0673 000103 RESOLUTION NO. 673 ( #19 - 2011) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO DESIGNATE CENTRAL ARKANSAS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (CAPDD) AS THE PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GRANT FOR THE EAST PUMP STATION EMERGENCY GENERATOR; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, has applied to the Arkansas Economic Development Commission for an Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program (ACEDP) grant for the East Pump Station Emergency Generator, which will service over Forty Percent (40 %) of Jacksonville; WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, recognizes the need for assistance in administering the anticipated ACEDP grant in compliance with applicable Federal, State and Local laws, and has a long- standing relationship with Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (CAPDD) and is confident that CAPDD will administer the above - referenced project competently. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: The Mayor is hereby authorized to designate Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (CAPDD) as the Project Administrator for the above - referenced ACEDP grant, subject to Arkansas Economic Development Commission approval, and enter into a contract for ACEDP Administrative Services with CAPDD for said administrative services. SECTION TWO: Any and all other Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. This Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTS IS 3kel DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2011. v- C OF .74 K'• ' LE, A• NSAS R NCH R, M FOR s4 " / A • CORM: • VITT, CITY CLERK ROBER E. BA ATT