0108 AN ORDDnueni A of u„ ;; qUENTIM rsa A Sin FOR 4 }oYS4ni:f' 4tt`:T' ',.h s w ".. A /�� � M T ions, c Wit OP JA� . in A Ammo guterom mum= IMMENTOJ ANN AR SURMOM =RUM the City Commit bas detertined, s l mi study and 3nv estia n tjo , that the health and safety of the CO' � q � � . t� o Jacksonville s would be furthered by the estehliM • t of a mmnielpal Vital which would be anilable tor use by the ottimeete at aaeenvi les and GURUS it will be necessary for the City to issue beads under the previsions of Amendment As. 13 to the Constitution of the State 01 Arkansas, eabjeet to the awl et' the electors of the Qits and obtaining a grunt of federal tends, ist order to obtain the necessary tends for the impose of ming the east or acquiring a site for, eenetrestAsS she selltPteR nth t 4 and WORMS as a omits to the Obi et federal rands the Oitl of Jacksonvillemast present evidence that it will have available sufficient additional tunas to flat the WOW'S. which additional funds ere to be obtained by the tees of bonds binder Asumdment 13 to the Constitution of the atate or now, Tffigurroxst BE 1 . t ! Y; : - - ; by Wm as Cobtitil of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas; mOnheale. That a special deflion. be and the same le WS, Gaited to be bald la the City et Jackeenwille Arts on the . klth da of May 1960 at which election there will be submitted to the elm the question of freeing g150,000 la General obligation tie for the purpose of acquiring a sits faro onustrecting and oqraDDIna a mntialpal hestatals 1 4 1 8 0 2 e bonds Mall be negotiable semen bends, shall be dated M8 1, 1960, with interest thereon payable sami- assnnally on January 1 and Jay 1 of each year summonsing Januar, 1, 1961, mai the bonds :tall mature on July 1 of leash year as follows, bet shall be callable for paw prior to maturity an nth terms es may be specified by the City in the notice of the public sale of the dss 1 AMOUNT Lai $ 2,000 19 2,000 197 raj 1 , 1970 4, 1971 4,000 1 4 1; 4 4,000 9.0011 1 1 S , Y .. 1982 6,000 1 7,000 1 u 1 , 000 ° LOCO 9,000 9,000 1989 1990 10,000 e bonds shall be seld at public scale and shall bear interest at Ws sate as is fixed is the bid acsspte by the Mr at sa,i's1 ssic, +bs shall be ` with the privilege of Y `o am Lela beari it lower rate as rates of intenst, the convent= is be lac ospliauce with the Thammial Hesse Values Tablets a upon such teas that the Pity receive D less aim ' no see than it v id tae and pay it the bends were not converted. HIV 3 $sests.$• Stitt said question eon be pied en the ballot le the eleetien In substantially the relleming terms Vas 031 measure by pleMeg an .!X to the "o above to stesaire either tt.�. as' t4 Fes the f�;121 in the amount Of 90,000 e • a • • . � • `h • i • C7 a • aMsst t ,� • et in e amount or ••th • • � •. • • ∎ • }�( it is a 9 W;;.r' 'r o issue 15G,000 in ss ij is x � � tt• shin * Sns t to t&# it s " ';•nix 1r s } alts tar, — I t . ., r �t,e r. fl a fl 4' basyStal is the era" at the �, er thus bonds is approved t. by Sup sl , t City aotassil will levy aa evetiletthlt annual tan for the or and interest eu Q a • The City s briar at a rat. at bls to W.y the � sow be geld with the prif+ lea l s et leas to t rata or sates at tit lower than the rate satepted by the '" `-'` Cembelle provided naive me 4 by each salon more then the 1rj- (;, would we nu no it receive and pay the b��wee net , sued - to The .r t e be o L� It tor the s qt istaltS That the election and Yhaii be held comixteted and the vote canvassed and tte resulte destspred ender the leaf and in the mane um provided tar municipal election, se tsr as the same le ale, and the Noyes at the fluky at Jacksonville is hereby authorised and direefied to a7tra v t*ss Of as eleatien by an lisp weekity once a week tsr tour tastes in $ nenipeptso published in the City et deck nvt1le, AS rs and laving * bona tide eiseniatien theme, the last publication to be net less then ten days pier to the date of ,the elestion and only q ist ed voters at the 0117 et Jaoteefv e, MOMS ebax,i have the right to vote at said elleatien en said gotatien. ,,,4• That the Alts; at said eleet,ten shall be preelaimed by the Kayos and bin polattan shall be published tee time in a neweesper published in the City or Seeksenville Aslant= and henna a tzi* flds eireulatlea • which oration all advise tat the results as proclaimed 0*21 Da Than 4 eanclusive unless attacked is the marts within thirty days atter the cite or such protimattoo, • mp=t the Baal is veanorisee to advertise, aeeordine to the tsno Of Amendment Bo. 13 to the coetitam 3ca of the 8tat. at Arkansas, the public male et the onoremed hoed lam*. . That a of this s erlittease shall be elven to the Pulaski County Beard et s►setiaa Cagnissionere to that the useessacy an officials and estriles M 4e Idea. distten that all ordinesoes and is ovn lxvt herewitheve hereby Mined to the extent et such oonssiet, fsaleal, That it is hereby escemeataed and declared that the Oit at tee, &vignette bee tree % heepstel service resulting see danger to the health and safety of the las tta$s or the diq, aM that this inadatuta9 s be rimed only by the issuance at et beside, It is, therefore, declewcd that an emergesor exists end this oratUeSte being noessmarr for the its preservation at the ;Wile health and Wet, shall t et*teet and be is tan. fromn /J ) r a / etter its Vie, l e,__,_,7h � { /. ! / , 2960. 