0381 IA sa„ ORDINANCE 14(D, C 2 . l AN ORDiNANCE Fn=TAt7ILISHING AND CREATING AN EMEIRGENCY AIv1H111 ANCI_ SGL'wlC;l- TO NE 'FRAIL; UNDIIR THE AUSPICIES OE 11II .1/AC:1;`-;OIJVIL.I IS POLiOI- DEPARTIv NI, AND SI: 1 - iNG 1 1-1-:S 10 1',L ‘.21 'n1 D FOP I :ME NCI - NCY AMI3l11.. ANCE SEI2VIC:ES FUPNIS1 11:;;D rlY - El I' c'I1 Y OI ,V`.I KSONV(L_I_L-, /ARKANSAS, AND DECI J [ fNO AN I MM t:I ;Rlh }C'r'. WI 11 I'EAS the City Council of the C:i.ty of Jack- :onville, Arkansas has deternrihierl that 11 a` r,il.y of Jank:,ortviilr. , .leecls an ernergenc:y ambu- lance service; and WHEREAS, AS, the C i t y Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas deems it desirable 11 a the emergency nrnbulance service be under the supervision of ibo Jacksonville 1'niice Department. NOW, 11 II r'f TC)c.l , IT=: 11 OPDF'.INI - T? 13Y TI-IN CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY nr • .1 ,CI "TO NR...I_E, ARK /'t.l`3`. Trutt: Section 1 . There. 0; hereby added Co the Municipal Code of the City ofJacksonviIle, .'Ar1 .n Chnpier 0.50, Emergency Ambulance Service, which is to rend ar: Lc?11o:A;. 5eci:ion 2. There in hereby established in the Jacksonville Police Department, City or ,la.c.ksonville, Ark nnsns,, the Emergency rgency Ambulance Service Division. Section 3. The general operation of the Division will be under the • management, supervision and control of the Chief' of Police. Section 4. ]l e personnel of the Division shall be composed of merrbers of Ihe,Jacksonville Police Department, the Jacksonville Fire Department, and any other members so approved by the Mayor and City Council. Section 5. The Emergency Ambulance Service Division shall work in cooperation will, Pehsomen Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville, Arkansas. Section 6. I l ic: ch' ages to be made For emerciency ambulance ser- vices shall irc • n;; 1=e11ow-v: `♦;36.00 h,asic charge for any emergency call within F i n City l l r n i l ; t , l .l,rnkt.cnrville, plu ; ill .00 per pationt mile out- sidr the C:tily li * ,;±._ . • Section 7, l he Emergency Ambulance Service Division shall furnish emergency ambulance service to the citizens. of the City of Jacksonville, �r ansr�� on an emerge -uicy brl and may extend emergency ambulance service:-; to .adjoining areas or t pi(I<side of the City limits of iackson- F \rkansas, upon the recommendation of the Mayor and with the al>- pr oval nl the City Council, :Cfchen Vii t'h<ir'� -le" made for cemenir-rev ambulance service shall be t nid 'o the CII y Clerk. (. ;Hy r > f J.tc I._aonv;!le. `= ecticn 9. ; es; , I'c yt :Ia one, end procedure for (he opers,tton 01 th Ennargerrcy [nibs ll i u e rrr vice_, Division, and the payments of ac- counts due the City sh>,h be established by the Mayor alid approved by the City Council by resolution duly adopted. section 10. V >i- !u !finance hero! nrcessary for the immediate preservation or the plif lis health, safely, welfare and rnorale or the citizens of the City or Jackson ivilie, P an ernergency in hereby declared to eri!°r and thin ender -lire shall have lult fence and effect immediately after ito I /1PPPCYVl - D and A `f )PTFD this day of Lvpri', 1976. MAYOR ATTEST: AS 'I'D R.ill141 o try C I U` IRK ,. G