0112 GENERAL PRACTICE AND FINANCE GRADE A - DIVISION 5 1. Describe the procedure of setting up a rate structure. 2. List and describe the various methods of financing municipal water improve- ments. 3. Set up a bond repayment schedule for water works improvements. 4. What is coverage and what is included in reference to municipal water works bond sales? 5. Discuss advantages of a master plan for water works improvements. 6. Discuss the different forms of water rate structures. List advantages and disadvantages, and explain which is your choice. 7. How would you determine the cost of providing fire protection from the standpoint of the water utility only? 8. Be prepared to find the relationship between a service charge and the mini- mum bill, given a rate structure. Or the reverse. 9. Describe a method of determining service charges or minimum bills. 10. How should rate structures for industrial customers be determined? 11. Discuss what you consider to be good public relation policies. 12. What is the policy of your department with regard to handling complaints? How can this policy be improved? 13. What is the purpose of an annual report? What should it include? Wbat precautions should be taken in its preparation? 14. How can a favorable impression on your public, by water works employees, be assured? 15. Wbat is the purpose of the state law requiring a license to operate a public water supply? 16. Be prepared to answer questions on the State Board of Health Rules and Regulations on Public Water Supplies. 17. What magazines, books, and reference publications are generally considered important for water works operators? 18. Discuss a good water extension policy for both inside and outside of the corporate limits. • Grade A - Division 5 Page 2 19. Discuss the legal liability of a water system concerning the following: (1) Disease contracted by a contaminated water system. (2) Nuisance or damage due to poor water quality. (3) Loss or damage due to failure in the distribution system. 20. Some water utilities charge a fire plug rental fee to the city. What is the reason for this? What is your opinion on this practice? 21. Which type of administrative control do you believe is the beat for a water utility? Explain. 22. Discuss a common method of depreciating water works equipment, such a pumps, vehicles, etc. 23. What is the purpose of a depreciation reserve and why should a depreciation reserve be maintained? 24. What rate of depreciation should be used for the following classes of pipe? 6" Class 150 cast iron pipe 6" Class 150 cement asbestos pipe 2 " galvanized pipe 25. In order to plan future expansion and improvements, the future population needs to be determined. Describe four (4) methods of forecasting population. 26. What advantages are there to a demand charge on air - conditioning or cooling systems during the months of May through September? 27. Name the three methods of testing a water meter? Which is preferred and why? 28. What information should be given to a manufacturer when ordering (a) a fire hydrant; (b).a gate valve? 29. Write in at least 100 words the value of good housekeeping and its relation to: Pumping Plant; Purification System; Storeroom or Warehouse; and Office. 30. Describe how to account for water after it leaves the plant. How much should be accounted for? 31. Discuss a good policy for handling customer complaints on high water bills. • 32. Assume a high lift pump is purchased for $9,000 and has an expected life of 15 years. Row much money should be set aside in the depreciation fund each year? Assume this fund will accumulate at 4 per cent interest, com- pounded semi - annually. 33. Some water utilities have special summer sprinkling rates. Discuss the advantages of this policy. ' 34. Discuss how climatic conditions will affect waterconsumption. Grade A - Division 5 Page 3 35. How would you go about determining if a pump station is operating economi- cally? 36. What factors should be considered in deciding whether or not to equip a chemical and bacteriological laboratory? 37. Explain and be able to design payment schedules for term and serial bonds. 38. List and discuss the items which affect the annual operating expenses of a water works system. 39. Describe capitalized cost. 40. What is considered a resonable return on capital investment, as determined by regulatory utility commissions? •41. Describe what you feel to be a good retirement program for water utility employees. Give your reasons. 42. Discuss the merits of water works improvements by force account as compared to making improvements by contract. 43. Discuss charges for fire protection, city fire hydrants, automatic sprinkler systems, and private fire hydrants. 44. What is a reasonable cost for a new service? How should this expense be covered? How can you be assured that a service connection is properly installed? 45. Given a piping diagram, be able to detect cross - connections, possible back - siphonage, other health hazards due to poor plumbing; and be able to correct the cause. 46. Explain the theory and effects of water hammer and how the effects may be reduced. 47. Water works personnel must have a knowledge of mathematics and chemistry. They also need to have knowledge of other fields. List 6 and discuss how they aid water works personnel. 48. How does membership in the A.W.W.A. benefit water works personnel? 