0041 • • / 957 City Of laakiOn rift 109 SOUTH SECOND ST. a aeesonvlffe, andas RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the governing body of the City of Jacksonville, County of Pulaski, State of Arkansas, that James V. Gardner and other6, either as incorporators or as promoters of an organization known or to be known as the Pulaski Memorial Gardens, Inc., have filed a petition with the Cemetery Board of the State of Arkansas for the establishment of a Cemetery on Bayou Moto Creek adjaoent to Highway 67, which petition has not yet been granted,•and YREAS it is feared that the proximity of said proposed Cemetery to the source of the Jacksonville water supply, lying east of said tract. would oonstitute a health hazard to this oommunity, and WHEREAS there is no publio need for cemetery facilities in this area other than those already available, so now therefore BE IT RESOLVED that it is the opinion of the governing body of.the City of Jaoksonville that the publio safety, health, service, and welfare would be sustained and better protected if the petition aforementioned were denied, and be it further resolved that the secretary of this oounoil be directed to furnish a dopy of this Resolution forthwith to the Cemetery Board of the State of Arkansas. Passed by the Counoil and approved by the Mayor this day of April, 1957. APPROVED: ADOPTED: / 957 MAYOR ATT�3f t - , _ CITY RECaiDER RESOLUIT!OB NO. 4-57 A RESOLUTION APPROVERS THE SALE AND C0NVE[d8I0B OF =TER KIN MVJ SEWER REVENUE BOWS* PRE- SCRIBING OTRER MITERS RElAT INO THERETO* AND DECLARING AN ENUtOEBCT. WHEREAS by Ordinance No. 89 duly passed and approved an the 18th day of April, 1957, there was authorised the sale of Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, in the principal amount of $310,000* and WHEREAS the Mayor duly advertised the publio sale of bonds in that principal amrnmt, the bonde to be dated May 1, 1957 with interest payable semi - annually an May 1 and November 1 of each year. oomnenoing November 1, 1957, and to mature an November 1 in each of the years 1958 to 1987, inclusive. with the privilege of con- version to an issue bearing a lower rate br rates of interest, the oonversion to be in accordance with the Universal Bond Values Tables and upon euoh terms that the City receives no less and pay no more than it would receive and pay if the bonds were not converted, all as prescribed in said Ordinance No. 89* and WHEREAS a oopy of the Notice of Sale has been filed with the City Clerk end examined by the Council! and WHEREAS at said sale Stephens, Inc., of Little Rook, Arkansas, offered the pride of 100¢ an the dollar for bands bearing interest at the rate of 14% per annum plus scorned interest, and this being the beet bid the bands were "old to the said Stephens. Ind. at said price* and WHEREAS the purchaser has elected to convert the $310,000 of hi% bonds to an issue of $340.000 of 3'%, 3j%, and 3 3/4% bonds, hereinafter described in detail, and the conversion has been examined by the City Council and by the Trustee, Union National Bank, Little Rook, Arkansas, and found to be in accordance with • the terms of sale. and by virtue of which the City will receive no less and pay m more than it would receive and pay if the bands were not converted, NCI, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas* SECTION 1. That the above referred and described Motive of Sales a dopy of which is on file with the City Clerk, and the pnblieation of the same be, and the same are hereby, approved and confirmed. SEECTION 2. That the sale of the said.bonds• upon the terms hereirabove set forth, to Stephens. Imo., of Little Rook, Arkansas. and the conversion oft)* bonds from $310,000 of 14% bonds to 0310,000 of 3i%, 3i% and 3 34 t bonds be, and the same are hereby, approved aid confirmed. SECTION 3., That there are hereby