1579000040 ORDINANCE NO. 137.E (#01. - 2018) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING JMC § 2.26.020 (JACKSONVILLE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION) PROV.fDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS THEREOF; AND; FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, as the City implemented and developed a Historic District :Commission to assist in .cur Community's need of historical. preservation for the older and more historic portions of our town, certain provisions for the Historic District Commission, have created some unintentional obstacles. for citizens .interested in historic preservation to serve: ori said Commission; and; WHEREAS, after review, a slight modification of .language regarding the potential membership of the Historic District Commission can remove the obstacle. The Commission request that the City Council adopt such modifications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT.' SECTION ONE, JMC § 2.26..020 (MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF OFFICE) is hereby amended as follows: The JHDC shall consist of rive (5) members appointed. by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City. Council. Members shall be electors: of the City holding no.salaried or elective municipal office.. Members shall demonstrate a.. positive interest in historic preservation.. possessing interest or some level of expertise in architecture, history; urban or regional planning, building: rehabilitation, real estate; or :preservation or conservation in general. A. Members of the ]HDC shall be appointed for terms of Three (3) years each and. until their successors are appointed and quaIifed..The appointment shall be arranged so that the. term of at least One (1) member shall expire each year. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner for the balance of the unexpired terms. Members shall serve on. the JHDC without compensation. SECTION TWO: If any court of competent jurisdiction finds that any section, :clause, sentence, or phrase of these Code provisions is invalid. or unconstitutional; that finding. in no way affects the validity of the rernaining.portions of this Code. 00n041 ORDINANCE NO. 1579 (#01 -:201,6) Page Two SECTION THREE. Said Ordinance and the changes included herein shall be in full force and effect from and after its. passage and approval as provided by and subject to applicable law. APPRO VED AND ADOPTED THIS 18TH DA Y OF]ANUAR Y 2018. G7TY OF JACKSONVILLE; ARKANSAS APPROVED AS TO FORM: E .BAMRURM-�ATTORIVEY