0187 ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ONJ7RANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR OF 1967) MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE OPERATIONS OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY GOAT FOR TWE PURCHASE OF MA%ZRIAW, SUPPIZES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES; PROV7> G FOR AN EMERGENCY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIfl OF JACKSONPLLLR, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That the Budget far the operations of the various departments of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, for the year of 1967, shall be as follows: Estimated/ands available for the General lend for the year of 1967 • 273 825.00 DISBURSEMENTS: 1. ATTORNEY $ 20$7.00 2. CIVIL DEFENSE 200.00 3. CITY CI RK•tfIAS. 12,6/9•00 4. EXECUTIVE 4,150. 5• FINANCE 2,550.00 6. MAYOR 7,665.00 7. POLICE 74,583.43 8. H VICIPAL COURT 11,0811.•00 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT 50,240.00 7.0. SANITATION 60, 254.00 11• PUBLIC WOKS 314,037..00 12. AIWW. SHELTER 6,924.00 13. CITY COUNCIL 4,8. 74. CIVIL SERVICE COMM. 50.00 271,400.23 Balance $ 2,424.77 To UNAPPROPRIATED FUND 2,424.77 SECTION II. That the Budget for the operations of the STREEr DVARTMINT of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, for the year of 1967 shall be es folly's: Estimated funds available for the SINEW DEPARTMENT for the year M of 1967 • • • • • . . e o e • • • • • • • . • • • e e . e • • 4 226,200.00 DISBURSEMENTS FOR YEAR of 1967 206,700,00 Balance • . e . • o • • . • e • • • o • 4 19,500. To: UNAPPROPRIATED FUND. • • • • . . • • $ 19,500,00 ( • • ORDINANCE AMBER (Cont'd.) BUDGET FOR 1 9 6 7 aSYCTION III. If the City Government is to operate in an economical and effioieat moaner it is imperative that a Budget must be adopted for the guidance and instruction of the departments; therefore, to promote the publio welfare, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance Sha11 be in fuU force and effect from and after January 1, 1967. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS day of December 1966. ATTE`4T s WtO AVAf S, 1 • - i MALL OF REPEN ES /SWEATS GENERAL FUND 19 Property Tax (County) $ 33,000.00 State Tax Turnbask 59,000.00 Utility Franchises Inter City Bus Co. 150.00 Southwestern States Telephone Co. 16,900.00 Arkansas Poser & Light Co. 23,000.00 Arkansas Loniaiana Oaa Co. 5,400.00 Oeaupation Tax 14,000.00 Dog Tagil 150.00 Building Permits 1,500.00 Inspections ( Elect. & Plumb.) 1,500.00 Fines 45,000.00 Fire Fighting ( Outside City) - Sani Sanitation Fees 59,000.00 Map Sales 25.00 Ptiscl.. Receipts 200.00 Totals (General Fund ) To Exhibit A $ 258,825.00 STREET FUND 19 67 3 Mill Road Tax ( County) 10,000.00 State Gas Tax Tasnbaak 191,000.00 Eisele Revenues 200.00 201,200.00 TOTAL FUG (To Sxbibiit A ). . . . . . . . . . • 460,025.00 . S'JNNAR7 OPEEATING REVENUE GENERAL FUND 196? Estimated Cash Balance, January 1, 1967 $ 15,000.00 tinted Revenue ( Schedule 1) 258,825.00 Total Available Revenue . .(To flbit A 1). ... . . $ 273,825.00 STREET FUND 1967 Estimated Cash Za.tance, January 1, 1967 . . . . . . . .$ 25,000. Estimated Revenue (Schedule 1) 201,200.00 Total Revenue Available (To Exhibit A 1 ) $ 226,200.00 TOTAL 0ENEBAL FUND AND STREET FUND REVERIES (Estimate) $ 500,025.00 • CITY QF JACKSONVILLE - GENERAL 1uN00W . 1. AWORNEY Salary $ 1.800.00 Payroll Taxes 90,00 Retirement Match 72.00 Filing Fees 25.00 Nisei. Phone Stat. & Supplies 150.00 Mileage 50.00 $ 2.187. 2. CIV1I, EWENSE Miscellaneous Expense $ 200.00 $ 200.00 3. CI?! CLLRK- TREASURER- COLLECCTOR Salary - City Clerk $ 5.000.00 Salary - City Treas. 720.00 Salary -Vac. City Collector 3,125.00 Printing of Ordinances 400.90 Misol. Supplies -Eqpt. Travel 500.00 Insurance Group Match 48.00 Extra Labor 1,900.00 Nigcl. &pease 50.00 Payroll Taxes 520.00 Retirement Match 40.00 $ 12,673.00 h. IVE I Municipal League Dunn $ 1.000.00 Election Expense 1.000.00 Insurance Bonds 1 Legal-other than City Atty. 500.00 Municipal League Cony. Exp. 600.