authorised and ordered issued bonds of the City of Jacksonville in the aggregate principal amomt of $3140,000 to be designated "City of Jaoksanville Waterworks and Sewer 31%, Semi 3 3/10 Revenue Bonds ". The bonds tall be nunbered consecutively from 1 to 3110, inolusive, and shall be in the denomination of $1,000 each. The bonds shall be dated May 1, 1957, and Bands Nos. 1 to 89, inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of 31% per annum* Bonds Nos. 90 to 188, inclusive, shall bear interest at t he rate of 3i% her annum* and Bonds Nos. 189 to 3110, inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of 3 341% per anmmm. In- terest "hall be payable semi - annually on May 1, and &norther 1, of each year oomnsneing November 1. 1957. The interest shall be evidenced by interest coupons and the principal and iaterst edall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation of the bond or proper eoupon at motion National Bank, Little Rock, Arkansas. The bonds shall mature on November 1 in each of the years 1958 to 1987, inclusive. as herein- after sat forth in Section 4, dab afire callable for payment prior to maturity as provided in the faoe of the bonds. . SECTION 1}. That as provided in Ordinance No. 89 authorising the issuance of the bonds, the principal of and interest on the bonds shall be paid from the finds in the Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bond Fund as they mature according to the following Schedule! b'b 1 64 A c i ' c A YEAR BOND NOS. PEINCIEAL INTEaBST 'n ` . Z. EAT i NOVENLBE 1 : S r . . ,• I. of . , 3.958 1 - ' ' 8 PD'' 8,000 $ 6,028.75 6,028. 20,057.50i, 1959 9 - 17 Pb " 9,000 5,898.75 5,898.75 20,797.50 1960 18 - 26 9,000 5.75 5,752.50 20,505.00 1961 2 7 - 3355 9.0 5,606.25 5,606.25 20,212.50 1962 6 - 44 4,000. 5460.00 5,460.00 19,920.00 , 1 - 963 5 53 9,000 5,313.75 5,313.75 19, 1964 54 9,000 5,167.50 5,167.50 1 9 , 335. 0 0 1965 65 - 71 9,000 59,021.25. 5,021.25 19,4+ 1966 72 - BO 9,006 4,8'f5.00 4,875.00 18,750.00 . 1967 81 - 89 9,000 4,728.75 4,728.75 18.457:50 1968 90 - 98 9,000 4,582.50 4, .50 18,165.00 1969 99 - 107 9,000 4,425.00 4,425100 17,850.00 1970 108 - 116 9,000 4,267.50 4,267.50 ' 17,535.00 1971 117 - 125 9,000 4,110.00 4,110.00_.. 17,220.00 1 126 - 1 1 5 10,000 3,95 • - 3,952.54 17.905.00 . 1 974 14 - 15 10, 3,777.50 0 ° 3,777.5 17,555. 1975 156 - 166 11,000 3,4 3,4 17,855.00 1976 167 - 177 11,000 3 , 2 3 5 . 00 3,2 5 .00 17,47 1977 178 - 188 11,000. 3, 3,042.50 17,085.00 1978 189 - 200 12,000 2,850.00 2,850.00 17,700.00 1979 201-- 212 32,000 2,625.00 2,625.00 17,250.00 1980 213 - 226 34,000 2,400.00 2,400.00 18,800.00 1981 227 - 241 15,000 2,137.50 2,137.50 19, 1982 242 - 256 15,000 1,856.25 1,856.25 18,712.50 1983 257 ... 272 16,0 1,575.00 1,575.00 19,150.00 1984 273 .. 288 16,000 1,275.00 1,275.00 1$,550.00 1985 289 - 305 17,000 975.00 975.00 18,950.00 1966 306 - 322 17,000 656.25 656.25 18,312.50 1987 323 - 34o '18,000 337.50 337.50 18,675.00 •- i SECTION 5. That the provisions of this resolution are hereby declared to be separable and if a section, phrase or provision shall be declared invalid, suoh declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the resolution. • SECTION 6. Thrt it is hereby ascertained and declared that the lack of adequate waterworks and sewer • facilities fa' the City of Jacksonville greatly endangers the life, health, welfare and property of the in- )..