07670000 1,10 RESOLUTION NO. 767 (#04 2018) A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO HA TE CRIMES; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES Now THEREFORE, REIT RE,SOL VED BY THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THECITY OF JACIr;SONVILL4 ARKANSAS, THAT SECTION ONE., The City of Jacksonville has a zero:tolerance of discrimination based on race, religion, disability,ethNcjnational origin; sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity. We will take aggressive address on any form of hatred or injustice. that occurs in our City and demonstrate institutional responsibility to combat intolerance. SECTION T>fil<IO., The City of Jacksonville pledges to properly investigate any incident of injustice based on discrimination motivated in whole or part by an individual's bias against race, religion, disability, ethnic/national origin, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity and immediately involve Federal authorities to assist where a possible "Hate Crime" has occurred so as to timely communicate to the Community the City's position on any incidents that involve discrimination based on race, religion, disability, ethnic national origin, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity. SECTION THREE: This. Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of passage. APPROVED.AND ADOPTED THIS 19Ty DA Y OFAPRIL, DIB CITY OP JA CKSON VIa E, ARKANSAS A SUSAN DA. VPTj CITY CLERK FLETCHER.