0034 1 R3SOLUT_ION rRJHBER . 34 - 5 6 • A ii",SOLUTI01 YL:ING 17.7 ^_E 'Ot'2 PUBLIC InIZISTG OTT p FETT ?TIO,i TO VACATE AND AESf.TSOIS AN ALLEY SITUATED IN NIA SKI 00 IT7, A KAESAS, Tai CH ALLEY IS SIXT (16) FEET . 7TI79H :Jr: BISECTS BLOCK. 0'.11 (1) LLCW r S OJ)1)IT 0 N :0 TEE Towm ^i' JACKSOINITAK, AKnITSES, SLICH A L':Y LIES .0 L T rc 0 ;T ' LI L Of i?ESIT AiID SOUTH Cr _ SOUTH L ':I 0° C.'LLCIJAY f'.CRE9T. 1 17 THE CITY OF J_ CISSOTSSII,SE, COUNTY 01 FS:LA -SKI, STATE OF ARKANSAS, I, PRO7,TsimiuG I n THE PGD IJ"TIO1 C7 SiOTIC9S TEEREOP, AID FOR OT IFR 2STRF03 3. 7112 .:5, .-^. Potition VP's duly filed by Oliver IL Shelton, unraarried, J. 1. Evatt sand Jo ssie 'vote, his wife, with the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, on the 5th day of July 1956, asking that the City Council vacate and abandon an alley bisecting Bloc'-: Ono (1), Galloway's di.tion to the Town of Jacksonville, 1 =_rkansas, said alley being sixteen (16) foot in width and Ding north of the 'North line of Center Street and South 02 the South line of Gallonay Street; TOW, :1 R 31 I1 1 SOLVE by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkans: s, that the 2d day of August, 1956, at 7:30 o'clock P. L.. is dosignted es the time and tho City Hall building is dosignated -., the pl-ce for a heeding on said petition, and fiat the clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the :meting for a public he•ri.ng an ;..id petition by publishing notice es Sane oneo a week for two consecutive weeks in some nerrsaa_er • published in Pu County, -il.xi.sas, and navin a general circulation in the City of Jaoksonriils, Ar'. nsas. The notice shall s,.-te the n.nos of the persons signing tho peti:.tio , doscrS tae alley to ?:e -m-cated and sh: 11 r.dvise all p• rso s thrt on said (Sat- fixed tie Council will ear and determine whether said alley shall be vacated. ADOPTED: 5 July 1956 fP" 20h:D: 5 oT: • �DI3 R^COEDIR