--..1-: ' ' 'habitants thereof, and that the needed exteneiota, bobtern:ats and itopreaenienba Bari be aoaabruetod only by tis issuance of the bonds referred to herein and previously authorised by Ordinanoe No. 89, aai this resolution being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety shall take effeot and • be in force from and after its passage. \\ PASSED* June 4, 1957. It _ // ` APIA COED 2 l o • f�� sifrl..t�nl A VOE � Y0E ATTEST. OT 041)1 — • i. P • ifs cla o f 2aaf sonwl& 109 SOUTH pp SECOND ST. i 2 actesonude; �ansss /4 RESOLUT ! WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the governing body of the City of Jacksonville, County of Pulaski, State of Arkansas, that James V. Gardner and others, either as incorporators or as promoters of an organization known or to be known as the Pulaski Memorial Gardens, Inc., have filed a petition with the Cemetery Board of the State of Arkansas for the establishment of a cemetery on Bayou Moto Creek adjaoent to Highway 67, which petition has not yet been granted,•and WHEREAS it is feared that the proximity of said proposed cemetery to the source of the Jacksonville water supply, lying east of said traot, would oonstitute a health hazard to this community, and WHEREAS there is no publio need for oemetery facilities in this area other than those already available, so now therefore BE IT RESOLVED that it is the opinion of the governing body of - the City of - Jaoksonville that the public safety, health, service, and welfare would be sustained and better proteoted if the petition aforementioned were denied, and be it further resolved that the secretary of this council be direoted to furnish a oopy of this Resolution forthwith to the Cemetery Board of the State of Arkansas. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this day of April, 1957. APPROVED ADOPTED! / /6,7/]I /9S7 MAYOR ATTEST s Q CITY RECcRDER • 1;6:1 RESOLDT?CN NO. 141-57 A RESOLDT ION APPBOVIH(6 THE SALE AIM COBVERBI@J OF 'WATERWORKS AIII SEWER REVENUE WEDS, PRE- SCRIBING OPBER UTTERS RELATING THERETO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS by Ordinance No. 89 duly paused and approved on the 18th day of April, 1957, there was authorised the sale of Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of Jacksonville. Arkansas, in the principal amount of $310,000, and WHEREAS the Mayor duly advertised the public sale ad.' bonds in that principal amount, the bonds to be dated May 1, 1957 with interest payable semi - annually on May 1 and November 1 of eaoh year oommenoing November 1, 1957s and to mature on November 1 in each of the years 1958 to 1987, inolusive, with the privilege of con- version to an issue bearing a lower rate Or rates of interest, the conversion to be in a000rdance with the Universal Bond Values Tables and upon such terms that the City receives no less and pay no more than it would receive and pay if the bonds were not converted, all as prescribed in said Ordinance No. 89; end WHEREAS a oopy of the Notice of Sale has been filed with the City Clerk and examined by the Council; and WHEREAS at said sale Stephens, Inc., of Little Rook, Arkansas, offered the pride of 100? on the dollar for bonds bearing Interest at the rate of 4 per amt an plate aoarned interest, and this being the best bid the bands were sold to the said Stephens, Inc. at said prices and WHEREAS the purchaser has elected to convert the 44310400 of 0% bonds to an issue of $3140.000 of 3V, 33, and 3 34% bands, hereinafter described in detail, and the conversion has been examined by the City Council and by the Trustee, Union National Bank, Little Rook, Arkansas, and found to be in accordance with • the terms of sale, and by virtue of which the City will receive no less and pay ED more than it would receive and pay if the Monde were not converted; NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, SECTION 1• That the above referred and deadflbdd Settee of Sale; a dopy of which is on file with the City Clerk, and the publication of the same be, and the same are hereby. approved and confirmed. SECTION 2. That the sale of the said bonds, upon the terms hereinabove set f orth, to Stephens, Tio., of Little Rook, Arkansas, and the conversion of the bands from 4310,000 of 141 bonds to 3340,000 of 31%, 33 and 3 3/14% bonds