1 ATTha re J 4 dit - f ) cgaeIPZCAO The undersigned, City nocerier Ott ietheonftfla, Arkansas, herahr cortilie* that the terageing pages numbered 1 to 4, inslualve, are a true and eorrent sear at Ordinance 10, /49t used at a /) aspics et the City cool et Jacksonville Antennae, heid at the Saar rteetlhg Plods or tie X11 at 7," S. O p' nook . ra., An nut .J der at Yf t t.�J 0 2.00, wad that said an is et roma is its Reend Heck Xs. . «.� new in / ? pe . Qatar UtbiOr NY fund and seat thin /7 Oil itt , `hi (1.-4 * 1960, M) ESQ FROM PUTWEE8 0? A 4- ` DM OP TIM MT COUNCIL E7F AO GPVYLLE MAN- SAS ,r. ,e 1111 1 7 , 1960. The City Connell of the City of daolsville, Arkansas met In , 4.40.J session et its regular meeting picas to Jaaaaaaane at 7; 3p o'clock j p .s., an the 17 : day of "211‘m.44/ , 1960. The following were presents mayor dedan:at i Ca? Recorder 9 and Aldnmen Cluo r , 4 A l a s , 1 4 - ns 4-4 ‘re 4.4 // Absents .,f ei The Mayor stated that eonaida atloit should be given to an ordinance directing that the question of issuing bonds for is purpose of acquiring a site, constructing and equipping a city hospital be auimtittted to the voters. Thin was a matter with whin the Council was familiar and attar a discussion Alderman 4c - J introduced an ordinanne entitled: " as ; a IMO DIHNCTINO TEAT TOE MUTTON OF A . kSFt FC COMMUTING AND StUTFP NG A cm assrilaz B . lap TTM OF TflEE�C�U�pT IL OF w+4A19C�+E e x 1g OW A 18 Ir1 a OTHER MATT= MAIM ._,., i�+; + 5 F . »EZA M - ) AND P . VI4 AN gaggeNcim and the City Retarder rend the ordinance An run. Alderman -" (@AY! e a seconded by aidefaaa ‘A then moved that the rate molting the Mang of an eadinanse in full on three different days be steed and that the ordinance be placed on its second Mang. The Mayor put the question on the adoption of the motion and the roll being *ailed, the following voted ayes 0 � 4'i9 - -4'W > . 2+`.` e zizak 2 1 7 °2:1 4 4 - . -r y �k'i ftXMaki -', 1.°t/IH r ;)144 and the follexdng voted tray: A< p P J rage 2 Thereupon the Mayor declared that at least tpol.thirde of all members elected to the Council having voted in.. tgvov of the motion to suspend the rule, the motion Woe carried and the. rule ceded. The ordinance was tai read a enema time by the City Recorder. Aldermen . -. _ - • melee dad lay &Hera 4 /'� / 0?'a y 1 :. .,. , then moved that the rule requiring the reading or an is in toll an three; dirrerent dare be suspended and that the orditnnaee be plead an its third reading. The Mayer put the question an the edeption .ot the motion and the roll being called, the toll Voted age: G_ p d -x '4.41 bet • 9 hPb+Civtisry / hr/eu rJt and the tollofng votecy nay, ,/y) Thereupon the Mayor deo3.a ed that at least twos -tom or all members elected to the Cowell having voted In favor of the motion to suspend the rule, the motion was Carried and the rule suspended. The ordinance wee then read a third time by the City Recorder. . L � U cr T 1 , eeeon2ded by A ileerma * - l_ai� _n_4_ - r moved that the ordinance be adopted. The question was put by the Mayo' on the adoption of the motion and the roil being octll.:.:, the roll:ming voted aye: r L , ,/ >% Cr and the following voted nays. ,, l Aldaen ` 1 _, emended by Alderman �>'/..C- 6- F�4O t `, moved that Zeotien 8, he be adopted, and on rill call the renewing voted aye: and the relieving eeving voted nag: o�c _/ rage The Mayor t herstspau : dsetlhred tshs wee and the emergency °laces adopted and eisssd the ordinance, rhi' a!► uea attested by the City Rsto ler and Impressed with the seal of the 0 end the ordinance was given No. PP • (Netters net area at$ng Vie+ the above are omitted.) Then being no torthor boldness, the Council adj©zmsd. off 24A-lvile kTT!Sx: Cif .'' Cr4 cs . - (gam) C E R T I F I C A T E The underalgted, Q*ty 3tnordsr of Jaehmonvllle, s, hereby aefllttea that the tingot papa reetteeee 1 to 3, Inelessive, ere a true and carnets espy at the minutes at a meeting at the City Omen of 3aolxboavI,110, ArkeZMUS. at a 4,74a041 saaaton held ate the re le meeting pine of the ) 11. la and Ciity at V 30 0 .at., on the /7 day of y 4(1= J 1 . tt elven air ow handl and nal this .f7 ` ' mar at /12 7s4.-4/ & 1960. t City (SEAL)