0018 rn +..o.. . ... n♦...R`•v+. a^_:C ��` ta'°Fl"a T MS i 4 ammcCimmLLLE, APKANCAS 1 • =SOLUTION tre, i 1 S' to It resolvod, that the City Council of tho City of Jacksonville,, Arkansas, Aid pc_c c rotten to purchaso a Aorcl truck from tho low biddor, Carder =Whsto Auto Salon Gamper :7, rhA]_n in mauler Council Hooting, October 12, 1954, it thorcforo nom furthar rccolvtn that: • _ Tho authorioty to sign tho necessary papors and forms to complete tho purchaso d of said truck ho vostod with Mayor Ct0 t70 Koaten and Rocordor Robort Eump and they, ero instructed to bring this purchaso to a satisfactory completion with t White Auto Salop Company and tho Jacksonvillo State Bank0 Tho Council, having carofully oxaninod tho total of thin purchase hereby certify that the purchaso price of 1795000 doos not oxcood tho anticipated savanna of the City of Jnc}-cenvillo General Rovonuo Fund for tho calondor year of 19550 ' . y Adopted October 12,L /95'F 2 Attootod d I r i U - � /� CA- VI. v/, ::) i:ocorder r Mayor a i • , d!.ldorc ^RS /,. / i'l'� E;!'- t_,- f ��2 /T -ems - / : i � 1. .10 ... • L < i, Alberc n ` Ia ^ It roc a Far go .JanocCaniiola ' { t i, l0 Bond I rth. -Mess: cwt, ��..0�- 4 tu satIc,ara '+, 41 I i