49. Define secondary pollution and discuss the danger involved and corrective action. 50. Give a list of items that are checked during inspections to determine fire insurance rates for a city. 51. How much treated water storage should a city have? How much elevated; how much ground storage? Justify your statements. 52. Have you considered the use of radio communication for the water utility? Give your reasoning pro and con, together with you; decision. 53. Discuss an "in- service" training program for new employees. WATER TREATMENT AND FILTRATION GRADE A - DIVISION 3 GENERAL 1. List the states of matter, describe each. What factors determine the state of matter? Give an example. 2. Define and explain the differences between elements, mixtures, and compounds. 3. Differentiate between chemical and physical changes in matter. 4. Define and explain the Law of Conservation of Energy. 5. Discuss the gas laws. 6. Discuss density and specific gravity. 7. Given a chemical equation, be able to balance the equation, Explain the part valence plays in the formation of a chemical compound. 8. Given a common chemical reaction and the weight of one substance, be able to determine how much of the substances will be required and /or produced. 9. Define and discuss solutions and suspensions. 10. Given a compound, show how you would make a normal solution, Why are normal solutions used? 11. Define and explain pH. Describe the pH test. 12. What are the chemical formula differences between acids and bases? 13. pH and alkalinity are often discussed together, but there is no direct relationship between them. What indirect relationship is involved? 14. What basic types of aerators are used, what is accomplished, and what art the disadvantages of aeration? 15. Discuss all the things to be considered in making a decision between the use of solution feeders or dry feed machines. 16. Discuss the sedimentation process. 17. Why should you keep records of the operation of a water treatment plant? Which are the most important records to keep, and why? 18. Discuss the "upward- flow" water treating units. 19. Discuss several types of filter underdrain structures. 20. When should lime be used? When should soda ash be used? Grade A - Division 3 Page 2 21. What factors influence the amount of residual chlorine that should be main- tained to secure adequate disinfection? Name five. 22. What is the purpose of the threshold odor test? 23. Discuss treatment methods for taste and odor removal from water. 24. What chemical compounds normally found in natural waters cause hardness? Why is hardness often undesirable? Now is the total hardness of water calculated? 25. Discuss lime -soda softening in detail. 26. Discuss recarbonation. What treatment is sometimes used instead of re- carbonation? Discuss. 27. What is a rapid sand filter? Explain its operation. List a few special precautions to be taken in filter operation. 28. Explain "ion exchange" as it applies to a zeolite filter unit. 29. What happens on the surface of a metal pipe during the process of corrosion? What natural forces may reduce the rate of corrosion? What can a plant operator do to reduce pipe corrosion? 30. Describe galvanic corrosion. What can be done to reduce this problem? 31. Study the advantages of having fluoride in water supplies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the different fluoride compounds used in water treatment. 32. List common water borne diseases. What are the causative agents of each, and how can each agent be most effectively destroyed? 33. Discuss the forms of chlorine that may be used to disinfect water supplies. Give advantages and disadvantages of each. 34. Explain briefly what happens chemically when chlorine gas or hypochlorite is added to water. 35. What is chlorine demand and how is it determined? 36. Describe in detail a chloramine. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of chloramines. 37. Discuss the differences between "free chlorine residual" and "combined available chlorine residual ". Describe the 0.T.A. test. 38. Be prepared to calculate chemical dosages in ppm and gpg. 39. Describe the proper housing and protection of a chlorinator. 40. What first -aid procedure would you recommend for a person who has been overcome with chlorine? Grade A - Division 3 Page 3 41. Discuss quality requirements of water for industrial use. 42. Describe the minimum desirable laboratory facilities for an iron removal plant. For a softening plant. 43. Discuss the tests for hardness. 44. What is the purpose of a "jar test "? How is the teat conducted? 45. Where should bacteriological samples be collected? What precautionary measures should be taken in the collection of samples? 46. List and discuss several of the common bacteriological tests on water. 47. Why is water tested for conform organisms instead of some other organisms? What does the presence of a conform actually mean? Discuss in detail. 48. Discuss a disaster plan for a water works system. 49. What should be done when chlorination is interrupted for a prolonged period? 50. What emergency sources of water are available to your city? How would you provide your city with this supply? What precautions would you take? 51. What should be done to make certain that no cross- connections exist in the treatment plant? Where are cross - connections likely to occur in any water plant? 52. Study corrosion control by the use of chemicals and be able to discuss specific questions. 