0345 ORDINANCE NUMBER - fr 34t fie AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR OF 1975 MAKING AN APPROPRIATION AND J / 4/74, AUTHORIZATION FOR EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR AN EMERGENCY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: That the Budget for the operations of the various departments of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, for the year of 1975, shall be as follows: ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THE GENERAL FUND for the year of 1975 $1,089.531.04 ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR REVENUE SHARING FUND 17,200.00 DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND SHARING 1. ATTORNEY $ 5,100.00 2. CIVIL DEFENSE & AUXILARY POLICE 1,450.00 3. CITY CLERK - TREASURER 16,904,00 4. EXECUTIVE 9,800.00 5. FINANCE 8,300.00 6.. MAYOR 8,500.00 7. POLICE DEPARTMENT 357,437.92 $17,200.00 8. MUNICIPAL COURT 31,950.00 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT 234,743.12 10. SANITATION DEPARTMENT 171,300.00 11. PUBLIC WORKS 122,950.00 12. ANIMAL SHELTER 11,000.00 13. CITY COUNCIL 9,270.00 14. CIVIL SERVICE 175.00 15. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 10,750.00 16. PURCHASING AGENT(1 /3) 2,900.00 PAYROLL TAXES MATCH (All departments) 29,699.00 RETIREMENT MATCH (All Departments) 17,042.00 INSURANCE MATCH (Ali Departments) 10,260.00 $1,059.531.04 $17,200.00 TO UNAPPROPRIATED FUND 30,000.00 $1,089,531.04 $17,200.00 SECTION 2: That the Budget for the operations of the STREET DEPARTMENT of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, for the year 1975 shall be as follows:k ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR STREET DEPARTMENT for the year of 1975 $442,000.00 DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR of 1975 422,000.00 BALANCE TO UNAPPROPRIATED FUND (STREET) 20,000.00 SECTION 3: If the City Government is to operate in an economical and efficient manner, it is imperative that a Budget must be adopted for the guidance and instruction of the departments; therefore, to promote the public welfare, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 1975. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3/ S* DAY OF JANUARY 1975. O ATTES _ APPROVED•% . / / FLOY AVA) CITY CLERK JAMES,C. REID, MAYOR S U M M A R Y O P E R A T I N G R E V E N U E 1975 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE IN BANK JANUARY 1, 1975. . . . $ 60,000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUE TO BE COLLECTED IN 1975 845,775.00 FUNDS TO BE RECEIVED FROM ADDITIONAL UTILITY FRANCHISE TAX 120,000.00 FUNDS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM RESERVE FUNDS (Lot Sale, Main St ) 31,372.73 FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM 1975 -76 REVENUE SHARING. 32,383.31 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL FUND FOR 19/5 $1,089,531.04 STREET FUND 1975 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE IN BANK, JANUARY 1, 1975 . . . $ 60,000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUE TO BE COLLECTED IN 1975 380 000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 2,000.