be, and the same are hereby. approved mid confirmed. SECTION 3. That there are hereby authorised and ordered issued bends of the City of Jacksonville in the aggregate prinoipal snmmt of $340,000 to be designated "City of Jacksonville Waterworks and Sewer 3i, 3 and 3 3/ Revenue Bonds ". The bonds 'shall be numbered oonseoutively from 1 to 340, inclusive, and shall be in the denomination of 41,000 each. The bonds shall be dated May 1, 1957, and Bonds Nos. 1 to 89, inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of 3A% per annum; m; Bonds Nos. 90 to 188, inclusive. shall bear interest at t he rate of 31% per annum; and Bonds Nos. 189 to 340, inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of 3 3/ per annum. In- terest shall be payable semi- annually on Nay 1, and November 1, of each year commencing November 1, 1957. The interest shall be evidenced by interest coupons and the principal and interet shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation of the bond or proper coupon at Union NAtianal Bonk, Little Rook, Arkansas. The bonds shall mature on November 1 in each of the years 1958 to 1987s inclusive, as herein- after set forth in Section 14, rub are callable for payment prior to maturity as provided in the face of the • bonds. SECTION 4. That as provided in Ordinanoe No. 89 authorising the iescanee of the bonds. the principal of and interest on the bonds shell be paid from the finds in the Waterworks and Sewer Revenue Bond Pandas they mature according to the following Schedule; I 1 ;ice 4 • i �° t 1 YEAR 8® NOS. PBINCIRIL INPE8Rt8! - in . y !AY 1 RCVENBES 1 : 3 P OPAL • L N 1 957 $ $ $6,028.75 $ 6,028.75d 1958 1. - ' 8 PP v 8,000 6,028.75 6,028.75 20,057.50 1959 9 - 17 Pb 1 * - 9,000 5,898.75 5. 20 ,797.50 J 1960 18 - 26 9,000 5,75 5,752.50 20,505.00 1961 27 - 35 9. ; 000 5,606.25 5,606.25 20,212.50 1964 54 - 62 9 ,000 5 , 1 6 7.50 5, 167 . 5 19 ,3 . 1 9 6 5 6 3 - 7 9,000 . . 55,021.25 5,021.25 19.04 1966 7 - 80 9,000 4,875.00 4,875.00 18,750.00 1967 81 - 89 9,000 4,728.75 4,7 18,457450 1968 90 - 98 9,000 4,582.50 4,582.50 18,165.00 19 99 - 107 9,000 4,425.00 4,425.00 17,650.00 1970 108 - 116 9,000 4,2E+7.5o 4,267.50 . 17,535.00 1971 117 - 125 9,000 4,110.00 4,110.00. . 17,220.00 1 1 - 135 10,000 3,952.50 - 3,952.5O 17,9 - 1974 346 - 155 10,000 3,77700 5 ; 3,7770 . 17,555.00 00 1975 156 - 166 11,000 3,4 3,427.50 17,855.00 1976 167 - 177 11,000 3,2 3, 17,47 1977 178 - 188 11,000' 3,042.50 3,042.50 17,0850 1978 189 - 200 12,000 2,850.00 2,850.00 17,700.00 1979 201•- 212 12,000 2,625.00 2,625.00 17.250.00 1980 213 - 226 14,000 2,400.00 2,400.00 18,800.00 1981 227 - 241 15,000 2.137.50 2.137.50 19. 1982 212 - 256 15.000 1,856.25 1,856.25 18,712.50 i 2 57 - 2 7 2 16,000 1,575.00 1,575.00 19.150.00 1984 273 ■ - 288 16,000 1,275.00 1,275• 18,550.00 1985 289 - 305 17,000 975.00 975.00 18,950.00 1986 306 - 322 17,000 656.25 656.25 18,312.50 _ 1987 3 - 340 "18,000 337.5 337.50 18,675.00 , -'i 1 SECTION 5. That the provisions of this resolution are hereby declared to be separable and if a section, phrase or provision shall be declared invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of tie reminder of the resolution. SECTION 6. That it is hereby ascertained and declared that the laok of adequate waterworks and sewer faoilitiee for the City of Jaokeonville greatly endangers the life. health, welfare and property of the in- ' • habitants thereof, and that the needed esbseions, and, imptovemenbs oat be codetiaidted only by the, . issuance of the bonds referred to herein and previously authorised by Ordinanoe Mo. 89, and this resolution ..being necessary for the immediate preservation of the publio peace, health and safety shall take effect and • be in force from and after its passage. PASSEDI June 4, 1957• tV' / ` AnitOVEDt el) - QQ,/ y i44..,.. A i ATTRSf • i fti OYFY I • P