0132 taV ry OlibIN N CI NO. 3 J. AN Ui.LiNAIJGE FUR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR PREsEbTA't'IOUJ Oie 'TPi',lt.S OF bUSII\1;S5, ILESOLUTIONS MENDEI4ENTS, U1tLINi.heES, 'LTG., L1 FOKE THE CI`T'Y COUNCIL. ldiEhhAS, it is sometimes necessary for the members of the city council of the Gity of Jacksonville, Arkansas, to Live study to various problems, questions, resolutions, amendments and/ or other matters of business presented to the Council for their action; aria 1,11EREAS, in times past it has been impossible for the proper study to be given such matters due to the delay in bringing such matters to the attention of the Council; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 13! THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, AlLiGal Ji S;THAAT All matters to be ruled upon by the City Council of the Gity of Jacksonville, be and the same are hereby ordered to be prepareu in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, and presented to the City Clerk not later than 12 o'clock noon, nays prior to the next regular meeting of the City Council of the Gity of Jacksonville, or the sane shall not be considered at that meeting ; and That It is flarttier ordered that all matters presented orally at any re meeting, of said Council shall be reduced to writin_ by the City Clerk and presented for action to be taken thereon at the next regular meeting of the City Council; and that This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon • and after the aate of its passage anti approval. 4 4. yo • �Ci k Late: c • i I . n