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE REVENUE FOR STREET DEPARTMENT FOR 1975 $ 442,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL AND STREET FUNDS PER ESTIMATED REVENUE FOR 1975 $1,531,531,04 DETAIL OF REVENUES ESTIMATE GENERAL FUND 1975 SOURCE AMOUNT Assessment Property Tax (County) $ 75,000.00 State Tax Turnback 200,000.00 Intercity Bus Co. 50.00 General Telephone Co. $40,000.00 (4 %) 85,000.00 (8% total) Arkansas Power & Light 40,000.00 +95,000.00 135,000.00 Arkansas Louisiana Gas 40,000.00 +10,000.00 50,000.00 Privilege Tax 45,000.00 Building Permits 15,000.00 Dog Tags 200.00 Map Sales 25.00 Sanitation Fees 190,000.00 Fines 150,000.00 Electrical & Plumbing Permits 12,500.00 Miscellaneous 8,000.00 $ 965,775.00 Estimated Carry Over (Bank) 60,000.00 Lot Reserve (Savings Account) 31,372.73 TOTAL (General Fund) $1,057,147.73 STREET FUND 1975 3 Mill Road Tax (County) $ 20,000.00 State Gas Turnback 360,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,000.00 Estimated Carry Over (Bank) 60,000.00 TOTAL (Street Fund) $ 442,000.00 Total Funds (Street & General) $1,499,147.73 GENERAL FUND BUDGET - 1975 1. ATTORNEY Salary $3,600.00 Add'l for Secretary 900.00 Payroll Tax 216.00 Retirement Match 325.00 Filing Fees 50.00 Mileage 50.00 Miscellaneous, Supplies & Equipment (telephone) 500.00 $ 5,641.00 2. CIVIL DEFENSE AND AUXILARY POLICE Auto Expense $ 150.00 Supplies 150.00 Equipment Purchase 150.00 Uniform Allowance 1,000.00 $ 1,450.00 3. CITY CLERK - TREASURER Salary -City Treasurer $ 900.00 Salary -City Clerk (3/4) 3,750.00 Printing of Ordinances 1,000.00 Supplies, Travel, and Public Relations 2,000.00 Extra Labor (Clerical) 8,154.00 Extra Labor (overtime) 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Payroll Tax (s /s) 830.00 Retirement Match 1,250.00 Insurance Match 360.00 $19,344.00 4. EXECUTIVE Municipal League Dues $1,250.00 Election Expense 1,500.00 Insurance (Building, W /Comp on Mun. Employees) 3,000.00 Legal (other than City Attorney) 500.00 Municipal League Convention Exp. 500.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Liability, (insurance on vehicles) 3,000.00 $ 9,800.00 5. FINANCE Office Supplies (postage, adv., etc.) $2,250.00 Auditing- Professional Services 6,000.00 Miscellaneous Expense 50.00 $ 8,300.00 6. MAYOR Salary (3/4) $3,750.00 Stationery & Supplies 200.00 Travel- Convention Expense 150.00 Payroll Tax 225.00 Retirement Match 340.00 Insurance Match 180.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Industrial,Civic & Public Rel. 4,100.00 Equipment for office 200.00 $ 9,245.00 Page 2 BUDGET - 1975 cont'd 7. POLICE DEPARTMENT REVENUE SHARING Salaries $292,337.92 Miscellaneous Equip. & Supplies 3,700.00 Auto Maintenance 27,000.00 Radio Maintenance 1,500.00 Printing & Stationery 3,000.00 Building & Equip. Reprs. 2,000.00 Miscellaneous & Jail Exp. 3,000.00 Telephone 3,000.00 State Police Retirement 4,000.00 Workmen's Compensation Ins. 3,500.00 Police Bond 250.00 Electricity 3,000.00 Gas 400.00 FICA Match 17,800.00 Retirement Match (office) 1,850.00 Group Insurance Match 3,600.00 New Equipment (Replace 4 Police Vehicles $17,200.00 State Legal Education Fd. 2,250.00 Police Pension Fund 4,000.00 LEEA Match Fund 4,500.00 $380,687.92 $17,200.00 8. MUNICIPAL COURT Printing Stationery & Dockets 1,500.00 Law Library (County Judge) 5,000.00 Judge Retirement Fund 4,000.00 Court Reptr.,Bailiff Fees 2,500.00 Salary Judge 12,000.00 Salary Clerk 6,600.00 FICA Match 1,270.00 Insurance Match 360.00 Retirement Match (Court Reporter & Bailiff) 225.00 Miscellaneous 350.00 $ 33,80.5.00 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT Salaries $211,243.12 Volunteer Fire Mtgs. 5,500.00 Telephone Sta. 1 & 2 1,750.00 Electricity 2,700.00 Gas (heat) 800.00 Truck Expense 2,500.00 Building Reprs. & Maint. 