0760000[025 RESOLUTION NO. 760 (#13 w 2017) A RESOLUTION CONGRA TULA TING A NDEXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE JACKSONVILLE/NORTH PULASKI HrGH SCHOOL JUIVIOR RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORP; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. .WHEREAS, a City is judged .in many different ways, including how it presents itself to visitors of our community. As one such example, the Jacksonville/North Pulaski School District has an outsta nd i ng: g rou p of young people representing and serving Jacksonville; WHEREAS, the One Hundred Eighteen (.118) Cadets of the District's Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp, recently received. inspection scores resulting. in an overall Comment of "Exceeds Expectations'' from the Inspection Team of the Air Force JROTC Regional Commander AND the 19th Airlift Wing Commander; and, WHEREAS, these young. men and women have represented our City well before a national audience.. Now, THEREFORE, 6EIT RESOL VED BY THECITYCOUNCIL +OFTHECITY OFJACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT. - SECTION ONE: These young men and women are to be individually and collectively applauded :and appreciated for their hard. work, dedication,. and efforts to implement character,. patriotism, and professionalism to the School District's Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp. Asa result, these young men and women, together with the Cadre and families, are to be commended for aiding, encouraging, training; and supporting these cadets as they secured an "Exceeds Expectations" in their Fall 2017 Inspection by the Air Force's JROTC Regional Commander and the 19th Airlift Wing Commander. SECTIDN TWO: The Jacksonville City Council is proud to commend and encourage these young men and women, together with their Cadre, for the leadership shown, as it was...indeed a Team effort to bring back these excellent ratings. May other students and area educators be encouraged to follow and model the successful JROTC program and apply the same dedication, efforts, and commitment to all. of thein educational pursuits. Doing so can.:and will provide excellence, character; and integrity, leading there throughout and beyond their educational years into their adult lives. 06.0026 RESOLUTION NO 766 (#I3 - 2017) Page Two SECTION THREE: Deep appreciation and sincerity are shared with these students and.Cadre for the positive recognition granted Jacksonville, SECTION FOUR: This. Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of passage... APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 16TH DA YOF NOVEMBER, 201Z 0 SUSAN DA CITY CLERK JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS GARYFLETCHER