53. Study the uses and characteristics of hexametaphosphates. 54. Be able to calculate dosages, cost, and feed rates of the chemicals used in water works practice. 55. Discuss filter media, filter rate, and filter backwashing. 56. What is the Langelier Index? Discuss the use and calculation of this Index. 57. Be prepared to answer questions pertaining to the Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards. 58. Describe a method of determining the effective size and uniformity co- efficient of filter sand. 59. Be able to determine the relationship between pH; total alkalinity; hydroxide, carbonate, and bicarbonate alkalinities in water. SURFACE 60. When and why would presedimentation or desilting basins be used? 61. Discuss the mixing and flocculation processes. Grade A - Division 3 Page 4 62. If a plant does not have mechanical mixing or flocculation equipment, what could be done to improve coagulation and sedimentation, assuming that no plant reconstruction is possible? 63. For efficient coagulation, what are the theoretical relationships between the pH, alkalinity, and the coagulant? 64. Describe four (4) coagulants, giving the ranges of best operation, and their advantages and disadvantages. 65. What is the difference between color and turbidity? How are they removed? 66. Discuss how effective the conventional surface water treatment plant is for removing radioactive materials. 67. Discuss break -point chlorination. 68. What are the serious disadvantages of 'lmarginal" chlorination? 69. In a modern filter plant, where is chlorine usually applied to the water? Why? 70. What are the uses of chlorine dioxide? How is it applied to water? 71. Discuss measures that can be taken to prevent tastes and odors from reaching the water treatment plant. 72. Describe how you should apply copper sulfate to a lake. What dosage should be recommended? 73. Describe the minimum desirable laboratory facilities for a surface water supply plant. WELL 74. Discuss methods of removing hydrogen sulfide from water. 75. Be able to determine values of alkalinity, acidity, and free carbon dioxide. 76. Describe the most common treatment methods of removing iron, manganese, and H2S from a well water. 77. A well supply has the following chemical analysis. What treatment would you recommend, if any? What are your reasons? Hardness 100 ppm Copper 0.1 ppm Iron 0.2 ppm Alkalinity 200 ppm Fluoride 1.5 ppm pH 6.5 1 DISTRIBUTION & METERING GRADE A - DIVISION 4 1. Be prepared to answer questions concerning the theory and operation of Venturi, propeller -type and orifice meters. 2. Be able to discuss the theory and application of a picot tube. 3. Be prepared to work problems involving V -notch and rectangular weirs. 4. Understand and be able to work problems involving the use of a Parshall flume. 5. What is the purpose of finished water storage? How much does your city need? Justify your answer. 6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ground storage reservoirs and elevated storage reservoirs. 7. Discuss necessary construction and maintenance features needed to protect the safety of stored treated water. 8, Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standpipes and elevated storage tanks. 9. Discuss in detail how to size and locate an elevated storage tank. 10. Why and how often should a treated water storage tank be cleaned on the inside? What method would you suggest for cleaning a tank? 11. Explain the principle of cathodic protection. How is this utilized in steel water tanks? 12. What factors must be considered in order to decide what type of large diameter water pipe you will buy? 13. What should be the capacity of a distribution system? Discuss in detail. 14. How much has the population of your city increased in the last 10 years? How has the water consumption been affected? How much has the demand increased due to industry? 15. Be prepared to explain and use the Hazen - Williams formula for water flow in pipes. Use of tables will be allowed on examinations. 16. Explain the "two main system" of water distribution. When is it desirable to use this system? 17. Describe in detail how you would test a new line for water tightness. How would you sterilize a new line? What are the minimum specifications for these procedures? Grade A - Division 4 • Page 2 18. What maps and records should be kept for the distribution system? Why? 19. What is your policy toward cross - connections? How can they be controlled? List several common cross- connections often found in the distribution system. 20. What can be done to reduce the unaccounted for water in a distribution system? What factors are involved? 21. Most water utilities sell water by use of meters. Discuss the various types of meters used giving the advantages, disadvantages and beat usage of each. 22. Discuss the various conditions that may cause errors in meter registration. How may such conditions be corrected? 23. Given specific water use conditions of a service, be able to select and size the required meter. 24. Discuss the uses of the accuracy and head lose curves for service meters. 25. What steps are necessary in the proper cleaning and repairing of a service meter? 26. What meter accuracy is required by A.W.W.A. specifications? 27. Discuss the need and methods of keeping water meter records. 