1,000.00 Janitor Supplies 250.00 Miscellaneous Supplies (hose etc.) 2,500.00 Dues & Convention Exp. 300.00 Supplies & Equip. Exp. 1,500.00 Insurance (W /Compensation) 3,200.00 Radio Maintenance 500.00 Group Insurance Match 3,600.00 Protective Clothing 1,000.00 $238,343.12 Page 3 BUDGET - 1975 cont'd 10. SANITATION DEPARTMENT Salaries $116,000.00 Extra Labor 6,500.00 Truck Expense 15,000.00 Uniform Rental 2,500.00 Tubs, Supplies & Equip. Hire 2,000.00 Insurance (W /Compensation) 4,500.00 Miscellaneous Expense 2,000.00 Payroll Taxes 7,400.00 Retirement Match 10,300.00 Insurance Match 1,080.00 Landfill fee 22,800.00 $190,080.00 11. PUBLIC WORKS Janitor Supplies $ 100.00 Parks & Recreation Com. Appr. 85,700.00 Bldg. Reprs. & Maint. (City Hall) 1,500.00 Equip. Reprs. & Maint. 1,000.00 PLANNING COMMISSION Maps & Expenses 200.00 Secretary Salary 1,200.00 Chairman Expense 500.00 Payroll Match (FICA) 350.00 Retirement Match 390.00 Insurance Match 360.00 LIBRARY Electricity 4,000.00 Gas (heat) 1,000.00 Telephone 450.00 Miscellaneous 4,000.00 Bldg. Reprs. & Maint. 2,000.00 BEAUTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Salary, Director 2,520.00 Auto Exp.,Travel,Meeting Exp. 1,800.00 Supplies (rent,utilities, truck,plants etc.) 6,000.00 Ambulance Subsidy 8,400.00 Metroplan Dues 2,080.00 Miscellaneous Expense 500.00 $124,050.00 12. ANIMAL SHELTER Salary $ 6,000.00 Payroll Taxes 400.00 Retirement Match 600.00 Dog Food, Disinf.,Truck Exp.& 5,000.00 Disposal $ 12,000.00 13. CITY COUNCIL Alderman Salaries $ 9,000.00 Payroll Tax Match 540.00 Retirement Match 810.00 Insurance Match 480.00 Meeting Expense 270.00 $ 11,100.00 Page 4 BUDGET - 1975 cont'd 14. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Miscelaneous Supplies, (Adv. etc.) $ 175.00 15. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Salary $ 7,200.00 Payroll Tax 500.00 Retirement Match 700.00 Vehicle Maint. (radio) 3,000.00 Office Supplies 200.00 Schools, Meetings 300.00 Equipment 50.00 Insurance Match 180.00 $ 12,130.00 16. PURCHASING AGENT Salary $8,400.00 (1/3 General) $ 2,800.00 Payroll Tax 168.00 Retirement Match 252.00 Insurance Match 60.00 Supplies 100.00 $ 3,380.00 TOTALS REVENUE SHARING GENERAL FUND $1,059,531.04 $17,200.00 UNAPPROPRIATED FUND 30,000.00 $1,089,531.04 Anticipated Revenue 1,057,147.73 from Revenue Sharing $ (32,383.31) 1975 -1976 STREET DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1975 Administrative Salaries $ 2,500.00 Extra Labor 30,000.00 Salaries (Regular) 58,740.00 Workmen's Compensation 5,000.00 Road Materials (rock, culverts, etc.) 35,000.00 Asphalting,Curb - Gutter Drainage 161,560.00 Truck & Equipment Expense 15,000.00 Equipment Rent, tools,supplies 30,000.00 Signs,(materials,poles) traffic lights 8,000.00 New Equipment 10,000.00 Sweeper & Other Expense 10,000.00 Street Lights 21,600.00 Payroll Taxes (FICA) 6,000.00 Retirement Match 8,500.00 Group Insurance Match 720.00 Miscellaneous Expense 1,000.00 Outside Engineering 5,000.00 Engineer's Salary (20,000) # 10,000.00 Purchasing Agent's Salary (1/3) 3,380.00 $422,000.00 Unappropriated Fund 20,000.00 $442,000.00