076500:001 6 .RESOLUTION. NO.. 765 (#02 - 2D1 S) A RESOLUTION EiCPRESSINGAPPRECIA TIOiI AND GRA TITUDEFOR THE GENEROUS DONA TIONS OF BRIAN BLEVINS%RA Y BLEVINS OF THEGAMESTOREAND JAMESAREL OF TIGER INSURANCEAGENCY FOR THE PURCHASE OFA NEW K9 FOR THEJACKSONVILLE POLICE" DEPARTMENT; DESIGNA TING .THE. NAME OF THE NEW K9 OF THE DEPARTMENT; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, because of health/physical. conditions for a K9 and the recent retirement of another K9 handler/K9, the Jacksonville Police Department only has Two (2) Kgs currently working; WHEREAS, as a result of the generosity of several people. through donations and discounts, the funds to purchase a new K9 have been received by the Department, with a substantial portion required [Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00)] donated by Brian and Ray Blevins of The Game Store and James Arel of Tiger Insurance Agency, the Police Department, has placed an order for its Third.(3d) K9, which is.anticipated'to .be`delivered later this year frorn .Scott`Tarpley of .K9 Unlimited/Torchlight K9; and., WHEREAS, the. support and generosity of Co m m unity mem bers, both near and far, continues to encourage City officials a.nd Police Department members as they move forward representing our City with their best efforts and service to our citizens.. NOW, . THEREFORE, SEIT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Ct TY OFIACKSONVILLE,.ARKANSA S, THAT` SECTION ONE: Sincere appreciation and gratitude is extended to those. who donated generously to the K9 program of the Jacksonville Police Department.for a. new K9 officer, particulariyto Brian and Ray glevins ofThe. Game Store. and James Arel of Tiger Insurance Agency. The Council. acknowledges the generosity and support provided by those who donated any amount for a new K9, but specifically recognize Brian's efforts to pay tribute to Mr. Slevins' .leadership as a parent and daily inspiration in this manner.. SECTION TWO: The Jacksonville City Council is proud to commend and recognize Brian's request to have our new K9 officer named Zoe, in memory of Mr. Blevns' former Service Dog, and designates such for our new K9. Our newest K9 Handler, Officer Greg. Stewart; will work with Zoe to join JPD's existing K9 Program as quickly as possible after all appropriate care, certifications, and training are completed. 000337 RESOLUTION N0: 765(#0.2 - 2018) Page Two It is anticipated that Zoe. and Officer Stewart will be partnered and working together by Summer's end.. SECTION THREE: May the generosity and sincerity of the support granted to the City and the Police Department by these gestures encourage others to enjoy and share. in the, positive recognition and support granted the City of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Police Department. SECTION FOUR; This Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of :passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS I5T DA Y OF MARCH, 2018 ARKANSAS GAR Y FLETCHER ATTEST: n SUSAN DWITT, CITY CLERIC