recent completed year. At the end of 2013, the balance on hand was about 53 days of 2014 budgeted General Fund expenditures. This minimum level of fund balance is required to ensure funds availability for unforeseen emergencies that might impact the City’s ability to pay for basic operations and also to guarantee the payment of debt obligations. He added that they included a comment in the Management Letter, saying that it has always been the general policy of the City to maintain the 60 days of General Fund fund balance but it not a written policy. He stated that they are recommending that the City formerly adopt that as a written policy. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. General Fund Ending Fund Balance as a Percent of Next Year’s General Fund Budgeted Expenditures General Fund Fund Balance % of Budgeted end of Budgeted Year Expenditures Previous Year Expenditures 2007 $ 15,265,213 $ 3,168,768 20.8% 2008 17,516,497 3,672,742 21.0% 2009 18,888,911 3,552,714 18.8% 2010 18,663,794 3,571,855 19.1% 2011 17,853,061 3,456,369 19.4% 2012 19,190,962 5,404,555 28.2% 2013 20,677,929 4,639,312 22.4% 2014 22,011,653 3,219,851 14.6% $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000  $15,265,213  $17,516,497 $18,888,911  $18,663,794 $17,853,061 $19,190,962  $20,677,929 $22,011,653 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $‐  20.8% 21.0% 18.8% 19.1% 19.4%  28.2%  22.4%  14.6% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 GF Fund Balance % Budgeted Expenditures Conclusion In conclusion, I encourage you to read the Management’s Discussion and Analysis included in the financial section and beginning on page 14, and also the notes to financial statements which begin on page 45. The MD&A analyzes the City’s financial performance for the year, provides comparisons of the current year results to the prior year, and discusses both the positive and negative aspects of the comparison. The notes to the financial statements provide required detailed disclosures and descriptions of the financial statements. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. The preparation of this report would not have been possible without the dedication and committed services of key staff in the City’s Finance Department under the leadership of Finance Director Cheryl Erkel. I would like to express our appreciation to all City staff who assisted us in the audit and whose efforts resulted in a timely and successful completion of this year’s report. Finally, we want to express our appreciation once again to the City and the Council for allowing us the opportunity to serve as the City’s auditors. We very much value our business relationship with the City of Jacksonville. In response to a question from Mayor Fletcher, Mr. Clark answered that the City’s financial position has decreased in recent years. He stated that it seems the City has had to use its reserves to balance the budget for two or three years, which has brought down the liquidity of the City. He related that the City has a tremendous investment in capital assets but there is some concern going forward as to the City’s liquidity. He pointed out that there are now debt obligations that have not been there in the past, so there is concern regarding liquidity. Mayor Fletcher stated that for the last two years, it was necessary to go into the reserves; but Jacksonville is doing what a lot of cities are having to do. He pointed out that it is also known that states are having serious issues as well. He explained that some of his fellow mayors have to dip into their reserves. He pointed out that it is a tough economy, which is why several years ago they began to reinvest in order to expand the tax base. He then noted that 60% of the budget is tax driven. He stated that we have to do things to grow the economy, and not sit back and wait on what happens with the national, because it’s obvious what is taking place. He added that he is very optimistic about some things that are coming Jacksonville’s way. He related that the first half of the year, the Sales Tax numbers have been down and finally last month we had a good month, adding that if this continues then things will be looking good. Mr. Clark agreed that it is not a situation that is unique to the City of Jacksonville, adding that a lot of the cities are having the same problem. Mayor Fletcher stated that the only other option is mass lay-offs and drastic cuts in City services, which he does not feel anyone wants to see that happen. Alderman Bolden moved, seconded by Alderman Traylor to approve the CAFR as presented. MOTION CARRIED. c. RESOLUTION 716 (#11-2014) A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR CANINE OFFICER ROBY UPON HIS RETIREMENT; IN SUPPORT OF TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY OF CANINE OFFICER ROBY TO HIS HANDLER, OFFICER REGINA BOYD; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Sansing to read Resolution 716 (#11-2014). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Resolution 716 (#11-2014). Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Sansing to approve 716 (#11-2014) in its entirety. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. d. ORDINANCE 1515 (#8-2014) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR FIBER OPTIC CABLE, DATA MANAGEMENT, DIGITAL INFORMATION SERVICES, AND ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES WITHIN THE CITY WITH WINDSTREAM COMMUNICATIONS; PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION THROUGH FRANCHISE FEES PAYABLE TO THE CITY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Sansing that Ordinance 1515 be placed on FIRST READING. City Attorney Bamburg informed the City Council that Windstream Communications is a telephone/Internet data management and other mega provider, adding that they are an offshoot of the smaller companies that came out of the Alltel/AT&T merger from several years ago. He explained that the Company came into Jacksonville and laid some lines and this franchise Ordinance allows the Mayor to enter into that agreement. He stated that Windstream is being treated in the same manner as the other telephone and Internet companies that Jacksonville has franchise agreements with, the rates are the same among all of those companies. He stated that the rate is 4.25% on the phones and 5% on the cable and Internet activities. ROLL CALL: Alderman Bolden, Sansing, Ray, Mashburn, Traylor, Twitty, Robinson, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1515. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Sansing to APPROVE Ordinance 1515 on FIRST READING and suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1515 on SECOND READING. In response to a question from Alderman Traylor, City Attorney Bamburg stated that Windstream had communicated that they would not be in attendance for tonight’s meeting, adding that they have stated that they are in concurrence with the franchise agreement. ROLL CALL: Alderman Bolden, Sansing, Ray, Mashburn, Traylor, Twitty, Robinson, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1515. Alderman Bolden moved, seconded by Alderman Sansing to further suspend the rules and place Ordinance 1515 on THIRD AND FINAL READING. ROLL CALL: Alderman Bolden, Sansing, Ray, Mashburn, Traylor, Twitty, Robinson, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Attorney Bamburg read the heading of Ordinance 1515. Alderman Ray moved, seconded by Alderman Bolden that Ordinance 1515 be APPROVED AND ADOPTED. ROLL CALL: Alderman Bolden, Sansing, Ray, Mashburn, Traylor, Twitty, Robinson, and Howard voted AYE. NAY (0). MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. – 7:38 P.M. ORDINANCE 1515 (#11-2014) APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 7th DAY OF AUGUST, 2014. APPOINTMENT(S): ANNOUNCEMENT(S): Mayor Fletcher encouraged everyone to attend the first town hall meeting regarding the new Jacksonville North Pulaski School District next Monday night at 6:30. He stated that it will take everyone’s participation to get the vote out for Jacksonville to have its own school district. He then announced that starting tomorrow construction on Hwy. 67/167 construction would begin and would probably last for the next 18 months. He stated that traffic will be congested, so it might be a good idea to research alternative travel routes. ADJOURNMENT: Without objection, Mayor Fletcher adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:37 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully, ________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Davitt MAYOR GARY FLETCHER City Clerk-Treasurer