28. Discuss in detail the advantages, disadvantages, and best usage of the most common methods of transmission as used in telemetering. 29. Do you feel that equipping your company vehicles with 2 -way radios can be justified economically or not? Justify your opinion. 30. The land is level, the pipe size and condition is uniform; however, the pressure is different at various locations along the line. Explain this in detail. 31. Discuss pipe linings in detail. 32. What is an "equivalent pipe "? How is it determined? Se able to work such a problem. 33. Describe in detail how you would install a six (6) inch water main. Assume soil and rock conditions and pipe material. 34. Describe in detail how to find the "0" value of an existing pipe in place. 35. Assume it is necessary to install a booster pump in a distribution system. How should it be installed into the system, and how should its operation be controlled? 36. Are your fire hydrants classified as to flow? How can the firemen tell how much water may be delivered from a particular hydrant? Grade A - Division 4 Page 3 37. Describe in detail a procedure for determining fire hydrant flows. 38. Why is it important for the city to have a well qualified plumbing inspector who will cooperate with the water department? 39. Describe the advantages of'looping all distribution water lines. 40. A new ten (10) inch water line carried 900,000 GPD with a "C" value of 120. Due to incrustation, the pipe now has been reduced to about eight (8) inches in diameter and the "C" value is now about 60. Under the acme con- ditions of head loss, what flow can now be expected? 41. How do the Rules and Regulations of the State Health Department apply to additions to the distribution system? What is required and why? 42. Why should water lines and sewer lines always be laid in separate trenches? 43. What procedure would you use to locate leaks in a water distribution system? 44. What is meant by "secondary pollution "? How can it be discovered? What action should be taken to eliminate it? 45. Why should frequent water samples for bacteriological examination be col- lected from the distribution system as well as from the water purification plant? 46. Discuss several ways in which contaminated water could be drawn into a city water main from a private premise? How can this be prevented? 47. Be able to work problems involving the calculation of the amount of disin- fectant needed to sterilize new water lines and storage reservoirs. 48. Name and describe different types of joints and jointing materials used in water works distribution practice. 49. Explain in detail how trenches should be back - filled following the laying of water lines. 50. Discuss "water hammer" as related to a distribution system. List causes, effects, and remedies. 51. Explain in detail proper methods of preparing the trench bottom prior to laying a water line. -s WATER SOURCE AND PUMPING GRADE A - DIVISION 2 GENERAL 1. Define in detail the following terms and give examples of beck: safe water potable water polluted water contaminated water 2. A water contains impurities. Define the term impurity for this case. What types of impurities are found in water? Are impurities in water good or bad? Give examples. 3. Some substances in water cause disease, others may damage the human body chemically. Explain the differences, and give five examples of each. 4. If a water is found to contain coliform organisms, what does this indicate about the water? Why is the coliform test used to determine the safety of a water? What non - intentional bacteria give a positive coliform test? Now are they different? 5. In what ways could your raw water source become contaminated? What can you do to prevent this from occuring? 6. Where would you expect to find algae? Fungi? Protozoa? What are the characteristics of each? Give several examples of each. 7. What substances and environment do algae require for a vigorous life cycle? What food do they require, and what waste products are formed? What are the benefits to aquatic life as a result of algae activity? 8. What is the annual evaporation rate in your area? Now does this affect surface water supplies? What can be done toward reducing evaporation rates? 9. Assuming a public water supply is now adequate, what can happen in the next 20 years that could make it inadequate? If the supply is now inadequate, or can become inadequate in the near future; what steps should be taken to increase the supply? Discuss. 10. Discuss several ways that industry and agriculture use water. Limit your discussion to large volume users. 11. Describe in detail the cycle of water, and include how it occurs. Include as many variations as you know. 12. After a rain the water will run -off, R , and . Describe in detail the factors influencing the amount of rain that will run -off. 13. A new water plant is being conaideredt Now should the pumping capacity be determined,.ond how many pumps should be installed? . • Grade A - Division 2 Page 2 14. What is meant by a pump prime - mover? List five (5) types of prime - movers, discussing under what conditions you would choose each type. , i. ' 15. Define total dynamic head, with reference to a pump. Be prepared to deter- mine this value, given the necessary information. Know what data you will need. 16. Define power, with reference to pumps. What is needed to determine the pump capacity and motor size? Explain the difference between brake horse- power and water horsepower. 