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 4.150.00 5. P'____CE Office Amditing Sulies $ 1,100.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 2.550.00 � t 6. MAYOR SALARY 5,000,00 STATIONERY■SUPPLIES 200.00 TRAVEL ■CONVENTION EXPENSE 400.00 PAYROLL TAMES 265.00 RETIREMENT MATCH 200,00 MISCELLANEOUS tf 100,00 INDUSTRIAL■CIVIC CXPENSE 1,000.00 EQUIPMENT-OFFICE, ETC. 500.00 $7,665,00 7. POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES & 1 NEW POLICEMEN 49,383.43 POLICE SST. SAL. (3) 500,00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 8,100.00 MISCL, EQUP, 600,00 AUTO REPAIRS■Sd44NT. 5,000,00 RADIO MAINTENANCE 500,00 PRINTING & STATIONERY 300.00 MISCL, & JAIL EXPENSE 1,000,00 TELEPHONE 900 STATE POLICE RETIREMENT FUND 1,500,00 INSURANCE (WORKMAN COMP) 1,300,00 BONDS 35.00 PAYROLL TAXES 2,495.00 GROUP INSURANCE 290.00 ELECTRICITY 1,500.00 GAS (HEAT) 209,00 BUILDING REPAIR - MAINT, 1,000.00 L7/Se. 8, MUNICIPAL COURT PRINTING STA. & SOCKETS 250.00 COURT■REPOSTER BAILOFF 1,100.00 SAL. MUNICIPAL JUDGE 6,000,00 SAL. MUNICIPAL CLERK 1,200.00 PAYROLL TAXES 450,00 RETIREMENT ON CLERK 48,00 GROUP INSURANCE 36.00 EXPENSE ■DOOKG TRAVEL, ETC. 2,000.00 $ 11,084.00 9, FIRE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 34,000.00 CAPTAINS RATING 250.00 VOLUNTEER FIRE 3,600,00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5,400.00 TELEPHONE 540.00 ELECTRICITY 650,00 TRUCK EXPENSE 2,000.00 GAS (HEAT) 350,00 BUILDING REPAIRS MAINT, 500,00 JANITOR SUPPLIES 150,00 DUEL ■CONVENTION EXPENSE 250.00 EQUIPMENT ■ SUPPLIES (INCL. REPS. TO 900.00 EQUIP.) WORKMAN COMP. INS. 900.00 GROUP INSURANCE. 200,00 RAU10 REPAIRS 250.00 $ 50,240,00 10. SANITATION DEPARTMENT Salaries $ 35,831.00 ($1640 per hr.) Extra Labor 3,000.00 Truck Expense 5,000.00 Uniform Rental 11.25.00 Tubs - Supplies- Disinfectants 1,100.00 Billing Expense 1,200.00 Insurance - Workmens Comp. 1,300.00 Insurance Group Match 108.00 Miscellaneous Expense 50.00 Payroll Taxes 1,800.00 Retirement Match 1,11140.00 (1) New Sanitation Truck 9,000.0 $ 60, 254.00 11. PUBLIC WORKS Janitor Supplies $ 350.00 Christmas program lighting 450.00 Spraying- Mosquito Control 1,200.00 Parks - Recreation Appropriation 16,000.00 Building Repairs- Taint. 1,500.00 Equipment Repairs- Maint. 1,000.00 Janitor Service (City Hall - Police & Courts) 2,70 Payroll Taxes 150.00 Retirement Match. 110.00 Inspector's Salary (Plumb. -Ele.) 3,600. Inupectorls Truck Expense (t35 per mo.) 420.00 Payroll Taxes 180.00 Retirement Match 7h11.00 Clean -Up Program 250.00 Maps - Planning Commission 250.00 Planning Commission Misc.Exp. 200.00 Planning Commission Sec. Salary 300.00 Payroll Taxes 15.00 Retirement Match 12.00 Electricity 2,100.00 Gas (Heat) 250.00 Telephone 1,650.00 Revenue Office Rent 100.00 Misc. Expense 100.00 Motroplan Dues 1,000.00 $ 34,031.co 12. ANIMAL SHELTJQt Poundmaster's Salary t 3,600.00 Payroll Taxes 180.00 Retirement Match 144.00 Dog Food, Dis.inf.Supp.Trk.,Tele. 3,000.00 $ 6,924.00 13. CITY COUNCIL Aldormens' Salary $ 4,320.00 Payroll Taxes 216.00 Retirement Match 172.80 Meeting Expense 100.00 4,8o8.80 114. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Misci.Suppliea, Adv. & Eqpt. t 50.00 $$ 50 .00 TOTAL BUDGET FOR GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES, 1967 $2710400.23 •r , 15. STREET DEPARTMENT Salaries $ 20,000.00 Extra Labor 21,000.00 Road Materials 20,000.00 New Equipment 10,000.00 Sidewalk, Asphalt -Curb Gutter - Drainage 85,000.00 Truck Equipment Expense 6,500.00 Equipment Rental - Tools- Supplies 12,000.00 Signs- Traffic Light Exp. 2 Motor Patrol Reps. Oiling 4,000.00 Street Lights 12 Misc. Expense 1,000.00 Portion of Engineers' Salary 7,500.00 Outside Engineering Service 500.00 Payroll Taxes - F.I.C.A. 2,500.00 Retirement Match 1,000.00 Group Insurance Match 200.0U Ins. Workmens' Comp. 1,500.00 $206,700.00 Available $226,200.00 206,700.00 $ 19,500.00 Unappr. Fund