17. Describe the operating principlee.of centrifugal and positive placement pumps. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type? What happens to the flow from each pump if the head is increased; if the motor speed is increased? 18. What is the difference between a single stage and multiple stage centrifugal pump? How can they be constructed? What is the effect of adding stages to a pump? 19. Draw a complete characteristic curve. Indicate points of special interest to the pump buyer. Why is a characteristic curve needed before a pump is purchased? Why do you need to keep the curves in your files? 20. How much suction lift can a centrifugal pump handle? List the factors to consider and precautions that must be taken. 21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of operating a positive dis- placement pump in series? In Parallel? Discuss the use of centrifugal pumps in series? In parallel? 22. There are three (3) popular alternating current motors. Name and describe each; and discuss the operating conditions of each. 23. Be prepared to request the information needed and to solve problems con- cerning the amount of required power input to an electrical motor. Know what is meant by "demand" charge for electricity. 24. Assume you want to determine the efficiencies of pumps and motors. What equipment is necessary, and how should the test be conducted? What infor- mation is needed, and how are efficiencies calculated? Be prepared to work problems using both time and instantaneous methods. 25. Be prepared to request necessary information, in order to calculate the cost of pumping. Be able to figure total annual pump cost. How would you obtain the figures necessary to compute these costs. 26. According to regulations, all plane for the development of new water works systems, or additions to or changes in existing systems, must be submitted to the State Health Department for approval prior to construction. Discuss in detail why this is necessary. 27. What materials can be used for large (more than 30 ") pressure raw water lines? Give four (4) and explain advantages and "4isadvantages of each material. • Grade A - Division 2 Page 3 28. By use of hydraulic tables, be able to determine the size of pipe line necessary for various flow and pressure conditions. 29. Bow would you correct a misaligned centrifugal pump? If you did not, what problems would you expect? 30. What is pump cavitation? What is the result? What can be done to correct the problem? 31. Define A.C. and D.C. current. What are the uses of each? Why are some electrical relays placed in oil? 32. Be able to show how commonly used water works conversion factors are derived. 33. Assume that you have one existing 18 inch transmission line from your source to your treatment plant, and this line is 10,000 feet in length, and the "C" value has been found to be 80. The flow is 5.0 MGD. Assume that you wish to take this line out of service and replace it with dual lines of equal sizes. Assmue further that the "C" value of each of the dual lines will be 100 and that you do not wish to reduce the pressure in the trans- mission lines at the plant. What is the smallest pipe size which you can use for the dual lines? 34. Discuss in detail the importance of maintaining proper pumping station records. What pump station records should be kept daily, monthly, and yearly? SURFACE 35. Which types of surface waters may contain iron and manganese? Row do these elements get into the water? In what quantities? What can you do to keep some of the iron in a lake water from reaching the treatment plant? 36. What is meant by true color, as related to water? What causes color? Discuss. 37. There are several gases found in surface waters. List as many as possible; explain how they get into the water, and their effect upon the water. 38. List at least five of the common wastes that may be discharged into a stream by industries. Discuss which type of industry is related to each waste. What effect do each of the wastes have on a water supply down stream? 39. Explain the term "self - purification" as applied to streams. Explain what actually happens in the stream during the course of self- purification. Why is this important to a water works operator? 40. Describe the visible symptom of a polluted body of water. What laboratory tests are necessary to show that a stream is polluted? What is meant by saying a stream is polluted? 41. Does the annual rainfall in your area always meet the water demands. What is the average annual rainfall? Geographically;lwhere must rain fall to best benefit your water supply? Grade A - Division 2 Page 4 42. Sketch a map of Arkansas. Show the areas of the state where large amounts of surface water are available. Also show where good well supplies are available; where large ground water sources are not available generally. 43. A spillway for a water impoundage is to be constructed. What is its pur- pose, how must it be constructed, and how is the size determined? Discuss in general, not design details. 44. List and describe two types of water intakes from a lake and two types from a river. List the advantages and disadvantages for each intake. Which in- take would be best for your source, and why? 45. Would you clear trees and brush from a new water supply lake area? Why? Discuss some of the problems that can be caused if the lake area is im- properly cleared. 46. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a surface water supply? A ground water supply? Which type of supply would you prefer, and why? 47. Before constructing a water supply, a watershed sanitary survey should be made. What would you look for? State Health Department Regulations re- quire the city to own a certain minimum area around the lake. How much is required, and why? 48. if you found pollution sources on your watershed, what measures should be taken? Discuss; then list examples. 49. What are actinomycetes? What is their part in taste and odor problems? 50. Discuss the methods you would use to prevent the occurance of taste and odors in a water supply impoundage. 51. When does a lake usually "turn- over "? How can you tell when it is about to occur? What problems are associated with "turn- over " ? What can best be done to protect your plant from "turn- over "? 52. What is a reservoir mass diagram? Sketch and explain a typical diagram. Of what use could this be to a water works operator? 53. What measures can be taken to prevent excessive silting of reservoirs? Where will silting first be observed in a lake? Why is silting undesirable? WELL 54. Explain why iron and manganese are often present in well waters. Discuss the forme of these minerals in the aquifer and after they are exposed to air. What changes take place and why? Discuss the disadvantages of having these minerals in the water supply. 55. What gases are commonly found in ground water? How do they get there, and what is their effect on the water? Are they beneficial or detrimental as far as you are concerned? Why? Grade A - Division 2 Page 5 56. What is the average annual rainfall in your areal In what geographical location must the rain fall to benefit your water source? How does nature maintain the water source? 57. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a well supply instead of a surface water supply. Which do you prefer and why? 58. Which would you prefer; artesian wells or water table wells? Discuss why in detail. 59. Under what conditions should a well be sterilized? Describe how to steri- lize a well. Be specific, giving the complete details as you would actual- ly do the job. 60. One well has a 15 foot drawdown at 200 GPM, another has a 50 foot drawdown at 400 GPM. Which well is beat? Tell why in detail. 61. Many cities use a well field consisting of several wells, instead of a single well. Why is this done? Give several reasons, and discuss pre- cautions that must be taken when a well field is developed. 62. Draw in detail the cross- section of a gravel pack, straight wall well. Describe the method of construction in detail, giving the materials of construction to be used for each item of the well. 63. Describe five methods of constructing wells. Discuss in detail how you would provide for the protection of any well. List factors you must con- sider in locating the well site. 64. The capacity of a new well pump was 500 GPM; after five (5) years of use, the flow decreased to 300 GPM. Discuss as many conditions that could cause this decrease as you know. Recommend corrective actions for each condition. Sometimes the quality of the water from the well also changes. List the possible causes and what you would do in each case. 65. Sketch and show the principle of operation of an air lift well pump. Describe its advantages, disadvantages, and best use. 66. Discuss, do not copy, our State Health Department Regulations concerning the location of public water supply wells. Why are these regulations necessary? 67. What problems are brought about by open abandoned wells and test holes? What should be done to prevent these problems? Explain in detail. Are there laws or regulations an this matter? 68. Describe in detail three (3) ways to determine the yield of a well. Which do you prefer and why? 69. Discuss three (3) general conditions that would justify continuous chlorin- ation of a well water supply. Describe the equipment needed and estimate the cost. How would you describe whether to use a gas chlorinator or a solution feed hypochlorinator? • Grade A - Division 2 Page 6 70. Explain how pervious and impervious strata , and porous and non - porous materials affect the yield of wells. Give some examples. 71. Describe in detail two (2) methods of placing a cement seal the entire length of the well casing. Why is this seal necessary? 72. Assume wells as the source of supply, with ground and elevated storage, and chlorination. Lay out a sketch of the system, show piping and equip- ment. Show how the plant can be operated automatically. 73. Discuss methods of lubricating deep well pumps. Give advantages and dis- advantages of each. Which do you prefer and why? 74. Discuss several causes of a decrease in well yield. Give your corrective recommendations for each condition causing a decrease. 75. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following well pumps: turbine; submersible, positive placement, and air lift. 76. In planning the development of a ground water source, why is it desirable to have a clear understanding of the geology of the area? 77. Give two (2) methods for determining the water level in a well and describe each method. Make a sketch of a typical turbine pump equipped deep well with an air line and pressure gauge for determining the water level and explain how to calculate the depth of water with this equipment. y